The Lives of Lovers Really Is That Tragic

 Do I lie to you, my love?
Tell you I don’t feel the itch
Or worse to feed it with that silver edge.
Will my lies get better with practice
If I choose the pleasure over you
If I choose my pleasure over nothing.
What do I feel? If anything.
A lived out dream will always end
But stay within my memories
To dream and dream again.
My thoughts stray from the innocent 
To scarred thighs, charred lies.
To things I know I’ll never take
But choose to dream of everyday.
You once were a dream –
Four years have past.
And sudden dreams have never last.
Yet I choose to dream again.
But that’s the fate of lovers dreams
Come to an end.
For now I’ll cut and lie
And commit myself to false goodbyes.
To kill myself is what I choose.
When love is lost,
In the end of dreams,
And where lovers lives will always lead.
By Sarah Walrus

Judgement Goes Both Ways

It’s obvious to me that as humans we judge people. It was once a survival technique – back in caveman days if you see someone walking around covered in blood then judgement would be a useful thing to have. But in modern society with the understanding of sociopathy (A person that lacks certain emotions that contribute to their sense of morality (bad word choice but oh well)) that people that look strange aren’t always murderers and that’s an obvious generalisation.

Moving on I’m not actually going to talk about the bias against people that look strange. That’s very well known even in people that don’t realise it. But the defensive bias that some alternative fashion lovers have against those that don’t dress alternatively. Sure, this ties a little into elitism. “Oh you’re a Goth. But you aren’t wearing any black?” sort of mindset. But again not exactly.


Usually seen in teenagers, personally, but I don’t doubt that it’s in the older generations as well is that if you have had bad experiences with people that dress in a certain tide of mainstream fashion you may start a defensive string of judgement towards them as well.

To put it simpler, imagine two completely different girls are walking down the street. One is an alternative girl decked out in pointy boots, rosary, leather jacket. The other is a mainstream fashion lover in nude pumps, gold jewellery with her hair in a messy bun. The mainstream girl is thinking, “Ew, look at those boots. Fucking witch,” but the alternative girl is thinking, “gross, honestly, nude and swade? Fucking hipster”

It’s all judgement and it happens surprisingly often. Though a lot of people don’t realise that they do it.

I’m not going to tell you to stop all the judgement because I honestly think it’s in human nature but at least try and be a little more aware and a little less hypocritical.

Best wishes,

Updated Links Page

I updated one of my pages that was previously “My Current Favourite Links”. A lot of those link’s changed a lot lot and I was too lazy to update it so it is now my Lovely Blogger List. Meaning a list of some of my favourite Bloggers, presently. But don’t expect me to update it too often. So, check out some of the lovely faces! I’m pretty sure most of them are Goth’s or Alternative in some form.

Best wishes,

Obituary Tag

Last night I was tagged in OddGhoulOut’s self created Obituary tag. I suggest you all go and check out her response because it was hilarious! You can see it here.

She states:

“I’ve been working in The Writing Studio at Georgia State today, when a worried student came in for some assistance. She was assigned to write an obituary for her Journalism class. This obituary was to be written about the professor of her course. I’d never heard of anyone assigning something like this (probably because it’s morbid), but it’s very practical to learn for Journalism. From there, I had an idea. I thought what a good tag/challenge it would be for fellow bloggers to write an obituary about themselves. (not to mention a bit of morbid fun)”

I agree completely about the morbid fun!

So, Here’s the rules:

  1. Link back to whoever tagged you.
  2. Put these rules in your tag. 
  3. Write an obituary about yourself (it can be as funny or as serious as you like).
  4. Write about a paragraph or two (or more if necessary) in length.
  5. You may tag up to 10 people, and be sure to link to them.
  6. Have fun, because creative writing is one of the greatest joys in life!


Sarah Walrus wasn’t an incredible power of this city. Meaning that you may well be wondering why I think dedicating a space to this women is appropriate. To be honest it isn’t appropriate and in a week when this round of newspapers is thrown out she will be forgotten. Ms. Walrus passed away last Thursday evening, found DOA in her second home in Sydney’s inner West. The scene was not pretty, found with herds of her many cat’s feeding off the large gun-shot wound in the centre-front of her head. Sarah Walrus should not be remembered by her suicide, she should be remembered for her narcissism (that led to her completing a full face of cosmetics before suicide), her disdain for all of the human race (yes even all her friends) and her acute and constant paranoia that she could die at any moment (a bit late for that) that ruled her life. She will be missed and her books forever used as cheap firewood.

Her funeral will be held on August 31st. So, come and show respects. If not to show respects at least to join in on throwing an original piece her her writing (or artwork) into the fire of the crematorium.


  1. Dani
  2. Amy
  3. Natalie
  4. Caitlin

Day 05 – Your favorite monster movie

Usually I’m not one for monster films, I prefer psychological thrillers and paranormal films. If I had to choose my favourite monster movie I would choose Dracula. I haven’t actually seen the version of Dracula with Bela Lugosi in it but I have seen a later version a few times (actually a lot of times. Not because I loved it, it just seems to be on TV quite often) – that being the 1992 version.

