Male Goth Youtuber: Morrgore

In the blogging community and youtube Goth community there never seems to be many well done articles or video’s about, for or by male Goths. That’s where Morrgore comes in! I stumbled across his video’s today and thought: “My gosh! This is perfect!” I really think the male perspective is something that has been sorely missing but it doesn’t end there.

Sure there are some male bloggers and vloggers but I’m sorry to point out that I have not found one that has nearly the amount of quality that I would subscribe too or anything that is mildly interesting personally (I know, I’m a cold hearted bitch). His video’s are in High Definition, he speaks well, brings a bit of humour onto the plate (of children!) and talks about interesting topics that are both relevant to male and female Goths. Not to mention, you have to love those fangs.

So, check out his video’s and his channel here and don’t forget to subscribe!

Best wishes,