Goth-spiration/Goth Confession: Taylor Momsen

Taylor Momsen is to a lot of Goths purely a representation of what Goth is not. And while I agree her music is not inherently Goth, I’m absolutely in love with her style. She uses longer t-shirts as dresses with thigh highs, garters, and almost always wearing boots.

Her style conjures up images of the hard hitting female rock bands that by their success were able to change the way women were viewed. Cherie Currie from The Runaways donned her signature corset that signified her sexuality at a time when it was hard for women to be taken seriously as Rock musicians. One of my favourite genres, Riot-grrl, albeit a lot later than traditional hard-rock paved the same way for females into the punk scene where women were only taken to sets as coat-hangers.

 photo TaylorMomsen_zpse6715a21.jpg
None of these images are mine! They all belong to their respective owners.

I’m sure that her style isn’t to everyone’s taste. What do you think? But whether it’s band shirts, garters, thigh highs, lace stockings, corsets, she does wear a lot of the typical elements of alternative wear. Pulled together into something that is to me pristine rocker style and symbolises so much history that means a lot to me.

14 thoughts on “Goth-spiration/Goth Confession: Taylor Momsen

  1. I've always thought she looks like a junkie 😛 I haven't heard any of her music but she was thoroughly irritating in the small bit of gossip girl I watched back when I was just out of high school (my secret shame!) 😛

    I love long band t shirts but I think I'd still prefer to wear mine with something underneath..

  2. I don't get a goth vibe from her, with the exception of the boots, her outfits just look like simple street fashion. I also have no idea who she is lol. I personally think your own style is much more attractive and put together. This chick just looks kind of boring to me.

  3. I had to do a Google search to see who she is… based on The Green Fairy's comment I guess I'm not missing much. I suppose I like the “junkie” look too sans the plaid shirts which remind me too much of grunge… I have my limits. I think this look can be easily bought now in the same way one can buy iridescent hair color almost anywhere now. I should wrap up this comment before I use the phrase “back in my day…” sigh.

  4. I like some her outfits, but I don't think she should be used as an inspiration if you want to dress up goth, because she's way far from it. HAHA. Like Ms. Ladyfair said, I also think she looks kinda boring. But oh well, her life, her choices. 🙂

  5. I do not like her music. I do like how she looks like, probably would love to make out with someone looking like her. But this is where my emotions to Momsen begin and end. I am growing my hair to make it look like her hairstyle, talk about inspiration. I am not sure about the history part though, I don´t think she does it consciously for historical reasons. I believe she dresses like that to enhance her rock chich persona with the occasional sexy-slutty eye catcher. That´s just how these people work with the media, I think this is sadly the main reason for her style. Hope I´m wrong though…

  6. I honestly love her music and her band – a lot of her songs remind me of Joan Jett.

    I think in the beginning, her style was conjured up for shock and awe purposes and maybe a little bit of exploration on her end, but it kind of suits her now. And I think that's why she sticks with it.

    For casual rocker days, her look is kind of what I aspire to. The only thing I'm missing is the crazy long hair.

  7. it's so nice to see you do a post about her) a lot of my friends don't like her because of her earlier image, but i find both her music and her style very inspirational. she doesn't look like a “conventional” goth, and i don't think that's what she is trying to do. tayor has a unique style, and i always notice some details which i then incorporate into mine. she actually was a reason why i started wearing more dresses and shorts, so now summers are not as bad for me as they were previously)

  8. It seems a bit ironic that so many “goths” are concerned with or even offended by the way she dresses. I've seen an interview with her before, and I doubt she even wants to be associated with the subculture. She sees herself as more of a rocker, and her outfits capture that rebellious and confident spirit. Her identity construct (if she's disingenuous) was a very smart choice for her celebrity because society really buys into the idea that a person is how they dress. If you're boring, throw on a pair of boots and then you'll be “mysterious.” This brings up a really interesting view of the meaning of “identity.” (Please excuse my rantiness. I've taken way too many lit classes as it seems) 😉

  9. I remember watching her on Gossip Girl! xD I've actually always liked her style, and her music is alright(from the little bit of it I hear on the radio). Actually it seems like I've cut my hair with the intention of it looking just like hers before…

  10. she gets a lot of hate (or she did when she first came on the scene like 5-6 years ago or whenever). I thought a lot of it was crazy overblown. she's like the tumblrcore-nugoth style icon…I think she shows up on my tumblr feed like several times a month. I think her look is cool. Her music isn't terrible, either (well her first album, anyway.) It was like alt-teenybopper. Considering the rest of the teenybopper music out there, her stuff isn't bad at all.

  11. Dammit, I just wrote a reply and my work computer deleted it. That's what I get for doing this at work haha.

    I used to do the whole headbands, semi-school girl cutsie thing with a goth twist too *blushes* so embarrassing now.

    I can appreciate that as I completely adore the whole heroin-chic make up look. Also love disease punk. Such a cool offset

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