Happy World Vegan Day | Recipe Resources & Tips

Today we take a break in my usual rambles on fashion to celebrate World Vegan Day with recipes and tips! Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian and I am not a chef. If I say something that worries you health-wise, let me know because it’ll probably worry me also.

Ever since I was a kid, when I would help my mother bake silly-cake-things but never pay any attention to the important parts (AKA the cooking) I wanted to be able to walk into a kitchen and throw something together without a recipe. While I’m not quite there yet I’ve become pretty darn good at taking bits and pieces from other people’s recipes and creating my own little-Frankenstein meals. It’s all due to my becoming a vegetarian almost seven years ago and subsequently becoming a vegan one year ago. As a vegan, you can’t always walk into a supermarket and buy something off the shelf to throw into the oven.

If you guys are interested in some of my own recipes let me know. I don’t own a blender (which is why I usually have to pick and choose from other vegan recipes) and I cook for my rather picky non-vegan partner who always makes sure to let me know if he doesn’t like something.

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Sary-Walrus vegan creations!

That feel when I spell Thai* wrong. But I suppose this is a great place to note that I cook Thai as well as I can spell it. The above dish is named as such because it was developed from a Thai inspired recipe called Oil-free Mushroom, Potato & Sesame Thai Stir-Fry. My version of the dish is a mix of the above mentioned stir-fry and The Perfect Vegan Lentil Stew. I don’t often have the time to soak and simmer dried lentils, instead I use canned. They cook really fast but have the disadvantage of not being able to soak up the sauce. Which is where the rice noodles in the stir-fry t recipe come in!

My version of Oh She Glows’ Time Crunch Enchiladas is still in the works. Corn tortilla’s just do not want to be my friend. They prefer to crumple into a mess that I’ve aptly named enchi-lasagna. But I borrowed some parts of her recipe that have completely revolutionised the amount of meals I can cook.

I mentioned earlier that I do not have a blender (actually I can’t keep a blender in the house at all). So all those fancy vegan cheese sauces made of almonds and chickpeas are useless to me. Up until recently I refused cooking meals that require a cheese replacement (none of the supermarkets in a ten kilometer radius even know what vegan cheese is). Until I came upon the super easy enchilada recipe for cheese sauce and their guide to vegan friendly cheese sauces that do not require a blender. They’re super easy to adjust to anyone’s palate and if bucket loads of hummus sounds terrifying, you might be surprised with how different it tastes after it’s been cooked.

Lastly, some of my super-simple tips are:

  • Always have a set of your go-to spices to fall back on that work with most meals. Mine are basil, oregano, thyme, pepper and cayenne pepper.
  •  Don’t underestimate store bought bases like curry paste.
  • I always use vegetable stock instead of water. It’s a simple way to sneak in more vegetable nutrition. It’s hard to eat five servings of vegetables a day!
  • Combine a liquid (almond milk or vegetable stock) and flour to make the easiest ever sauce or sauce base. It’s the perfect base for adding spices into to create a sauce to your taste.
  • BBQ sauce makes everything taste better. Honestly, sometimes a flat meal or a super spicy meal just needs something sweet to balance it out. If BBQ sauce isn’t your thing you could use sweet chilli sauce, cinnamon, or add peaches – peaches go with everything savory or sweet.
  • Just add hummus.

Today is the first day away from the torture of assessments. (AKA my first day of holidays!) Which I’ll spending making vegan gingerbread men with Halloween cookie cutters. I wanted to make them before Halloween but before mentioned torture put my plans behind schedule. How are you celebrating World Vegan Day?
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What I Do When I’m Not Writing Blog Posts – Favourites

This blog is very fashion orientated and when it’s not, it seems to fall back into that category anyway. But occasionally I do spend time away from it and away from my studies (okay, maybe not that much time). So, if you were interested, here’s a little list/linky list where I ramble about things that I like and you might like to.


Watch Films

There’s no doubt you might have noticed I spend a lot of time watching films. Back in the day I would post monthly recaps of all the films that I’ve consumed. These days I prefer searching out good old classic. Films are the only category that I have overall favourites: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (because I’m a sucker for romance) and the entire Scream series (mostly the first one because of the inner film criticism that I could talk about for days – that I have spoken about for days). Ghost-face is the love of my life.

