Poll of the Week: Fan Pages

The question on my mind lately strikes with the sudden up-rise of fan-pages of anyone even slightly popular (or not). There are fan-pages (mostly on Facebook) for bloggers, models, youtubers, writers, poets and even the tumblr famous. But the question will remain the same:

Is it time for me to make a fan-page?

Part of me thinks that it’s pushing it. I don’t have very many people wanting to talk to me or get updates from other platforms and we all see those fan-pages with ten likes that are a bit embarrassing for the owner. But another part wants to meet the people that follow me and Facebook is a very open platform that most people have.

  • No.
  •  Yes.
  • Not yet.

Post below if you think this is something you would enjoy and make use of.  Alternatively you could tell me I’m being completely “up-myself” and to stop being silly. :3 You guys should know by now that I take your opinion well into account when making important decisions for my blog!

Best wishes,

7 thoughts on “Poll of the Week: Fan Pages

  1. I think it's a good idea if you get people adding now you on fb who say 'I read your blog' or similar, otherwise, put it off for some time until your blog GROWS and GROWS!!! (Even more) xxx

  2. Don't get me wrong, I adore reading everything you post, but I'm already having a hard time keeping up with Blogger, Tumblr, Youtube, The Facebook group and I always forget we also have a forum. 😛

  3. I can never keep up with FB updates, to be honest. My feed is messy as hell and I don't always bother to check it. But I do check certain pages that interest me fairly often. So yes, I think, FB is a great platform to 'meet' the people.

    Yeah, I know it wasn't much help…but I think, you have nothing to loose if you make a fanpage. I feel the same way as you do, btw. I have a model and a photography page, but I'm not social and active enough to maintain it and to stay in touch with the followers…

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