Rocky Horror Picture Show: Outfit

My friends and I recently went to a special screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in my town with champagne, live music and costume contests. Unfortunately I didn’t dress up and it was definitely an experience feeling dressed down for once! I had to run some errands in town beforehand and couldn’t exactly walk around in not much more than an under-bust corset, bra and thigh high fishnets, could I? Well, I could but I don’t really want to be assaulted.

Anyway! Enough with seriousness and on with the outfit!

I wore the lovely earings that I won, among other things, in an outfit contest of the Goth and More Blogging community hosted by Sara (her blog is here). I never ended up blogging about it, though. I fell in love with these earrings – they are so adorable! And they fit perfectly with the adorable bracelet my mum bought me second-hand.

I’ve been experimenting with blush.
The mentioned earrings! ❤
I feel like I haven’t worn stripped stockings in so long.
Adorable bracelet.

I think the bracelet was once a very young girls – because my wrists are tiny. They’re only five and a half inches. I’m not sure whether that’s considered small, but I do. :3

Derpy photo.


Blouse: Thrifted. I love it because it’s actually sheer stripes! I really don’t feel comfortable in that kind of neckline though, v-necks are not my thing.
Singlet: Supre.
Skirt: Thrifted, originally ankle length and currently horribly hemmed.
Stockings: Second-hand.
Fishnets: K-mart.
Shoes: Doc Martens.
Bracelet: Second-hand.

Well, that’s about it. It was a great night and my friends looked great! There were some wellllll dressed people!

Best wishes,

7 thoughts on “Rocky Horror Picture Show: Outfit

  1. Super-cute! I love it-it's so much more modest than what I wore the one and only time I went to Rocky Horror. (In February. Probably not the best idea…) The blouse is adorable, especially-I like the V-neck on you even if you don't. 🙂

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