This is just a post to reassure my followers that I am still alive. I have posted for a long while because, as it’s the last term of year eleven, I’m swamped with work and assessments to prepare me for my last year of high school. I honestly stress too much about these sort of things.

My mind has turned into a sort of blizzard of questions. I’ve gotten to a point in my education (Yes, already. I think ahead in everything) where I’m questioning if what I’m working towards, programming, is the right thing for me. I love it too death but I’m just not sure. I’m also seriously considering what I will be doing after year twelve. Which, at this point, I’m seriously considering deterring university and taking a year off to live with my boy friend in ‘the outback’. Well, we’ll see how things turn out. I also really want to do a few more ‘preparatory’ courses before uni. When I find the thing that I’m meant to do I want to KNOW EVERYTHING.

Tell me your thoughts.

5 thoughts on “I’M ALIVE.

  1. In this modern world programing is a widely needed skill as we are becomming more relient on technology. It's a good thing.

    If it helps I know that the game and film industry are lacking in programmers, and game programers are essential to the industry (also get above award wages)

    A great place to start if you're into the game programing is the AIE short courses. I did one in graphics and it was the most fun I had at an after school activity.


  2. May: Thank you for much for information. I'd thought I'd heard of AIE before and I had. I've actually been considering it for a while.

    Kitty: Visit me, in South Australia?

  3. “When I find the thing that I'm meant to do I want to KNOW EVERYTHING.” I know this feeling…=/

    And I'm in Year 12 and in the same boat almost so D: D: D:

    I hope something pieces together for you!

  4. I've missed your outfits posts! If you're unsure about where you're going in life then simply take time off and relax.

    Without sounding cheesy sometimes it's worth taking a risk in something you love, just have a back up plan. And a box of chocolates. Mmm chocolate.

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