 I’m sure you’ll all probably know the plot of Dracula unless you’ve been living under a rock for your entire life. Though, I do have a friend that took a trip to the Harry Potter exhibition in Sydney a while ago. She’d been brought by parents that said she couldn’t watch it because her parents are very religious and she had to ask us, “Is Dumbledore the good or the bad one?” Anyway, the point to that crazy analogy is that I’m ‘borrowing’ the description from IMDb.

“This version of Dracula is closely based on Bram Stoker’s classic novel of the same name. A young lawyer (Jonathan Harker) is assigned to a gloomy village in the mists of eastern Europe. He is captured and imprisoned by the undead vampire Dracula, who travels to London, inspired by a photograph of Harker’s betrothed, Mina Murray. In Britain, Dracula begins a reign of seduction and terror, draining the life from Mina’s closest friend, Lucy Westenra. Lucy’s friends gather together to try to drive Dracula away.” – IMDb

 Fun fact. I’m yet to fully get through the book. I’ve started it a few times but I really do prefer to jump straight into the action.

Best wishes,

Goth Curiousity

I recently stumbled across Live Life, Laugh and Live Longer‘s blog during my exams and to be honest was to busy studying and was terrible tired and lazy. But today I finished my exam, though I still have some creative work due and when finally catching up on the blogs I follow noticed Stripy Tights and Dark Delights had completed it. And well, it reminded me. Now I don’t like posting things that other’s have recently posted but I’ll make this exception because while reading through Amy’s and The House Cats (that was in comment form) I was inspired upon my own answers.

  1. What does Goth culture and being a Goth means to you?

    Well, I haven’t mentioned this previously but I’m a bit of an elitist. I believe that Goth culture (for myself) is primarily about exploration of the music – Goth Rock but not just limited to it. It’s a bit about fashion and a bit about DIY but it’s also about making friends.

    I’m not saying people who don’t listen to Goth Rock can’t be Goth. I’m saying that for myself that’s how it is and that everyone has different exceptions and personalities. I know and love other Goths that would prefer cabaret and Celtic music to Goth Rock any day.

  2. People mostly believed that the Goth culture is into dark and death, etc. If you have a chance to shout something in their faces about the POSITIVE things that Goth culture had brought to you, what it is and why?

    Firstly, I’d like to say that I’m a terribly morbid person with terribly taste in dark humour. Even those that have me on Facebook can see this. I like to (most of the time) try and see this as a positive itself. Let’s face it. We’re going to die so why live to others standards? Just do what makes you happy – preferably if it isn’t hurting others.

    Other positive things include!
    – The ability to not care what people I don’t like or know think of me.
    – Awesome as hell friends.
    – It opened up my love of music.
    – A sense of community.

  3. What positive and good things does the Goth culture had brought to you that change you as a person?

    Pretty much as above.

  4. Why did you choose to be a Goth?

    I’ve stated this here on my blog before but I’ll sum it up here. It was a collection of people that came in and out of my life that opened me up to alternative living, one of these people being the wonderful Kitty Lovett that I met in high school.

    Funnily enough a lot of those things that people tend to just fall into have been a choice for me. I choice who I wanted to be friends with (mostly in an attempt to get away from the drug addicts – that are genuinely nice people – that were causing my demise) and I choice to get into the Goth subculture. Of course, by the fashion route – the music came eventually though.

    I literally chose to became part of what I thought the subculture was at that time because I was sick to death of living up to societal expectations. I forced myself to be friends with people I didn’t like at all. I talked about and forced myself to learn current pop music and culture but people always thought I was weird. I even spent a year attempting to get a tan because my skin just will not and I’ll be treating the results of it for the rest of my life. But I just didn’t care any more and decided that I wanted to try something different. I’d seen Goths around, loved it and then got into it.

  5. Does being a Goth is another way of self-expressionism?

    Yes, I think it is. Not only because of the artistic influences that this culture revolves around but because dressing in this fashion, listening to this music is a choice and is an expression. You’re expression your love for things you enjoy.

  6. My parents said: “Goths are cool. But, please stop playing funeral songs.” Do you agree in the first sentence?

    Well, yes. I believe Goths cool, generally. I’ve met (and even dated) some Goths that were and continue to be complete dick’s (sorry for my language), complete racists and/or sexists. But generally, I think Goths are pretty cool.

  7. My sister says: “Goths wears cross. But, they’re into dark things and such… Do they believe in God?” Do you?

    Actually yes, I do believe in god. I don’t want to get into it but my religious journey has been tough. But in a nutshell I was raised Catholic, went to church and continue to believe in God though not specifically Catholic values. There are times though when I don’t believe in god. Let’s, just, not get into that mess of a topic for me.

    And also, I think that being into dark things would make you think about (not necessarily in) god. Because in my opinion isn’t the afterlife one of life’s darkest things?

 Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus

P.S. You really have no idea how much I love questionnaires. They really get my brain thinking.

New Header!

