Day 20 – If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?


At the moment I’ve been completely obsessed with wanting to bleach all of my hair white and go light purple but I think my hair’s fine for the moment. Besides it will take me a long time to get the rest of my hair to the colour of my fringe.

I’ve actually wanted to dye my hair a light green for a long time. Though the mere mention of it to my mum sends her into a spiral of “NO.” One day I will have pretty green hair, you’ll see! Hehe.

Well, this was a particularly short post. I haven’t been up to much today, reading, youtubing, homework, cooking, doing washing. All very menial tasks.

9 thoughts on “Day 20 – If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?

  1. What she said ^ you bring the dye, I'll bring the awesome.

    Also if you want to be green for a long period you have to be prepared for ridiculous levels of upkeep because green is such a weak pigment.

    I dye my hair every week for example.

  2. Blue is just as weak but if your hair is white it will stay nice all the way till all the dye is washed out. The trouble with green is that as it fades it becomes more yellow and so not long after dying it your lime green will turn to yellow and not a nice one either >.< Yeah every week 😛

  3. Green would look really good on you, you even have your hair light enough for it now(well, bangs at least)! xD and @Kitty lovett, I believe that. I just colored my hair blue, and even though it seems to be rinsing out when I shampoo… it's just barely lighter. Pink was a whole different color after a week of shampoo. For right now that's pretty cool though 🙂

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