Leopard Print: Staple or Addiction?

This is run on from this post, where I collected images of my collared blouses!

Now, while a lot of people claim leopard is a neutral print that works for anyone, I believe that you either love it or you hate it. Saying this, these are not all of my leopard pieces (my pillow is leopard, actually, it’s pretty obvious that I am addicted.

 photo Leopard2_zpsf99078bc.jpg
LinkLink – Uh, no link?

I like leopard because I think that it’s a very easy way to add interest to an outfit. It doesn’t have to be a ‘sexy’ kind of interest (I don’t do sexy), even though the print draws that from a lot of people’s minds. It could be a punky interest or styled in a rock ‘n’ roll kind-of-way. You can find it everywhere and on any kind of person, which really does speak for how versatile it can be.

I wouldn’t call it a neutral myself, though. It’s versatile in a stylistic way but I could never pair leopard with tartan, or polka-dots because I think they’re either too contrasting or too similar.

But you tell me, how do you wear your leopard? Is it a staple or an addiction?

Working Colour Into Your Wardrobe: Tips, Tricks & An Ode To Purple

It may not seem it by looking at the clothes I wear or even my blog but when someone asks me what my favourite colour is I don’t say black – I say burgundy.

When I first read about Sophistique Noirs love of the colour purple it made me think of my love of burgandy and of how these colours are often worked into darker wardrobes. So, below I’m going to be talking about how you can compliment all those tones of black with an edge of colour.

 My Ode To Purple Goth-fashion!

Guys, try not to hate my collage too much since I worked on it for six hours and nearly died of exhaustion because apparently I’m ridiculously bad at making these things. Hopefully, I’ll get better in the future.

Photograph of the beautifully dressed Goth women is by SoulStealer on Flickr

 Tips And Tricks 

  • Colour makes it so much easier to diversify outfits and will always bring a different touch to an outfit you’ve worn a thousand times but it doesn’t have to be a huge change!
  • When going with a bold colour try using it as a running theme throughout the outfit and accessories.
  • Cyber Goth isn’t the only subculture of which to be inspired. Punk, Panda-Popare, Grunge, Kinderwhore are also notable for darker outfits with colours.
  • Work colour into different textures, such as purple fishnets or a red chiffon scarf worn around your head.
  • Wear sheer clothes or lace items over muted reds and purples.
Rachel II
Image by SoulStealer on Flickr
  • Belts are great for separating different patterns and/or materials (for instance plaid and velvet) but are also good for adding giant pops of colour.
  • Patterns with tinges of colour in them are brilliant when you aren’t used to colour. It gives a hint of colour but doesn’t overwhelm.
  • Patterned, stripped or fishnet stockings!
  • Jewellery with ruby, amethyst and jade tones work well with black and don’t take away that dark edge.
  • The simplest and cheapest way to add pops of colour is in your make up! Try a bright purple lip or a heavy plum?

    How do you add colour into your wardrobe? Or are you more of a black on black person, like myself? Also, be sure to check out Sophistique Noir’s monthly theme of purple!