Hey, guys. Guess who has a new header? My friend who made the old header, originally out of a doodle made in art class that I put on my wall of me and my good friends reincarnate in out animal form, has been using her tablet for a lot longer now and seems to be getting incredible. I think this header suits the blog a lot better and isn’t it just pretty?

Yet, again. I urge you to go on over and check out my friend, Xara’s Deviant Art, here. And be aware that she does some pretty kick-ass Pokemon comics, lots of chibi characters, some very dark sketches and is currently partaking in the Larken’s SS Nuzlocke in comic form (which is basically playing Pokemon set to strict guidelines, for instance if a pet dies you can never use it again because it is dead, and documenting it’s hilariousness in comic form – with an added narrative.) And not to brag about my friend but she has been involved in two exhibition’s so far, for her water colour and pen paintings and sold quite a bit of artwork – so check that out too!

Some of her artwork is as follows. But is her property and that alone unless otherwise stated by the artist.

Too Faced Eye Shadow Insurance Anti-crease Primer VS Spackle: Laura Geller’s Under Make-up Primer

Size comparison

Overall Opinion


I just first want to note I’m taking about the original formula. This product is very temperamental. If you put it on and wait too long before you apply make up it doesn’t work, if you put it on and don’t wait long enough for it to dry properly it wont work, if it’s a hot day it wont work. But if it’s a cold day and you apply at exactly the right time it works perfectly!


 This product I was worried about at first since it looked tinted to a tan colour which doesn’t seem to affect it’s actual appearance on the skin. It works a lot better on the eye than in a swatch, probably because it’s specifically an eye primer while Spackle is a full face primer. Also, I found that TFSI dries almost immediately while the Spackle takes at least five minutes and you do really have to work it into the skin – but it can be almost too fast at times. Lastly, overall, blending is majestic with this primer! It’s like it just blends for me! It gives you so many more options.



Retail price goes about $20, though I bought mine wholesale from eBay which only ended up at around fifteen or less including shipping. I check my products thoroughly from eBay in case they are a fake but as far as I know there aren’t Spackle fakes being produced.

Considering this is the largest size of the original I could find at 59ml, which I think they’ve stopped production of since they have a new formula.


Retail price is about $18 dollars, and again I bought this whole sale from eBay. I actually was convinced it was a fake as the picture was different but it seems they have many different appearances from what I’ve found around the internet. The seller messaged me and we worked it out. It seems fine so far though.

The price may seem equal to Spackle but I was really shocked to find that it was so tiny! I know, I should research products more before I buy them.On the Spackle container it states it’s 56 grams while the TFSI is 11grams. No offence to the people that have said “It’s water based so you don’t need much” but Spackle is a lot more water based! So much so, that it takes five minutes to dry!

Staying Power


To put it bluntly, it’s terrible. I’ve been using this primer for four months now and the number of times it’s surprised me has been literally twice. Once was recently when I returned home after having to walk an hours walk home from town in the crippling heat, attempting to keep up with my partner and wearing a cardigan. Have I explained to you how much I sweat! (Darn you father for making me inherit your excessive sweating!) Anyway, after having to break into my own house my make up was still perfectly intact.


This is so much better than Spackle. When I get home from an eight hour day in the Eastern Australian humidity my make up is still as if I haven’t touched it. I’ve heard so many good things about this product but this was so much better than I had though. The staying power for sparkly eye-shadows is just as good as matte shadows. It’s perfect in so many ways!

Brightness affect


Brightness isn’t too bad with this product, surprisingly. It’s probably about equal with TFSI.


The brightness wasn’t extraordinary but then again I don’t use the best quality eye-shadow. I’ve been trying to convince myself into buying some more make up online but so far my logic is winning. It’d be interesting to try some Sugarpill on it though as apparently it’s really good.



Spackle felt fine in my opinion. Though it did have a tendency to make my eyes water afterwards. And you wouldn’t want to accidentally get that stuff in your eyes because it’s BAD.


This stuff makes your eyelids so dry! I’ve heard how good it is for oily skinned people and I can completely vouch for that but I have combination skin – meaning that my eyelids are already dry. Most of the time I’ve found it to be no problem but its exactly the opposite of Spackle in that while Spackle takes five minutes to dry, this can dry before you even finish applying. Not while you’re applying it but if you happen to drop something, reach down to pick it up it’ll be completely dry.


Overall I recommend TFSI, though if you have super dry skin I might not. I was forever prefer it to Spackle because it actually does it’s job perfectly but then again I haven’t tried Spackle as an under foundation primer.

I know what you’re thinking, “Holy-shit! An actual content post!” I had some free time today after finishing an exam, only three more to go! :3
Best wishes,

Follow Me By Email!

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that you can subscribe by email now (just check the left column under my links). I understand how annoying it can be to find a blog that you really enjoy but, for instance, don’t have or regularly use a gmail/blogger account to follow them. Which is where email has always helped me.

Plus! I wont be activating advertisements to this particular feed so if they annoy you to that extent feel free to subscribe by email. I’m still checking everything out though so don’t get used to it yet.

Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus