OotD: Orange Hair, and Lips like Autumn Leaves

Almost simultaneously I’ve decided to lighten my hair up (it’s still in the process of being lightened in these pictures) and found a new appreciation for fall lip-colours. Even though down in the Southern Hemisphere we are very much in summer territory (Aka, time for Sarah to freak out about having nothing suitable to wear).

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Dress: Motel | Cardigan: Boohoo (ages ago) | Blouse: ROMWE.com | Shoes: Rivers | Fishnets: Mums

So, this week I kind of disappeared. Coen’s parents were in town, plus I’ve been working on my last few essays before the end of the semester which equals stress. Especially when you rewrite an essay four times and still have no idea what you’re even trying to say. It’s a good time to busy myself in online shopping which is where this super awesome lipstick comes in.

This lipstick was the excuse for this outfit; Cinnamon Spice by Wet N Wild. It’s far darker than the pictures imply and cruelty free the last time I checked – you never know these days when a company suddenly turns. (You can see it in all it’s glory in this super-unflattering Facebook picture) It immediately made me think Kinderwhore, and well, what do you think? Did I kinderwhore it up?

How To: Grow Out Black Hair (From Black to Red)

Growing out my dyed hair is something that’s always prodding at me when I consider changing my hair colour. Black is the most daunting, and I say honestly say I’ve succumbed to the horrid task growing it out naturally because typically the only other options are to chop all of my hair off or to use colour removers. If you’re looking for a quicker option I would say read into either of those (the Vitamin C trick is the best). This post is a little re-cap of how I ‘grew’ my hair from black to red without intending to!

Semi-super old photo of me with black hair from this outfit post.

It all Began with Black Hair

Back in the beginnings of this blog I had my natural brown hair. Sometimes with red, other times with blonde and for a little while green! My hair was so damaged by the bleaching (it literally broke) that I had already resolved to dye it all black when I was sick of the blonde. And thus it was black.

The day my hair was murdered permed (also before I new how to work it) – hence why the colour is horrible.

Then I Started Dying the Roots a Dark Purple

This was purely accidentally, but I had wound up with a dark purple permanent hair die. My friend gave it to me because a family member didn’t want it and she knew it would get some use with me. It sat around for a while until eventually I was stuck with obnoxious roots and no money for black dye. It was obviously purple, but created an awesome gradient into the black.

It was purple-black for a while.

From this outfit post here.

I Realised I Liked it Better Faded

The purple black was a great permanent in the beginning because it was a lovely purple-black that faded to an equally lovely deep red. Never did it ever fade to an orange or further than the red. It was when I realised that I would purposely fade it to the red after dying that I decided I might as well just dye my hair red instead.

You could simulate this by buying a red toned purple permanent, a darker red permanent or even by consistently using semi-permanent hair dye that will eventually wash out all together.

Image from this outfit post over here.

It’s been a little over a year now, and the black is only left in the tips of my hair and the newly added underside. But it kind of proves that ombre can be just as good at growing out hair colour as it can at experimenting with colour only on the tips. But you might have to take your time and hope for a lot of luck!

What do you do when you’re sick of your hair colour? Have you ever chopped it all off or do you have some tricks you should-totally share?

Outfit Post: A Change in Aesthetics

Almost everything from this outfit post is something older, drawn from the back of my closet for a day of moving dirty old objects from the house. A lot of what I’m wearing has been DIYed into something just a little bit more up to date with my current aesthetics. Starting with my hair!

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Dress: Jay Jays | Jumper: Best & Less | Shoes: Free People | Stockings: Anon | Necklace: Etsy | Belt: Boohoo

A while ago I posted a picture my myself dying my hair on this blogs Facebook page, and this is the end result. For the some reason the sun has made my hair look a plastic in these photos but otherwise you can really see the red top layer combined with the bottom black layer. It’s been just over a year since I started working out the black from my hair (it’s still in the tips). I couldn’t resist adding a little more understated black.

