She’s All Legs

Nice title, don’t you think? Unfortunately this isn’t anything horribly important but just an outfit post. Through my day of taking pictures I was attempting a full length portrait of myself and while failing miserably I took a photograph that I quite enjoy. Of course I accidentally chopped my head off and there is a blur at the bottom but a nice photo, none the less.

Oh yes, I forgot to add, this was taken in my bathroom (Well, it has the best lighting!). So just try and ignore the surrounding items, yes?

Top: “Borrowed” from my mother three years ago
Skirt: Dead threads.
Blue and black stocking: Kmart (It was originally a pair of stockings that I cut up)
Steer stocking: Kmart(?)
Scarf (Though you probably can’t see it): A piece of rose lace fabric from spotlight.

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