My Favourite Vampires To Delve Their Fangs Into Fashion

    While I must say that throughout this blog when I talking about fashion I’m usually using feminine  examples. I’m an advocate for freedom of expression – particularly androgynous looks, so try not to get stuck on the perceived gender. The characters below may not be human, but I think there are some tips for those into the masculine side of things.


    Angel and Spike (from Buffy & Angel)

    Of all of the leading vampires in Buffy, Angel will always have a place in my heart. He may basically wear the same thing every episode but he does do it well! You’ll never find him in anything but jewel tone, black and white. He wears lots of coats with defined shoulders combined with button-downs of luxurious textures like silk and velvet.

    Okay, you may be wondering why I didn’t choose Drusilla, she’s enchantingly insane and wear such gorgeously ethereal dresses. And you’re right to do so, I have no idea why I didn’t!

    And can we just have a moment to appreciate Spike’s Punk days.

    Do I even have to explain why Lestat is a vampire fashion god? – Link.

    Lestat (from the Interview With a Vampire series)

    Lestat has been my favourite vampire since the days I would sit in my room, writing fan-fiction all day. I would suggest watching The Queen of the Damned (a renouned screw-up in terms of films in the series) instead delve either in Interview with a Vampire the film, or The Vampire Lestat (my favourite of the series).


    Goody and Stacey (from VAMPS)

    Commonly found in Goth clubs are the main characters from VAMPS. This film is basically a comedic mix-up of Sex and the City with fangs. The characters are fashion obsessed vampires that hang out in Goth clubs to look for another morsel to.. uh, date?

    Okay, so the film is terrible if you’re looking for the next Alfred Hitchcock, but if you put away your ‘reviewers’ mind and revel in the silliness of this film it’s not too bad. Either way, I just spent most of the film staring at Alicia Silverstone’s perfect hair.

    What can we take form this film fashion wise? Firstly their darker Goth outfits with collars, metal detailing, lace, dark-makeup. Outside of that are the combination of white and black, high necked collars, blazers and chiffon.

    You may think I have a problem with androgynous male vampires (aren’t all vampires) but I’d have to say, I’m perfectly okay with that.

    What vampires do you take inspiration from? Anything I should watch?

      5 thoughts on “My Favourite Vampires To Delve Their Fangs Into Fashion

      1. Aww, I love Angel too <3 both Angel and Spike, aside from being amazing, unforgettable character, have a very unique style <3 Spike's more punkish and Angel's more elegant, but they're both classy as hell :D (I would have mentioned Drusilla's style though, she came up with pretty awesome outfits!)
        All the clothes in Interview with a Vampire are to die for :Q_
        And finally omg, that girl on the left is Krysten Ritter! I've seen her in two productions and she was the token alternative/gothish character, and now in this movie, too XD she really must love that kind of roles XD!

        Sadly I'm not a fan of vampires, the only ones I love are the ones in True Blood but non of them have an especially remarkable style; well, except for Eric and Pam at the beginning when they were running Fangtasia together. Actually Pam keeps on wearing amazing goth/fetish stuff 😀

      2. However terrible a film it is, the vampires (or at least the local punks) in The Lost Boys were well dressed. Catherine Deneuvre in The Hunger (another not so good film) was even better, and absolutely stunning.

        I overdosed on vampires during term time, but I'm definitely keen on watching Buffy (though I'm not sure if I could handle Wheaton's love of killing my favourite characters another time).

      3. Oh Lestat… *swoons* Sometimes I reread the books just for the fashion inspiration XD And of course, for that devilish charm 😉
        As far as other vampires go, the only thing coming to my head right this moment is Ingrid from Young Dracula. Some of her outfits are awfully cheesy, but I've found that the ones that aren't are fantastic inspiration ^^

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