This hairstyle is perfect for the super lazy – such as myself. A messy french-braid with a ponytail messily pulled through and over a sock bun insert. Minus the messy and you have a perfect up-do for something fancier. For me this is just to get my last day hair out of my face.

Enough talking about my hair, this sweater used to be this sweater but I cropped it. Putting it through the washing machine has brought out all of it’s lovely rips and ladders.
Have noticed a change in your aesthetics? What have you done to change your look around?

Outfit Post: Red Hair and Iron Fist Eyeballs

Finally after months of lazily fading out the purplely-red I’ve gone fully red. Considering I didn’t bleach my hair it looks rather nice. I’ve been red before so I knew it would show on my hair colour/type. Lately I’ve been loving the red and green combination which is great because of my recent Iron Fist purchase of the Timmy Chew purse! At first site I’d fallen eyeballs over teeth for it (terrible pun!).

Jumper: Thrifted | Blouse: ROMWE | Shorts: A Supanova Stall | Stockings: Anon | Shoes: Rivers
Bad picture from an outfit post that didn’t work out.

The bag is small but wonderful! My older purse was thrifted and had such strange compartments it was so hard to find anything. This bag seems to have a spot for everything, including this glorious eyeball key chain that flashes when you press it. It feels like those old rubbery, sticky fake creatures I would find in vending machines when I was a child, that you were supposed to throw at walls so it would stick.

Are you a fan of Iron Fist? Or eyeballs?

Top Five Things that I WILL Buy This Year

Funnily enough with my new new budget I’ve already bought some of these things.

Okay, so I talk about wishlists and things that I really want to try but a lot of the time I change my mind. Things fall in and out of interest for me. I’m a very fluid person. I may love something one month and fall completely out of love with it the next. I’m a person with a budget so when I can’t immediately buy something I may forget the reasons I fell in love with it when I first set eyes on it! But, here is a little yearly wishlist of things that I WILL buy this year. It may not be straight away. It may be a little while, but I have set my gaze on them and they will be bought (when I can afford it!).

I had no idea what kind of picture to put here, so take this.

Yes To Moisturiser  (Bought, review coming!)

I’ve been obsessed with this line and it’s something that I can just pop down to the shops to get! I was really eager to try to Murad line but I just couldn’t justify the price. Yes To is affordable and works really well for me so far – I have the Yes To Tomatoes Pore Scrub and Yes To Cucumbers Facial Towelettes. I’m just not yet sure weather to try the sensitive skin (cucumbers), tomatoes (acne prone) or the damaged skin (blueberries) because I have all of them!

Due West Cutoff Shorts by Nasty Gal (Bought, about ten minutes ago)

Firstly, I suck at purposely ripping things! When I wear my ripped stockings I usually get a lot of questions on how I ripped them so well, but you guys probably know that I like to leave them and let nature take it’s course! The perfect rip is the natural rip, so this explains why I can’t buy shorts to rip.

This leads us into the fact that I actually need some new shorts. My old trusty high waisted shorts
that I found in a thrift store were always a size or two too large. Tying a scrap of fabric around the belt buckles only helps for so long, since they start to stretch back to the far too big size. It’s about time I bought some shorts that actually fit!

Tarte BB Tinted Treatment 12-Hour Primer

I’ve heard great things about this BB Cream. I don’t want full coverage, I want something as natural as possible and I want something filled with quality that doesn’t break me out. That last one was one of the main reasons I want this primer. I’ve heard it does great things for acne prone skin. It may be a bit expensive but I rarely wear a skin base anyway.

Oh and I found somewhere that ships to Australia!

Jeffrey Campbell Niko Flats (Bought, about ten minutes ago)

You guys saw this a while ago on my summer flats post, when I asked you which you liked. While the majority of you guys didn’t like these, I fell in love. They’re my first Jeffrey Campbell shoes (and hopefully my last for a little while). As of recently they’re my only summer shoes (the replacement for my fallen apart house shoes has now become the falling apart house shoes that need replacing) but I’m not sure I can bring myself to actually wear t hem out in the dirt!

