OotD: Baring my Legs for the First Time in Seven Years

Fun fact: I haven’t wandered out into public and/or the presence of others without something covering my legs since my baby-bat years about seven years ago. That is not an exaggeration. Up until I realised the comfort of thigh-highs in summer, I would wear stockings from my toes all the way up to my waist every day of the year. My peers were dumbfounded and couldn’t understand how I managed it in fifty degree’s Celsius weather.

The only secret is that you get used to it.

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Jumper: EBay (similar) | Skirt: Thrifted | Socks: Boohoo.com (similar) | Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

As a kid I was always bullied about my ridiculously pale legs (but that was the least of my troubles and I don’t think I was too troubled by it). I tried tanning but that was a bust. I don’t tan, I burn. My mum’s family are Scottish/Irish/French-ish Immigrants so I inherited my palour. Fake tanning my legs stopped when I forgot to wash my hands afterwards and had to go to a family reunion with burgundy palms. It was a great conversation starter to say the least.

When I started into my Baby-bat years I realised that socks/stockings were my best accessory – especially since they were allowed in the dress-code. And I became the girl who would wear stockings on school canoe trips and pool days. I hate water anyway so it wasn’t too bothersome.

But the point is that this year I been trying to break-free of some of the appearance rules I’ve set for myself. Rules that I used as a safety net, but were actually pushing me further and further into a little box. I’ve started wearing pants and tights (in high-school my friends were shocked at the idea I’d consider pants – not even shorts), I went a month without make-up (many a fight had been started with Coen when he never gave me enough time to get dressed, let alone put my face on) and finally, I’m baring my legs for the first time in seven years.

Do you have any no-exception rules that you aren’t sure why you started in the first place, but never blink an eye-lid at? How would you break free of your own ‘rules’ if you could?

Outfit Post: Ripped x Ripped + Jeffrey Campbells

Today I’ve torn myself away from my impending medical doom to write a simple post about these lovely shoes that some of you guys ‘voted’ for in my summer shoes post. And ripped clothes, of course, but mostly shoes.

This face is the “Fuck, I know I’m going to be blurry” face.

Cardigan: Cotton On + DIY | Blouse: Kmart | Shorts: Nasty Gal | Socks: Asos | Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell.

The need to add more pointed shoes to my collection is growing! They’re so flattering in my mind, but that might just be one of my growing excuses to buy some winklepickers.Alongside these shoes I bought the shorts (both were mentioned in my Things I WILL Buy this Year post here). While I was a bit angry that they seemed to be stretching already, it seems that suddenly I’ve dropped fifteen kilos, along with headaches, horrible fatigue and no matter how much I eat (Coen thinks I have worms) or how much caffeine I force myself not to drink I’m just feeling more terrible.

When I gain the weight back I’ll be happy to see this peplum (yes, it doesn’t look like it) top actually fit properly. In the mean time before my doctors appointment, that seems so far away, I’ll preoccupy myself with these shiny new shoes.

I hope you guys are all doing well!

Top Five Things that I WILL Buy This Year

Funnily enough with my new new budget I’ve already bought some of these things.

Okay, so I talk about wishlists and things that I really want to try but a lot of the time I change my mind. Things fall in and out of interest for me. I’m a very fluid person. I may love something one month and fall completely out of love with it the next. I’m a person with a budget so when I can’t immediately buy something I may forget the reasons I fell in love with it when I first set eyes on it! But, here is a little yearly wishlist of things that I WILL buy this year. It may not be straight away. It may be a little while, but I have set my gaze on them and they will be bought (when I can afford it!).

I had no idea what kind of picture to put here, so take this.

Yes To Moisturiser  (Bought, review coming!)

I’ve been obsessed with this line and it’s something that I can just pop down to the shops to get! I was really eager to try to Murad line but I just couldn’t justify the price. Yes To is affordable and works really well for me so far – I have the Yes To Tomatoes Pore Scrub and Yes To Cucumbers Facial Towelettes. I’m just not yet sure weather to try the sensitive skin (cucumbers), tomatoes (acne prone) or the damaged skin (blueberries) because I have all of them!

Due West Cutoff Shorts by Nasty Gal (Bought, about ten minutes ago)

Firstly, I suck at purposely ripping things! When I wear my ripped stockings I usually get a lot of questions on how I ripped them so well, but you guys probably know that I like to leave them and let nature take it’s course! The perfect rip is the natural rip, so this explains why I can’t buy shorts to rip.

This leads us into the fact that I actually need some new shorts. My old trusty high waisted shorts
that I found in a thrift store were always a size or two too large. Tying a scrap of fabric around the belt buckles only helps for so long, since they start to stretch back to the far too big size. It’s about time I bought some shorts that actually fit!

Tarte BB Tinted Treatment 12-Hour Primer

I’ve heard great things about this BB Cream. I don’t want full coverage, I want something as natural as possible and I want something filled with quality that doesn’t break me out. That last one was one of the main reasons I want this primer. I’ve heard it does great things for acne prone skin. It may be a bit expensive but I rarely wear a skin base anyway.

Oh and I found somewhere that ships to Australia!

Jeffrey Campbell Niko Flats (Bought, about ten minutes ago)

You guys saw this a while ago on my summer flats post, when I asked you which you liked. While the majority of you guys didn’t like these, I fell in love. They’re my first Jeffrey Campbell shoes (and hopefully my last for a little while). As of recently they’re my only summer shoes (the replacement for my fallen apart house shoes has now become the falling apart house shoes that need replacing) but I’m not sure I can bring myself to actually wear t hem out in the dirt!

Black Gloss Stilleto Fake Nails

My nails suck. They grow really long when I don’t touch them or leave the house but in an active environment they break every five minutes. While I’m bad at painting them myself and rely on nail polish strips I’ve decided I want to try stronger, fake nails that I can reuse. I can’t wait for some pointy, gloss nails.

Do you have anything that you are determined to buy or to try this year?