OotD: Baring my Legs for the First Time in Seven Years

Fun fact: I haven’t wandered out into public and/or the presence of others without something covering my legs since my baby-bat years about seven years ago. That is not an exaggeration. Up until I realised the comfort of thigh-highs in summer, I would wear stockings from my toes all the way up to my waist every day of the year. My peers were dumbfounded and couldn’t understand how I managed it in fifty degree’s Celsius weather.

The only secret is that you get used to it.

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Jumper: EBay (similar) | Skirt: Thrifted | Socks: Boohoo.com (similar) | Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

As a kid I was always bullied about my ridiculously pale legs (but that was the least of my troubles and I don’t think I was too troubled by it). I tried tanning but that was a bust. I don’t tan, I burn. My mum’s family are Scottish/Irish/French-ish Immigrants so I inherited my palour. Fake tanning my legs stopped when I forgot to wash my hands afterwards and had to go to a family reunion with burgundy palms. It was a great conversation starter to say the least.

When I started into my Baby-bat years I realised that socks/stockings were my best accessory – especially since they were allowed in the dress-code. And I became the girl who would wear stockings on school canoe trips and pool days. I hate water anyway so it wasn’t too bothersome.

But the point is that this year I been trying to break-free of some of the appearance rules I’ve set for myself. Rules that I used as a safety net, but were actually pushing me further and further into a little box. I’ve started wearing pants and tights (in high-school my friends were shocked at the idea I’d consider pants – not even shorts), I went a month without make-up (many a fight had been started with Coen when he never gave me enough time to get dressed, let alone put my face on) and finally, I’m baring my legs for the first time in seven years.

Do you have any no-exception rules that you aren’t sure why you started in the first place, but never blink an eye-lid at? How would you break free of your own ‘rules’ if you could?

9 thoughts on “OotD: Baring my Legs for the First Time in Seven Years

  1. Good for you! Its nice to branch outside of your comfort zone sometimes. For years all I would wear was skinny jeans, and then when I gained a little weight about three years ago I suddenly decided that I was too overweight to wear jeans anymore (?!) And was from then on a skirt convict. I haven't worn trousers outside of work since. Although its more a comfort thing these days

  2. Wearing tank tops… I guess thought I hated my arms or they weren't thin enough or were flabby.. but this summer I wore one for the first time in maybe 25 years and I felt strong and tough.

  3. I really hate wearing my hair up because I don't think it suits the shape of my face. If my hair is short enough to have some hair still hanging loose around my face it's ok but not otherwise. This extremely hot summer I've actually gone out with all my hair up though. I still think it doesn't suit me but I've begun to occasionaly value comfort before looking pretty.

    Good for you baring your pale legs! I'm a redhead with extremely pale legs myself but I love it. I want to be white as a sheet pale. Like a 16th century noble lady, vampire or Dita Von Teese.

  4. I used to be the same way, but because I liked wearing stockings and fishnets for style. Then I realized it was much cooler to leave your legs uncovered. duh. Also, I think I mention this everytime you post a picture of those shoes, but they are awesome.

  5. Until previous summer I never wore skirts. Two summers ago I never wore shorts. I only wore skinny jeans with T-shirts, all year round. I thought that my legs were too thick and I hated that my thighs were chafing. Now I like showing them, because they are actually really muscular, not fat! And I found ways to prevent chafing. Also, I thought that my belly was big. Now I realised that I have a slender waist and the extra fat is in the abdomen, so I can wear other types of blouses as well.

  6. It's new and frivolous, but since my mom made me get my fringe cut, I haven't let myself put on a ponytail (I used to everyday) and I don't think I will stop this rule… Also, I haven't allowed myself to wear colour all summer- only blue, black, grey and white. But I have only just begun to subtly turn goth so there haven't been many….

  7. For several years I refused to wear dresses or skirts – my style was pretty adamantly tomboy gothish.

    And now I wear Lolita relatively often and find myself enjoying the comfort and ease of movement a dress can provide.

  8. I used to have many “you shall not do this” type of dress rules.
    At one point I only wore black, but with so many alternative styles nowadays it was dumb not to experiment further. The years have come zooming towards me and I have pretty much tried all of those (like wearing pony tails, wearing shorts, going out with-out makeup, and looking like a careless girl) I once refused. Perhaps weather and lack of time made me do it!

    I'm glad I did because now I know what suited best, and what's practical. It's not caring less, it's knowing (as in knowledge is caring) 😛
    In the end I discovered that I like black the most and that there's something magical in wearing something one truly loves.

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