Black Gloss Stilleto Fake Nails

My nails suck. They grow really long when I don’t touch them or leave the house but in an active environment they break every five minutes. While I’m bad at painting them myself and rely on nail polish strips I’ve decided I want to try stronger, fake nails that I can reuse. I can’t wait for some pointy, gloss nails.

Do you have anything that you are determined to buy or to try this year?

Goth Friends And Others

This is a post in the series of The Goth Challenge altered by Darkstalker Girl from a former Lolita Challenge. Find more information here. Week thirteen to be exact. Don’t ask me why I skipped so far ahead.

In life I’ve met quite a lot of Goths (and those that fit the bill but don’t call themselves Goths) and so I’ll give you the highlights. These are my close friends that I have had interactions with in actual life.

Kitty Lovett

Kitty being way too pretty for her own good – from her Facebook – Originally from

We met in two-thousand and eight at our mutual friends birthday party and she was one of my main influences for going in the alternative direction. We went through many babybat years together hanging out at the local Goth-shop and attempting eyeliner.

Find her online here.


Sary (that’s my nickname for her, as well as my nickname) and I met in two-thousand and two, when we were seven. We did quite a lot of growing into alternative styles but I feel like I’d woke up one day and she’d suddenly have ridiculously awesome hair and spent way too much time on eBay searching out alt-clothes. I think she’s a fabulous example of having naturally orange hair and working it with the whole dark-clothes-thing.


Artwork by Xara Alice here.

There are no recent photo’s of Kaylie in existence, so I’ve inserted this kickass comic of my friends and I as The Beatles on Abbey Road during a Zombie Apocalypse (I’m the one in the skirt, smiling and Kaylie is the one with red hair at the front).

Enough about zombies. Kaylie and I met in high school in two-thousand and seven. We went through an Industrial period together and she current listens to ethereal Goth-rock. She also has awesomely red hair, of which is shaved on every side – bar the top.

Outfit Post: Permed Hair, Leather Jacket, Red-Lipstick

Today, I struggled into the hairdresser after walking for an hour and a half since I’d forgotten I actual don’t have any money to catch the bus – one of many annoying things that have happened this week on buses. Alas, I made it to the hair dresses and then spent four hours being tortured with curling rods, solution and shampoo. I ended up coming out the most kickass perm I could have gotten!

I always make the best faces when Coen is the photographer.
The awesomely tight curls aren’t showing very well but I’ll go in-depth later.

Earlier this week I was traveling around Wollongong for University and, since I stay with a friend a few nights a week, I accidentally left my travel bag on the bus – the bag containing every piece of everyday makeup, make up that I had to buy wholesale since they don’t deliver to my country, custom pallets and all of my brushes. Luckily I should be getting it back next week but until then I will be playing with the leftover makeup that I haven’t used for centuries.


Thus, flicked eyeliner with a pink crease and bold red-lipstick that I have never had the heart to wear in public before. And probably wouldn’t have had this circumstance not arisen.

Jacket: SheInside, Jeans: Thrifted, Shirt: GothAngel, Necklace: Secondhand.

This week I’ve learned that my hatred of buses has a real reason (because they secretly despise me) and they never tell you that perms are absolutely crazy! Honestly, they pull at your hair, burn your scalp, hurt your neck because they are constantly pulling your head back but it’s all worth it for the head massage.

How has your week been? What are your thoughts on those-bastard-machines – oh, I mean buses?

Alternatives To Straight Hair For Lazy Goths

Now, hair isn’t a topic that I talk about often. My relationship with my hair is a bit of a violent one.  I have naturally dead-straight, thin hair and days when I want it to do, well, something other than be dead-straight, thin hair and it refuses I can get pretty upset. While I freely dye and cut it I have never been one of those people that style their hair on a regular basis due to the simple fact that I am a lazy Goth. 
So here is a list of super simple or hassle-free hair styles for those just as lazy as I.