This week I’ve also seen How To Train Your Dragon 2 and that new X-Men in theatres. And on my to-watch list are Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and to force Coen to experience to glory that is The Mexican.

Read Books

While I may be a Creative Writing and English Lit student I’ve fallen into a horrid habit of not reading outside of my necessary reading list during the semester. Since I’m technically on my break (still one daunting essay left to finish) I’ve started reading again. I’ve re-read Harry Potter one because it’s the literary equivalent of the love of my life and I’ve just started Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

Play Games

I spend all of my time playing Suduku, Spider Solitare and Space Inavders. My whole family, Coen inclusive, are all massive MMORPG players but the closest I’ve ever gotten are the classics. It’s strange when there’s so much pressure to play games in your home, you end up not finding them fun. Plus, they’re great for…

Listening to Podcasts

I never thought I would get into Podcasts. I’m still a newcomer to the realm.  If you have any suggestion I automatically need-to-know-please. My favourites are Welcome to Night Vale and The Drunkenpeasant’s Popdcast (though I can’t stand anything they say about Feminism, that’s just a warning).

Looking up Vegan Recipes

 The kind of recipes I love seem to be far and few between. Vegan? No more than four steps? Limited amount of chopping? Less than three ingredients?  Moderately healthy? If so, we have a winner. Recent trials have been this Paleo Curry Cauliflower (though I use Peanut oil rather than Coconut oil) and general attempts at battling sweet potato.

Reading Poetry

Much faster to read than novels, and considerably cheaper! Coen bought me Cody Weber’s new poetry collection (that comes with a PDF of his ridiculously lovely photography). He’s a YouTuber if you weren’t around the last time I mentioned him, and has some lovely poerty, political and life video’s up on his channel, Saturnine Films here. His work, poetry, music and photographs, are being sold ridiculously cheap. But if you don’t like Travel Poetry – I know of lot of people, myself included, don’t – you won’t like the Postcard From… collection that I bought. Though, I have some favourites:  Darwin and Friends. Most of his work is a dollar.

I was also emailed by that writer I reviewed here to review his book of poetry. I’ve only skimmed over a few. But after this semester of poetry I couldn’t believe his incredible ability at rhyme schemes. They seem perfect for children. Check it out here, it’s only a dollar.

I think I have sufficiently spoken about nonsensical things for long enough. It’s time for you to tell me your favourites. What do you do when you aren’t doing the things that you always, well, do? Did that make sense? You get the picture, I’m sure.

Outfit Post: Cemetery, Mighty Boosh & Vegan Iced Coffee

Today I went for lunch with Coen; seaweed salad and an iced coffee for me. Because Coen refused to do anything that I wanted to, we decided that it wouldn’t be too hard to stop at my favourite cemetery on the way home. Some graves date back to the eighteen hundreds but are unfortunately not looked after by the community (ahem, silly teenagers). Oh, and new clothes!

There was a moment when Coen and I looked at each other and quoted this scene at the same time. If you haven’t seen the Mighty Boosh, what are you doing sitting here reading my blog when it’s free on Youtube? The experiences I’ve heard from people that have seen it have been split into those who have loved it and those that are liars entitled to their opinion.

Soy iced coffee, without ice cream or cream. Coffee has been one of the hardest things to struggle with since becoming a vegan (then there’s the cheese problem but I can live with that). It took me weeks to find a replacement for coffee creamers that I didn’t have to buy online. Currently when I make my coffees I use chocolate flavoured almond milk mixed with a bit of unsweetened and it taste delicious with some vanilla flavoured instant coffee.

Blouse: ROMWE, Jumper: Thrifted, Skirt: Boohoo.com, stockings: Anon, Necklace: Grandmothers

It may look as if this is just one of the million jumpers that I already owned but in fact! It is a new one. As if I needed another plain black, fitted sweater? But I didn’t have a scoop neck with buttons down the back! This skirts also something I’ve been rocking a lot lately. I found it for four dollars – including shipping – in the sales section of Boohoo.com. It looked really awkward on the model but that’s because the band wasn’t secured enough – easily fixed by wearing it backwards.

Bonus shot of me attempting to jump into the air for a photo. There was one of me in the air, but it was rather blurry.