I have an obcession With Neurotic Eighties Hiighschool Movies

Heathers (1988)

The above statement is very true. I am the largest fan of neurotic Eighties high school movies but this is more of a post to let you all know that I’m still swimming along in life. I wont lie and tell you I’ve been busy, I spent nine hours today playing Sims 3 non-stop until I became bored and un-installed it for the seventh time. There’s no nicer way to say that it’s the holiday’s, I am now in my last year of high school, and feel the need to spend the majority of my time doing absolutely nothing. Though I do have some post’s coming up! I was suppose to do an outfit post this week but I was lacking inspiration. I’ve also come up with some more hair dying idea’s. I hope you are all doing well and try not to miss me too much.

-Sary :3

P.S. At the moment I am watching a movie called Heathers; It’s amazing. The fashion is so incredibly eighties! I could steal ever outfit from it, ever.


This is just a post to reassure my followers that I am still alive. I have posted for a long while because, as it’s the last term of year eleven, I’m swamped with work and assessments to prepare me for my last year of high school. I honestly stress too much about these sort of things.

My mind has turned into a sort of blizzard of questions. I’ve gotten to a point in my education (Yes, already. I think ahead in everything) where I’m questioning if what I’m working towards, programming, is the right thing for me. I love it too death but I’m just not sure. I’m also seriously considering what I will be doing after year twelve. Which, at this point, I’m seriously considering deterring university and taking a year off to live with my boy friend in ‘the outback’. Well, we’ll see how things turn out. I also really want to do a few more ‘preparatory’ courses before uni. When I find the thing that I’m meant to do I want to KNOW EVERYTHING.

Tell me your thoughts.