Bored of Your Goth Fashion? Three Tips Straight from my Babybat Era

Sometimes we get bored of pulling on the same petticoats and the same ripped stockings day after day. But that doesn’t mean we want to throw away those things forever. Below are three super simple little changes that might just bring your old dusty Docs into the new year. Each one hand-picked from my days of ripped blue and black tights, and bleached blonde hair.

Another thing I want back from my younger days were the kickass fangs I had! – Scream by Martin Soulstealer

Hoard Fabrics

When I was younger I would make more clothes than I would buy, and so, I would have tonnes of scrap fabric around to tie around random places on my body. You have some spare netting from a veil, wear it as a summer scarf? Your denim shorts looking a bit dull, tie a patten you love around a belt loop for some colour (or not!).

Consume More Music than you Do Consumer Goods

Back in the day I would search for bands constantly; I would find more new bands I loved in a month than I bought clothes in a year. Enjoying music is free (and even if it isn’t free, it’s cheaper and lasts forever). Just one little change in atmosphere can make any set of clothes feel instantly new again.

Inspiration Is Important

It’s so much easier to stick with the same inspiration you’ve had for years (and that may work for any number of you) but for me the easy choice isn’t the happiest. I revel in new ideas, learning about lots of random things (‘I once spent a day learning the science behind toilets’ random). This year I hope to search out inspiration at least once a week, to avoid annoying fashion ruts like the one I’m almost out of! Human beings were born to grow and evolve!

Our young days of dressing alternatively were all about learning the basics of what we like to wear and how creatively we can wear it. If you were to look back to your younger years – I know not everyone was a ‘baby bat’ – what would your tips be?

4 thoughts on “Bored of Your Goth Fashion? Three Tips Straight from my Babybat Era

  1. My three tips would be:
    1) Don't be afraid to experiment – a lot of the things that have made my Goth-ness my “own” is that I experiment with my fashion, usually involving trying to fit my latest charity shop find into an outfit. Sometimes garments just work better taken out of the context of their intended use, sometimes you just don't know short blurple hair suits you until you cut it short and the purple dye goes wrong.

    2) Shop second-hand. Often, the best new additions to my wardrobes have not been things I was outright seeking, they have been things I stumbled across in charity shops and thought “oooo, this is pretty!”. Secondhand shopping in these environments means you're exposed to things outside the preconceptions of what you want and find things you might not know you ever wanted.

    3) Accessorise everything. It's amazing how much a few accessories can change the feel of an outfit, make it look more complete and polished and more personal.

  2. Oh yes shop second-hand like it is going out of style. It also helps you have the initiative to DIY and experiment. If you mess up something it cost very little so no worries.
    1. Explore Different Fashion Subcultures: You can take bits and pieces of different looks and combine it with your own. I recently had an idea of Steampunk mixed with Industrial Goth. (Think silver gears instead of bronze, and something Victorian Post Apocalyptic.
    2. Invest in statement pieces: A plain old black dress can be transformed with giant boots and big jewelry pieces.

  3. Sounds a lot like my babybat years. I still have a pile of scrap fabrics that go up to my thigh in my closet, waiting to be used. Since a lot of the fabric isn't “pretty” or fancy, I might as well make a lot of mock representations of clothing. I will conquer sleeves, someday …

  4. I really liked your point regarding new music. It's surprising how much a new band/music genre can actually influence you, and how much it can give you. You can never go wrong with music, and you can never listen to too much of it šŸ˜€

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