Photo by SoulStealer on Flickr – I love it!


No, not that eighties puff ball that everyone remembers when thinking about perms – unless of course that’s your thing then by all means go for it! A lot of people are mistaken of the range of what perms can actually do to your hair – tight Annie curls, beachy waves, crimps, it can straighten curly hair or keep it under control or create almost any kind of curl that you can imagine. 

I’ve wanted a perm for so long and if it takes the life out of me I will be getting one this year!

Though perms aren’t strictly care-free since they are curls and require special types of combing and product to help the curls conform rather than frizz but that can be taken care of right out of the shower.

Hair Extensions

I love curled hair extensions on my short straight hair since it looks quite natural and takes less than a minute to clip into my hair. If greater length has been something that you’ve wanted than this is a simple way but a myriad of styles can easily be created by layering hair extension (sometimes pre-curled) over hair-extensions to create thick, teased and amazing hair in a moderately simple way. A negative to this is that real hair extensions (especially the amount it would take to create a crazy nest of hair) may cost a lot depending on quality and length.


At times of impeccable quality wigs can be quite pricey but they can also be a great way of transforming or completing a look into something brand new. If you work or go to a school with a strict dress code you can get the hair that you’ve always wanted.

The quality can be the limiting factor of how simple this is to implement. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about if you’ve ever tried or watched someone try to pull on a cheap wig-cap.

Night Sets

When I say ‘night sets’ I don’t just mean rollers that are left in overnight (oh man, how they hurt me) but any hair ‘trick’ that can be left in over night to create a look. There are tonnes of these as simple as plaiting (to create crimped hair) or a simple twist bun (to create curls) up to, as I said, rollers, rags or the headband trick. All with their perspective linked explanations above.

Synthetic Dreads

If when you read the above title you mentally punched me because donning synthetic dreads really aren’t that simple to maintain then don’t worry because I agree! – Minus the punching part. While the application of dreads can take hours (more or less depending on whether your hair is thin, thick, shaved or you’re using double ended or clip/tie in) there is the ability to leave them in for weeks afterwards until they grow out far enough or they start to combine with your natural hair.

The dreads alone can be very expensive if you’re buying pre-made. Alternatively, if you style your own – which isn’t that hard with the proper YouTube tutorials – it does take a large chunk of time. My favourite tutorial’s are by Mental Shiver here.

Other Simple Ways To Make Straight Hair New Again:

  • Changing up your earrings can really change up the way your hair looks. They go hand in hand (or face on face) since they’re so close together.
  • Pull on some cute (or not) head-wear like berets, headbands, etc.
  • A simple hair-style is to create a big eighties ponytail that sits on your head. Bundle your hair into a ponytail on the top of your head and layer extensions onto it from further-down towards the band (as so only one extension can be seen) and then hide it with a thicker band or a hair ‘clasp’.

I’ve heard about people that sleep in their mohawk or deathhawk and it’ll be fine for a few days like that. Probably with use of a lot of hair-spray. What do you do with your hair? Do you have any secrets you want to share?

Outfit Post: New Year, New Hair, New Years Outfit

 Disclaimer: This is a post for Sophistique Noir’s Monthly Theme of New Years. I urge you to check it out by clicking the button bellow and to check out all the other wonderful entries [here] and certainly Sophistique Noir’s blog itself!

Hey guys! This year so far is off to a great start. But my optimism could possibly be espresso fueled. It’s safe to say that while I’m happy for a new year I’m so frightened of so many things e.g. moving to a new town without the help of my parents and starting university. I think it’s worth while to start out the year experimenting with a few things and taking chances so that’s exactly what this outfit post is all about.

