An Oppinion Poll

Hey guys, I’m going to put a poll up in the usual place but this wont be a Poll of the Week poll just something I want your opinions on. Basically I would just like to know what your feelings about ads are on blogs? Just one medium sized ad. I’ve usually been someone to say, “I’ll never have ads on my blog!” but I’m a huge hypocrite. :3

I just don’t want it to annoy you guys, and it isn’t too important. So, vote, comment, etc.
I hope you all have a lovely day!

4 thoughts on “An Oppinion Poll

  1. If it´s a medium sized ad, I wouldn´t mind 🙂 And even more, it´s not hard to ignore ads, since I´m doing it everyday, not to mention that it´s YOUR blog, so you can do whatever you want. 🙂

  2. Ads are easy to skip past, so as a reader I don't mind them so long as they're a small percentage of the content.

  3. I'm usually ignoring ads, so I don't mind. Also, it's a great way to make a little pocketmoney isn't it? I like your blog, I apprecieat the time you take for us, so I don't mind if you make a little benefit from it

  4. Theres people that put ads on their blogs and I honestly don't notice them unless the person points it out. 😛 And even them its pretty easy to ignore.

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