Rocky Horror Picture Show: Outfit

My friends and I recently went to a special screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in my town with champagne, live music and costume contests. Unfortunately I didn’t dress up and it was definitely an experience feeling dressed down for once! I had to run some errands in town beforehand and couldn’t exactly walk around in not much more than an under-bust corset, bra and thigh high fishnets, could I? Well, I could but I don’t really want to be assaulted.

Anyway! Enough with seriousness and on with the outfit!

I wore the lovely earings that I won, among other things, in an outfit contest of the Goth and More Blogging community hosted by Sara (her blog is here). I never ended up blogging about it, though. I fell in love with these earrings – they are so adorable! And they fit perfectly with the adorable bracelet my mum bought me second-hand.

I’ve been experimenting with blush.
The mentioned earrings! ❤
I feel like I haven’t worn stripped stockings in so long.
Adorable bracelet.

I think the bracelet was once a very young girls – because my wrists are tiny. They’re only five and a half inches. I’m not sure whether that’s considered small, but I do. :3

Derpy photo.


Blouse: Thrifted. I love it because it’s actually sheer stripes! I really don’t feel comfortable in that kind of neckline though, v-necks are not my thing.
Singlet: Supre.
Skirt: Thrifted, originally ankle length and currently horribly hemmed.
Stockings: Second-hand.
Fishnets: K-mart.
Shoes: Doc Martens.
Bracelet: Second-hand.

Well, that’s about it. It was a great night and my friends looked great! There were some wellllll dressed people!

Best wishes,

Thrifting Tips

This is a response to this weeks Poll of the Week: Do you thrift? There’s still time, so don’t forget to take part! Just look to the right side of the page, at the top of the sidebar. I look forward to hearing your opinions. :3

Thrifting is just one of the many names of second-hand shopping, charity shopping and the like. Generally it’s going to a store of primarily second-hand and/or vintage clothes and looking through to find something great!

Tips for thrifting:

  • Don’t forget to look at everything. I have a habit of directly moving towards anything black and ignoring everything else. Remember that you can dye fabric and white/red/etc accents look lovely!
  • Try things on. This is another bad habit of mine. I see something I like and end up buying it before I even check the size. It may be cheap but you wouldn’t want to end up loving something that doesn’t fit. Altering things is really useful!
  • Vintage clothing can be priced up and miss-labled, so be careful and look at all tags.
  • Don’t go expecting anything in particular, you never know what you’ll find.
  • Some stores may not wash clothes before they sell it and a smell could be attached. Remember to wash before you wear. Juliet’s Lace as a great article on tips for removing a stubborn odour here.
  • Check the item inside and out for any flaws. This has happened to me a number of times, such as a ridiculously low cut neckline and the arms being horribly tiny compared to the chest.
  • Only buy things you know you will wear. It tempting to buy everything you like because it’s really cheap but don’t. You’ll end up with a bunch of miss-mashed bits and pieces that you’ll never wear.
  • Dedicate yourself to finding something you love. Look through boxes and underneath racks. I have a habit that Coen really hates. When I see a crate of old records I have to look through every single one – no matter how many.
  • Saying that, take your time – at least on the things you know you want. Looking for a coat? Go straight to that section, take your time and then have a little look around the rest of the store.
  • Don’t go just by size. I’m a size ten and fell in love with a sheer blouse that was.. a size ten! When I finally tried it on after buying it it turned out to be at least four sizes too large for me and unable to be altered.

If you have any tips you want to add, why not post them below?

Have a lovely day,

Poll of the Week: Do you Thrift?

Yes! Poll of the Week is finally back. It was a rather popular segment of my blog that I had to stop while doing my exams. Hopefully it’ll help me get back into the swing of blogging. I haven’t posted in a week and I feel rather bad. School starts tomorrow so I need some serious re-scheduling. Anyway.

The Poll of the Week is about thrifting; A simple question.

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I don’t know what it is.

I hope you enjoy and I will continue to post a relating article on Sundays Australian EST and a poll on Mondays. As usual if you have any requests just send me a comment or even better an email. If you check the tabs above you’ll find it eventually.

Wish me luck in my last few months of school. Eeep!
-Sary Walrus