I’ve been wanting to cut my hair for a while, or at least change it drastically. My personality is that of someone that needs some change every now and then otherwise I’ll drown in a rut of boredom. At first in the last month I was considering it but I was so frightened. This fright really made me realise I needed to cut my hair. The last thing I want to be frightened of is protecting something as unimportant as my hair and I wanted to do this to remind myself that appearance isn’t the most important thing in the world.

The act itself was a little less hyped. It played out exactly like: “Coen, do you think I should cut my hair?” “Whatever”. So I grabbed the scissors, went into the bathroom and in the next five minutes was finished. 

Six inches and ten months of hair growth gone!

The outfit picture is rather terrible but we were about to leave for a friends party and it was as hot as hell outside which I was not prepared to face. The leopard print dress I’m wearing was a bit of a spur of the moment buy. I regretted buying it almost immediately because I didn’t think I would wear something that isn’t black – so far that thought has been completely wrong. On the other hand while thinking about my style journey I wanted to add a bit more punk into my wardrobe and this was the dress for it – perfect with a leather jacket!

It’s certainly different than everything else in my closet!


Dress: Jay Jays.
Stockings: Anonymous.
Shoes: Cotton On.
Belt: Boohoo.com.
Necklace: EBay.

Anyway, I spent my New Years drinking milky alcohol with a bunch of my friends, ending up sleeping on the floor of a tent fully clothed with only Coen as a blanket. How did you spend your New Years? Are you getting a jump start on your resolutions or goals?

A Complete Guide To DIY Undercuts In 10 Steps

When I wanted to give myself my half mohwak (whatever the hell it is called) I looked around online. That search came up with almost nothing. Which is why I wanted to make this guide to cutting your own undercut or maintaining your own undercut. This is a simple written and pictured version on how to give yourself an undercut. For the record I’m in no way a professional, I just have experience in cutting my own and others hair. I regularly maintain my undercut and gave myself my half mohawk.

THAT HAIR. That insanely kickass hair! – Link

Tips For Newcomers 

You Aren’t Going To Die

Understand that you aren’t defined by your hair and cutting it off is not the end of the world. I sometimes watch videos on YouTube of young girls cutting an undercut for the first time (usually because it’s oh so trendy) and they start crying and complaining. I’m sorry, but coming from someone that cries very easily this is just awkward and silly. Hair does grow back, yes it might take months but it’s not lost forever. Plus, this leads to people that really want it done (like little small feminine things like me!) to be refused to get the cut we want because the hair dresser is frightened that I might cry my eyes out.

Want It

Whatever your reason you should want to have this hair style. Don’t do it because it’s trendy (which it was for a while) or because your boyfriend thinks it’ll look nice. This will most likely lead to regret.

Side Burns

On a lighter note if you want what is known as a ‘girly burn’ or merely a side burn to be left, then section that off before you cut. I know out of experience that the process (and the awkward stages) of growing that one section of hair back is annoying as hell. Plus, a lot of people felt the need to tell me that I somehow “forgot to shave that part”. I don’t think that’s something that you’d forget.

The Undercut Guide

You Will Need:

  • Scizzors
  • A Hair Clipper
  • Clip guards
  • Razor/s (for a clean shave)
  • Old Clothes
  • Hairbands
  • Hair pins
  • A general idea of how you want to cut it. How long, what shape, do you want side burns, do you want to shave it down to the skin?
  • A very basic knowledge of how to work hair clippers.

You should probably get to know your hair clipper before continuing.

You only really need to pay attention to the fine cut and coarse cut leaver, the cutter and comb, on/off switch, how to put in clip guards and then you’re basically set.

1. Get Dressed

Even if you’re maintaining an undercut that was just cut a few weeks ago there can be a ridiculous amount of hair that will fall all over your gorgeous clothes. Don’t take that chance.

