Poll of the Week: Do you Thrift?

Yes! Poll of the Week is finally back. It was a rather popular segment of my blog that I had to stop while doing my exams. Hopefully it’ll help me get back into the swing of blogging. I haven’t posted in a week and I feel rather bad. School starts tomorrow so I need some serious re-scheduling. Anyway.

The Poll of the Week is about thrifting; A simple question.

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I don’t know what it is.

I hope you enjoy and I will continue to post a relating article on Sundays Australian EST and a poll on Mondays. As usual if you have any requests just send me a comment or even better an email. If you check the tabs above you’ll find it eventually.

Wish me luck in my last few months of school. Eeep!
-Sary Walrus

7 thoughts on “Poll of the Week: Do you Thrift?

  1. It's not just yes, but YES for me. If you took everything thrifted out of my wardrobe, I would seriously own like 1/10th of the clothes I do now. I love it-it lets me find gorgeous, unique pieces that no one else has AND it means I can afford a lot more clothes! I mean, 1 $40 skirt or 10 $4 skirts… no brainer to me! And anyone can walk into a mall and come out with a decent outfit, but it takes skill to go into a thrift store and come out with a FABULOUS outfit. Thrifting is the best!

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