Assessories That I’m Keeping An Eye On

If you’ve read my New Years Resolutions Post you’ll know that this is actually a follow up on one of my goals. The ‘focus on buying accessories’ goal. I’ve found and read a thousand times that to help yourself shop the things you need rather than what you think you want a list is in order.



You may have noticed I’m not the best with my hair but head-wear tend to help change up looks even when your hair is the same as always. Since it’s currently mid-summer that means I have time to plan and search for head-wear that I really like. Plus I think a beanie and/or beret look adorable with short hair.

  • A beanie for winter.
  • A beret because they’re adorable!
  • Head-bands.


While necklaces are the most complete area in my ‘accessories wardrobe’ I find I do lack a lot of variety. All of my necklaces either have crosses or cameos – not to mention I’m very much completely over cameos. I want to introduce more aspects into my necklaces like spikes, crystals and a lot of bohemian inspiration.

  • Crosses. Yes, I did just say that I have too many cross objects. But that’s because I love them!
  • Spikes.
  • Crystals.
  • A chunky necklace.


  • Spike bracelet.
  • Crystal bracelet. 
  • Bone bracelet.


Rings are my most under-developed category. I currently own one ring that I bought specifically for upgrading my accessories. One tactic includes going to thrift-stores and forcing myself to look through the jewellery. I’m looking for lots of rings with stones, like moon rings.

  • Rings with stones.


For earrings I wouldn’t mind more DIY. Feathers and other earthy things like crystals and such are much more of my style than other jewellery. At the moment my earrings consist of preserved bones, fake bones and crosses. For myself I think crystals and bones hold a timeless feel to themselves.

  • Feather earrings.


  • Fingerless gloves (I need to find my fishnet gloves).
  •  A black patterned scarf, preferably with skulls and a little bit of fringe.
  • Lapel chain, because they’re both cute and easily removed.
  • A thicker waist belt. 
  • Leopard Print Scarf
  • A pair of sunglasses that actually suit me.

Layering: Tips

Source – Texture in practice!

This was a suggested article by an anonymous user; if I remember correctly. I honestly do read all your comments but I don’t always have time/know what to say in response! I’m not always very good at communicating. But I hope this answers their suggestion.

Layering is a somewhat important aspect of most clothing styles especially the Goth and Grunge looks though both in very different ways. There’s layering in the Victorian Goth’s detailed outfits from corsets and blouses, skirts, petticoats, socks, boots and among that accessories and then on the other side of the Goth fashion spectrum there’s the Deathrock layering of fishnets and ripped stockings, (of course not always worn on the legs), corsets, gloves and more! Generally layering in fashion gives your outfits depth and completes them much like artwork.

Of course not layering your clothes is fine, especially for hot weather and over layering can look ridiculous (as I’ve done so badly before). But the key is to try and mix and match textures while trying not to overwhelm the outfit. Then again only you can be the true judge of what you wear. Don’t try and pile on as much as you can find if you don’t want too, or even if it doesn’t suit you – unless you want too. It isn’t a rule that you must layer but generally layering is in almost all outfits if at least slightly.

                            But it’s, like, a hundred degrees!


Try layering fishnets or lace tights which are great for summer. Alternatively you could layer on some cool metal accessories or ripped stockings. (I’m always about the stockings!) What I usually do on a hot day is layer a ripped shirt that I cut to hang off the shoulders over some ripped fishnet shirt or ripped tights make into a shirt! Fishnet let’s your skin breath but be careful in hot weather as you don’t want tan lines in the shape of fishnets.

What do you mean texture?

By texture I mean the feel and look of the material in your pieces. For instance lace is very textured and so is velvet! It gives your outfit depth and an almost and automatic fabulousness when done right. Don’t be afraid to mix and match textures: for example a burgundy velvet coat in a Victorian style with short bloomers edged with lace and some layered fishnets would look adorable.

Don’t forget those accessories!


You could be surprised at how a well co-ordinated belt can make your outfit. While I’m still striving to collect from for my own accessory pile I can see how lack of accessories are affecting the strength of my outfits. I’ve read a quote on many other blogs by Coco Chanel saying “before leaving the house, a lady should look in the mirror and remove one accessory” but I don’t particularly agree with this; only to an extent. While going for a more simple style this may be adequate such as the Mod look or maybe even grunge (for lack of ‘caring’ that the style attempts to achieve) but in Goth accessories can make or break our outfits. Look around at pictures of Goths and what will you see? Chokers, bracelets, piercings, earrings, belts, harnesses, nose chains, pocket watches and much more. I’m not saying I believe the belt outfits are covered in ‘bling’ but the accessories are usually very apparent yet completing.

Well, I think I’ve waffled on about layering for it to be somewhat helpful. What do you think of Chanel’s quote about accessories?

Best wishes,