2. Section and Separate

This is simple and a bit too obvious but the second step is to section off the hair you want to cut – whether it’s maintenance or your first shave. For those with long hair (or the first shave) tie up two separate sections (the part you’re cutting and the part you want to keep) and then pin flat to your head the hair you want to keep. Don’t forget your fringe, or the part of your fringe you want to keep.

3. Your First Cut

If you’re starting from scratch just jump right in and cut your hair down to two inches or so with a pair of scizzors. When using clippers the length usually doesn’t matter though because the blade its self is a combination of electric (or manual but I doubt anyone would use them) comb and scizzors. Cutting it lower first just makes it a lot easier.

This is what my clip guard reads.

3. Choose Your Guard

 Clip guards come with the clipper and clip over the comb and razor blade to section a length of hair from being cut. It should have a number on it and a size in mm’s but you can also look at the edge length of the comb section (See badly drawn diagram below, it isn’t easy to miss). I suggest starting larger than you’ll want and then cut it down to size but I usually just jump into a #1 or #2.

This is the length your hair will be if you use this clip guard.
Alternatively this is the length of my undercut!

4. Clippin’

 When you start using the clip guard (after scizzoring it down to the length you want) you might have to adjust the clipper. There’s usually a large switch that adjusts the comb. The first time going over the hair you’ll want the comb as long as it can get – this will help the razor not drag along your hair and pull on it, not to mention it will help grab longer hair.

When the hair is cut down to the length of the clip guard with the longer comb, go through it with the short comb length for a finer and more even cut.

See, little knobby thing!

5. Feel The Hair

No, I’m not saying you should light some incense, put on some Dead Can Dance and breath in the essence of your hair, by all means you can do that. I mean that I personally feel more comfortable cutting hair I can’t see when I can feel where I’m going – but that just might be because I have a unconscious need to hold on to things otherwise I get displaced.

Of course, try not to get in the way of the blade. I usually place my hand over the section I don’t want to cut so that I physically stop the clip-guard.

6. Lots of Mirrors

I hate using mirrors when I cut my hair, apart from the main mirror I look into. It’s handy to have a small one to see where you’ve already cut and what remains and to use your hand to guide the clipper in that direction.

7. Cut From Up, Down, Left and Right.

You never know whether one section of your hair is positioned so that the clipper goes straight over it. Since you don’t particularly want to have one section longer than the other (Grrr, it bugs me all month long!) I suggest that you shave from several different directions – just to be safe.

Even Punks need help sometimes! – Link

8. Get A Helping Hand

There’s this one section at the nape of my neck along the edge of my undercut that bends in a hard to get at direction, of which I have to bend my arm over my head to cut. It drives me insane and this is why my undercut was cut bigger and bigger each time. 

Trust me, I hate giving in and asking for help (especially since my partner is so hesitant to shave my head) and I hate loosing control over my hair but if you want the result of your dreams, you might just have too.

9. Skin Tight

Even if you aren’t razoring it down to nothing you’ll still want to remove the clip guard and fix up the edges into a straight line – particularly around your ears. If you chose not to keep your side burn/s you might want to fix up that area, to make it straight, higher or however you choose.

This is where you would add a pattern into your hair if you had one in mind. I haven’t yet tried this (though I’ve been thinking about it) and will probably talk about this in a separate article.

When razoring the whole section of the hair down to the skin you might want to shave as close with the clipper and then take either an electric razor (which is what I’d use since it’s very fast), safety razor or a throw away razor and some shaving creme. Do NOT use shaving creme with the clipper use it with an actual razor. You’d want to treat the scalp like you would if shaving someone’s face, or even gentler.

I adore this. – Link

10. Finished

Take a shower, change your clothes or wash your face (or neither, if you so choose) because you’re probably covered in hair. But don’t forget to enjoy it!

Help make this guide complete and comment bellow if you think I’ve forgotten anything.You could check out my video tutorial on layering and shaving my undercut [here] but it’s back when I had less hair shaved and my fast simple video [here] that’s even older to the point that I still had brown and blonde hair.