Outfit Post: Permed Hair, Leather Jacket, Red-Lipstick

Today, I struggled into the hairdresser after walking for an hour and a half since I’d forgotten I actual don’t have any money to catch the bus – one of many annoying things that have happened this week on buses. Alas, I made it to the hair dresses and then spent four hours being tortured with curling rods, solution and shampoo. I ended up coming out the most kickass perm I could have gotten!

I always make the best faces when Coen is the photographer.
The awesomely tight curls aren’t showing very well but I’ll go in-depth later.

Earlier this week I was traveling around Wollongong for University and, since I stay with a friend a few nights a week, I accidentally left my travel bag on the bus – the bag containing every piece of everyday makeup, make up that I had to buy wholesale since they don’t deliver to my country, custom pallets and all of my brushes. Luckily I should be getting it back next week but until then I will be playing with the leftover makeup that I haven’t used for centuries.


Thus, flicked eyeliner with a pink crease and bold red-lipstick that I have never had the heart to wear in public before. And probably wouldn’t have had this circumstance not arisen.

Jacket: SheInside, Jeans: Thrifted, Shirt: GothAngel, Necklace: Secondhand.

This week I’ve learned that my hatred of buses has a real reason (because they secretly despise me) and they never tell you that perms are absolutely crazy! Honestly, they pull at your hair, burn your scalp, hurt your neck because they are constantly pulling your head back but it’s all worth it for the head massage.

How has your week been? What are your thoughts on those-bastard-machines – oh, I mean buses?

13 thoughts on “Outfit Post: Permed Hair, Leather Jacket, Red-Lipstick

  1. You know, actually you look very good with that red lipstick! You have a fair complexion and dark hair, it's perfect for that shade of red. (Also, it matches the red strikes on your hair :D)
    And the perm came out very good too, your curls look nice 😀

  2. Oh god buses are a nightmare. Not being able to drive (or afford a car even if I could) I rely on buses and I hate it when they're late. Once I missed one and instead of waiting a normal hour for the next – which is bad enough – because it was early evening and the buses are messed up because of the college run I had to wait almost 2 hours, in the cold (September or October in England) wearing just a thin hoodie (it was warm in the morning), I was not a happy bunny.

  3. I think your lipstick suits you, and your hair is great. 🙂
    Also I have a goth fashion-related question which I was wondering if you give me some help on? Summer is coming in the UK, and although it doesn't tend to last long I am a bit concerned that I have no idea what to do about sunhats. (I have pale skin and burn easily, and suncream gives me spots.) As you live in a hot country I was wondering if you had any tips on stylish sunhats for goths? I'm asking also because I think my dress sense is not that disimilar to yours so maybe you have similar taste – I like to look elegant and unique but not too OTT. Any tips? Thanks. 🙂

  4. Celia: This is a hard one if your dress sense is like my own – since I'm just trying to get into hats and I don't think berets or beanies would help in the summer sun!

    But otherwise, your options are pretty broad with things like sunhats, bonnets, top-hats, or you could even try any hat you adore but with a bit of a veil which would certainly cover your face.

    On a more down to earth hat scheme, obviously not everyone wants to wear top-hats and veils everyday there are beanies with 'brims' or if they all sounds terrible you could skip at hat altogether and use a parasol?

    I really hope I helped a little. I'm an everyday sunscreen user that's just trying to get into hats. :3

  5. Thanks for replying Sary 🙂

    I've always found hats tricky :/
    I might think about a parasol, that's a good idea – maybe a bit theatrical for me usually, but seems practical too. 🙂 I've been scanning the web for black sunhats and have found a few pretty ones. Unfortunately they seem to be either super-feminine ones or a bit dowdy. But I'll continue on my quest and thanks for your help! 🙂

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