Movies of the Past Month.

There aren’t as many as I would have liked but alas, school.
My favourites were Sherlock Holmes, The Virgin Suicides and Benny and Joon!

-Daria: Is It Collage Yet?
-Daria: Is It Fall Yet?
-The Hunger
-Pirates of the Carribean: Strange tides
-Sherlock Holmes
-The Virgin Suicides
-A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange. :3

-Benny and Joon
-Night of the Demons.
-When Good Ghouls Go Bad

Top Ten Favourite Movies

Not in order of preference.

Harold and Maude (1971)
Harold and Maude is an amazing movie about a twenty year old Harold who is obsessed with the morbid. He attends funerals for fun, loves to pose himself death for his mother to find and drives a hearse. Though his mother is persistent to find him someone to date to make him happier. Instead he meets Maude who turns his world up side down. It’s absolutely adorable and the some twists are completely unexpected. It’s at times hilarious and at times sweet. It’s my second favourite movie ever. 

Harold and Maude at a funeral – Source

Heathers (1988)
“A girl who half-heartedly tries to be part of the “in crowd” of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics.” I thought this movie was less serious and very fun. The ending is a little surprising, so I wont spoil that but let’s just say there is a lot of dark humoured murder to be had.

Heathers – Source

Gypsy 83 (2001)
This is a very Gothy movie, in my opinion. We’re taken along as the main characters Gypsy and Clive get away from their small town on a road trip to the ultimate Night of 1000 Stevies in New York and Gypsy tries to make it big in the music scene while searching for her long lost mother. Clive explores his sexuality and they further explore the Goth scene as they go. I adore this movie, especially Clive, and holds a lot of truths about the scene.    

Gypsy and Clive! – Source

American Beauty (1999)
“Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to turn his hectic life around after developing an infatuation for his daughter’s attractive friend.” Though this movie focuses more on the newly found and very honest relationship of him and his daughter, his daughter and her new next door neighbour. This movie fits into one of my favourite categories, Necrotic and truthful. Besides, I have a thing for absurd romances. The description makes it sound a lot more cheesy than in actuality. It involves the neighbours homophobic father, the sons drug dealing, affairs surrounding this family. It’s a great movie, though the end is a little sad.

It’s hard to find a picture to describe this film. – Source

Falling Angels (2003)
“The wickedly funny story of three sisters’ coming of age in a wildly dysfunctional family, set against the backdrop of the 60’s, free love, the Cold War, LSD and the dawn of feminism. Affectionately dubbed “Little Women on acid”, this is a story about the destructive effects of secrecy and the bonds of duty between parents and their children.” I guess when they (meaning IMBD) say ‘wicked’ they don’t mean awesome. I thought this was a very dramatic and sad film, which some (probably) disturbing parts for those of you with more traditional values. But still, very honest and very neurotic.

The three sisters – Source

Benny and Joon (1993)
This movie is by far my favourite out of this list. It stars Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson and Aidan Quinn. “A mentally ill young woman (Joon) finds her love in an eccentric man (Sam).” This is an adorable romance that made me literally laugh out loud at parts. Johnny Depp plays the character Sam amazingly. Sam, whom is the eccentric cousin of Benny’s (Joons brother) friend,  is won in a card game by Joon. He becomes the house keeper of Benny’s home and takes care of Joon. There is literally nothing I didn’t love about this movie.

From right to left: Benny, Joon, Sam. I fan girl over Sam! – Source

Sherlock Holmes (2009)
I was shocked at how much I actually enjoyed this movie; I think the costumes contributed immensely. The outfits of Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) were just gorgeous and are providing me with enough inspiration to buy a bowler hat. It’s a great movie for those who love Stream-punk and Victorian outfits. Robert Downey Jr (Sherlock Holmes) was also absolutely hilarious. I can’t wait until the second comes out this year, if only for the promise of more delicious outfits.

I have to point out that you can see she’s wearing a bustle! – Source

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
An absolutely classic. I’m sure you all know how quirky and (sometimes embarrassingly) catchy are the songs. It’s definitely not for the more ‘traditional’ people out there but it’s just a fun film!


Hackers (1995)
Hackers is one of those hacker movies that you can’t expect a hundred percent accuracy. The hacking scenes are very, artistic, to say the least but I find the movie as a whole very fun and exciting. If you have no will to watch this movie do it on the pure experience of seeing Angelina Jolie decked out in more of a cyber look, with pixie cut, in her teenage years. Though there are some explicit scenes. If breasts are really not your thing you might want to steer clear.

I LOVE this movie to pieces – Source

Ginger Snaps (2000)
Ginger Snaps is one of better, modern werewolf movies. Starring two alienated sisters, Ginger and Brigitte Fitzgerald who have a love for the morbid. Through out this movie it’s quite obvious that the werewolves are used as a metaphor for puberty. Ginger gets bitten soon after getting her period for the first time and starts to change (as teenagers do). The majority of the film is spent trying to prevent Ginger turning into a werewolf, along the way having sex for the first time, doing drugs and murdering a bully at school. Typical puberty, right?

This is my wallpaper. :3 Hehe. – Source
