Goth Character Alert! An Aurora Grimeon Story: Will O’ the Wisp – Graphic Novel Review

The makers of this book were kind enough to send me a PDF that I could explore and review for you guys. Check out their website of this book here.

When I first started reading this book I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it to it’s fullest, but by the third chapter I was hooked. What drew me in was the novel’s focus on Hoodoo traditions. The writer, Tom Hammock and illustrator Megan Hutchison do a great job in capturing a certain realistic Hoodoo tradition while creating a lust for readers to Google-find everything they can on the topic. Not to mention the spirituality of this book goes hand-in-hand with another of my loves (than Spooky traditions, that is) which is: death!

Image from Wil O’ the Wisp

I love that from before the novel even begins you get a sense that this is an individualist piece of work that is created to inspire readers to explore their own unique traits. We see this throughout Aurora’s character, dark obsessed but whimsical,  even  the writer; Hammock; states that it is his “hope that Aurora and her adventures in some small way spark curiosity into the world of Hoodoo, and other vanishing traditions all around us.”

But is the main character a Goth? Let me start by asking if anyone could please make a collection inspired by her outfits? But other than her outward appearance filled with stripes, combat books and a whole lot of black Aurora is definitely someone to be looked up to by Spooky people of all ages. She is comfortable around death, her chores consist of piecing skulls together and making moon observations, and she lives amongst the isle’s cemetery.

Image from Will O’ the Wisp

Considering the young adult audience I was surprised with the focus on death. The language was simplified in a way that would be easily understood but the theme of death and spirituality was represented in a realistic way. People are murdered and their bodies rot, taxidermy is practiced and bones are collected, Hoodoo is practiced and explained, and the romance plot ends with a rather surprising gasp.

Image from Will O’ the Wisp

I think that the writer Tom Hammock has exceeded all of the goals that he outlines in his beginning letter to the reader. This Graphic novel provokes interest in Hoodoo (You’ll definitely be seeing more of it on my blog!).  The story is something I’ve fallen in love with that I think I’ll want to read over and over combined with the beautiful presentation of the cover and the little diary aspects that will be perfect for showcasing. From now on the hard copy is on my wishlist.

I’m considering buying it, what about you? Do you like graphic novels?

My Five Favourite Gothy (Or alternative) Characters

 This is in response to the Poll of the Week on Goth Characters and alternative views on them.

 Personally, I tend to seek out Goth characters in films and movies. They always seem to be the most interesting characters and I tend to be able to relate to them a lot better than most. But that isn’t saying there aren’t characters that I strongly dislike for their terrible stereotypes. The backlash of television stereotyping can be terrible, it’s just that people should learn that what is on television (even or moreso on reality shows) is far from reality.Bellow are a short list of some of my favourite Gothy Characters. I’ve tried to steer clear of obvious and well known character just for a little variety.

Daria and Jane, obviously from Daria. There isn’t much to say. Some might not consider Daria alternative but you mustn’t have heard some of her quotes. The whole episode of “Misery Chick” is a great hint. Not to mention she’s delightfully sarcastic. I sat down for three or four days and just watched every episode in order, plus the two movies (though I didn’t end up watching the pilot) and when it was over I cried. This is one series you can see the characters growing tremendously and there actually is an over all plot.


Vince and Howard from The Mighty Boosh go Goth for an episode in which I think they look so adorable! Howard has a Deathhawk! Originally they into electronica, and Howard is into Jazz. I mean, come on, there’s even a reference to the very real Goth Juice hairspray that saves the day from the demon Nanatoo!

Link – I may be biased with my recent love of androgynous men but Vince looks mighty fine!

Bernard from Black Books. I’m in love with Bernard. If he was a real person I would be all over him, I don’t even care if he’s middle-aged, alcoholic, smoker, lives in his own filth and is dirt poor. He hilarious and owns the coolest book store. The series is too short in my opinion. I’ve seen every episode at least three times – there are only about eighteen episodes (so says IMBd).


Stevo and Heroine Bob from SLC Punk which were technically Punk but oh, well.My favourite quote goes with the picture below:

“I love you guys! Don’t get me wrong, it’s all about this. [Beats his chest above his heart] But for the first time in my life, I’m 18 and I can say “FUUUUUCK YOU!”


Enid from Ghost World isn’t a very popular choice. Throughout the film she dresses in the Kinderwhore Style but the picture below depicts her in her very short Punk stage of the movie. Ghost World is a very underrated movie, you should all go watch it right now.


 So, what do you think of my character list, pathetic or nicely done? Considering it’s about twelve at night and I’m hopped up on fake energy drinks (plus one fruit serving each drink!) it could be either or.
Best wishes,

Poll of the Week: Goth’s in the Mainstream


We all know of Abby Sciuto from the well known NCIS, and the Goth Kids from South Park. As far as I know most just write them off as a funny cliche’. What do you think?

Television Goth’s are:

  • Funny/entertainning.
  • Just another character/no response.
  • Ignorant/regressive.

Don’t forget to post in the comments some of your favorite characters or even characters you hate with a passion!


We were asked to write a narrative for English to practice for exams. A great thing about this blog is that it really does help me with my writing. Before I started blogging I started almost every sentence with ‘the’. So, tell me what you think? It’s quite short. 

My Journal
Entry one:
Hello. This is my first entry into my ‘journal’. Be warned, I’ve never done this before and it will probably turn out to be completely pointless. But, hey, my psychologist tells me it’s a healthy thing to do and I really have a choice in the matter.

