My Wardrobe Essentials

 These are my personal wardrobe essentials that I couldn’t live without. I’d love to hear what your wardrobe essentials are so post them in the comments!

A good pair of everyday shoes/A quality pair of boots

My first wardrobe essentials for my goes hand in hand with my second point. I was sick of terribly quality shoes that only last a couple of months and are falling apart but that was remedies with the boot love of my life: My Doc Martens.



An Assortment of Interesting and Varied Leg-ware.

Leg-ware includes stockings, tights, leggings, socks, leg warmers, etc in a variety of patterns, colours and thicknesses. It’s an easy way to change up a look and I tend to go through a LOT of these in an average week.



With my recent (you guys haven’t heard yet) wardrobe reinvention I’ve decided I need more belts, scarves, and larger accessory type things. They like leg-ware make it easy to change up a look but also make the outfit what it is.


Cardigans/Light jackets/Light Jumpers

When was the last time I posted an outfit without wearing a cardigan or a coat? It’s not often.


High Waisted Skirts

High waisted skirts have grown on me immensely in the last year or so, every since I found an amazing pattern for a pleated high waisted skirt. In some respects it will be my downfall but I’m attempting to at least branch out a little.

Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus

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