Entry two:
I should probably write in this thing.
Here goes.
My name is Christopher Smith. I’m thirty nine and have detested that name since birth. My psychiatrist tells me that I’m depressed but in my mind I’m merely a realist; that’s ironic. I’m male. I was born in Southern California to a man and woman. My father hunted, my mother baked. It was an average life. School, girls, collage, girls, work: queue completion of life. I have a degree in dental health. All dentist stereotypes apply. Well, apart from being happy. I guess.

Entry three:
You might be wondering why I’m so depressed. Too hell if I know? Georgy, that’s the name my psychiatrist insists I call him, tells me it’s a series of events; All starting with a day at work.
It was an average day, I went to work. My first appointment was Mr Gannet. He isn’t usually particularly nice but that day it had seemed like a group of teens had run him into the building throwing eggs. I had lunch at the same place as any other; the cafe’ down stairs. I had some decaf and an egg roll. The day was normal until one of the nurses told me to report to the office. She gave me a half smile. I resent that smile. She reassured me with a pat on the shoulder. I assured her everything was fine and went on my way. I resent that smile.

“Oh, there you are Christopher. I’ve been trying to catch you all day,” the boss said tossing around some papers.
“I’ve been everywhere as usual,” I replied with a grin.
The conversation was short. He sat me down, came around from behind the desk and placed a hand on my shoulder. I would like to say that I knew that something was in progress. Unfortunately I was so unaware it’s almost stupid. In my memory the words tumbled out of his mouth like a bullet. This bullet was aiming for my head. I was being laid off. Apparently three dentists were more than enough for the small business. Some days I can think back to that day. I can feel that hand on my shoulder. I wish I had the nerve to punch him right in the jaw.

Entry four:
Journal, you may have noticed that I’d stated the word ‘series’ in context of events in my last entry. Well, that event caught up with me. I saw my ex-wife today. I don’t even think she recognised me. She should, since she was the reason I’m like this. 
After I lost my job I was okay. I still had my home. I had some money saved away. I was going to find a new job and continue on with my life. Sex was the last thing on my mind but it’s a clue that I will never forget again. 
“You’re pathetic,” She spat, turning away to look at the wall in resentment.
 I looked up at her, caught off guard.
“I’m sick of living like this.”
“I thought green peas and lentils were-“, I stumbled.
“I’m having an affair.”
The room was silent and everything thing around me turned to grey. She didn’t say any more. She simply stood up and left. I never saw her again until today. I can’t remember the last time we had sex and I can’t count how many drinks I had that night either.

You’re a sadist, aren’t you, George?

Entry five:
Even as I sit here writing; I’m holding a bottle of vodka. Georgy says I’m an alcoholic, my reasoning? Vodka is cheap. I guess you could say I drink often. It started when Katie left me. The few remaining friends took me to bars. They were expecting me to hit on girls. I took it as ‘drink away your feelings’. Sometimes they sent girls in my direction. They stopped taking me to bars when the girls started taking their friends and running for it.
The world was hell and alcohol was my God. All I had to do was give myself to him and I would truly be happy. But we all know it doesn’t work like that. There is no god. There’s no one to give us true happiness. Just us.

Entry Six: 
The electricity was cut to my house. I now sit in a tenth floor apartment building with the sound of screaming children surrounding me. The TV is as loud as possible. I’m seated in the only chair I own. It’s a brown stained armchair that was here when I started renting. I won’t be here long. It’s time to say my farewells.
Dear journal,
I won’t be dramatic. In all the time I’ve known you, you should know this by now. You know why I’m ready. I have nothing. I am nothing. I’m nothing but a man with a dental degree but no surgery. I hope you won’t be bothered that I didn’t fill your pages. Let’s hope Georgy doesn’t find out. You are my only friend.
P.S. I don’t think it’ll hurt. I’ve chosen to go with cheap vodka and sleeping pills. It’ll be just like falling asleep.

Entry Seven:
I guess you didn’t think I would be back. I didn’t either. I’m not fixed yet; realism has no cure. Science says that when we’re about to die a chemical formation starts in our brain and forces us to see white. I don’t remember what I saw but it sure as hell wasn’t god. 
It wasn’t like falling asleep. I remember taking the bottle from my lips. It took a while to focus my eyes. My hands were shaking. Or maybe my eyes were. I couldn’t feel my fingertips. My body was cold.  The bottle fell from my hand. Faster my heart thumped. And thumped. And thumped. Something forced my eyes to close. It happened so fast in my mind. 
The paramedic told me I looked like I was opening my arms up to God. I told him to get his crazy conspiracy theories out of my room.

Entry Eight:
This hospital room is cold. The other people that sit in beds, behind curtains complain that it’s too hot. I’ve never seen them. But I know they are all sixty year olds with ruined sweat glands. The window beside me is ajar. The buzz of cars climbs up through it. 
Sometimes I play chess with some of the nurses. They seem to think my realism is funny. One of them has a daughter, a teenager. She has large eyes. Like the deer my father used to shoot. Her hair is short and stringy. Sometimes she comes and sits next to my bed. She asks me stupid questions. Mostly about death.

 “Why are there so many old people in here?”
“They’re here to die.”
“But why here?”
I can’t say that I disagree with her. One of the nurses said I can baby sit her when I get out. She says it’ll be good for me.  

Entry Nine:
I get out of hospital today. I’m not sure what I want to do. My motivation has not changed. My psychiatrist is a hack. I switched to another. Another that won’t bother me with journals. I guess this is our last conversation. But I might check in every now and then. 
Angela wants me to come and visit her and her mum in the hospital. I said I’d take them out for ice cream. This little girl is strange. She reminds me of me.