These songs might seem a little out of character by the usual angry Punk and angsty Post-Punk that I usually post on here. But my love for those genres is only a segment of the music that I love! I actually grew up on full diet of soul music and jazz. Well, kind of – like most young’un’s I went through periods of everything from DMC to The Eagles to Ray Charles. I memorised them all and would play them each over and over through certain periods of time. But classic songs by bands like The Supremes have managed to stick to me. I jump straight to them when I want to sing and they always manage to make me smile.

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Lime in the Coconut by Harry Nilson
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Tammi Terrell & Marvin Gaye
Knock on Wood by  Amii Steward
Where Did Our Love Go? by The Supreme
Que Sera Sera by Doris Day
I Want to Be Evil by Eartha Kitt
Dream a Little Dream of Me by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong 
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John (This is Coen and I’s song! We always sing duets.)
Hit The Road Jack by Ray Charles

I’ve been on a quest of being positive. Laying off the coffee (okay, there’s still some coffee) and replacing it with fruit and vegetable juice. Attempting to stop glorifying YouTubers and instead learning about crystal healing.

It sounds totally cliche, but it’s helping me cleanse my life. It’s time to throw away the negative and live, you know? Do you have any soppy classics that always manage to make you smile?

If you’d like, you can listen to the mixtape at the top of this post by pressing play, or jumping straight to YouTube.

Trick or Treat: Goth Halloween Songs!

In the future (the very soon future) I’m hoping to do a larger post on Goth-Rock and Rock-related Halloween music. So if you have any songs that jump out at you that might fit please, please let me know! I never feature any music on my blog that I wouldn’t listen to myself, so it’s a bit hard to find songs in such small a category: Goth rock + Halloween related + I actually like it.

It’s nearly the Halloween season (as in October) and that means it’s time to get into the spooky spirit. Last year I did a top four Halloween songs that were more traditional. This year I thought I’d focus more on Goth-Rock Halloween songs. And so, here are my four absolute favourites!

They aren’t the typical bands I’d listen to (aka, they aren’t The Cure or Stevie Nicks), so I’m glad I found them, fell in love and now I have music I haven’t listened to a thousand times before to add into my collection!

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Video links after the jump or play them on the player right below!

        Halloween by Siouxsie and the Banshees Everyday is Halloween by Ministry
Red Right Hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde           

What do you think? Do you have a Halloween playlist?

OotD: This outfit is totally Punk-rock, right? + Punk Playlist

Here have a themed playlist for this outfit; punk inspired (keep in mind I’m a bit of a wimp these days when it comes to angry music). Listen as you skim my ramblings for actual meaning!

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Jacket: Sheinside | T-shirt: Black Craft Cult | Shorts: Iron Fist | Shoes: Borrowed from my Mum (Similar)
Necklace: Ebay | Pins: Ebay/New Zealand/Etsy | Stockings: Target | Lips: Lush (It started with a kiss)

^Did you need all of that information? Probably not, but here it is none-the-less.

Scanning through my outfit posts it’s easy to see that I like to wear the same three pairs of shoes until either the shoes die, or I do. But I’ve found a solution! My mum is an avid shoe hoarder enthusiast. She has the same preference for black patent boots that I have (she’s a total Goth) but she’s much better at walking in heels than I’ll ever be.

In all honestly though, originally this outfit wasn’t inspired by Punk. It was inspired by the t-shirt equivalent to a top-knot and awaiting the arrival of spring and summer. The bees are here, why aren’t you Mr Sun? Unfortunately summer decided not to show up and so, the leather jacket was added. This is the patched up (Robert Smith is on the back) and home to all of my pins leather jacket that I never wear, in favour of my other leather jacket that happens to be oversize, comfy as hell and unfortunately undecorated.

Do you like Punk music? Because I’d love some suggestions. I’ve fallen out of Punk in favour of more Post-punk, classic rock and eighties lately. Which is why my playlist is a bit lack-luster. Oh, and you tell me, this outfit is totally Punk-rock, right?

Four Famous Trad-Goth Songs I’d Forgotten I LOVE

Favourite bands last no longer than a few months for me because I end up listening to them non-stop until I can take it no longer. Which is why I’ve been trying to find some newer Goth-Rock stuff (see. Goth or Not?). I fell so hard for classic post-punk that we needed some time apart. That time is over! Somehow some of my favourites found their way back into my favourite playlists and I’m fully immersed into my favourite genre. But who brought me back from the dead?

Bela Legosi’s Dead

A while back I posted Five Killer Bauhaus Songs that aren’t Bela Legosi’s Dead. But there are so many reason that this song is so renowned within the subculture. One, is because it is typically seen as the epitome of the Goth sound (even though Bauhaus certainly wasn’t the first Goth band). The second reason is because it’s just so fucking good.

Black Sun

I’ve never been a fan of Dead Can Dance; their sound has gone through so many variations that a mere mortal such as myself can never find the one I like! If you can find me some other songs similar to Black Sun I might marry you. (Probably not, though. Sorry.)

Temple of Love

Certainly the most dance-worthy (in my opinion) of this list, but no less famous trad-goth tunes. I’m not sure what else I can say about this. You better have a listen, and then tell me what you think.

Last Beat of my Heart

Who could forget Siouxsie the Banshees on a trad-Goth list? When I clicked onto Coffin Kitsch’s The Last Beat of My Heart : UK 82 in which she outlines her favourite bands of UK 82 Punk. Though I haven’t delved too far into that genre the name alone was enough to get my yerning for some more Siouxsie. This song is heart wrenchingly catching, semi-military sound inspired and generally beautiful.

Have you ever had a band or a song rekindle your love for anything?

Riot-Girl Spotlight: Gimme Brain by Bratmobile

Today has been spent with my head inside the book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Which is why this post is short and sweet. It’s a good thing there isn’t much more to say about this song other than that I am in love with it. Bratmobile have always been a leading force in the world of Riot Girl music from it’s earliest days but it took a while for me to really enjoy it. I wasn’t a big fan when I became interested in the movement. In those days I was more into the screaming and angry, less political not-quite-riot-girl stuff like Jack Off Jill, Babes in Toyland and Hole. I knew about Bratmobile and Bikini kill but I don’t think I really appreciated them until much later. So, what do you think? Have you ever grown into a band? I think that most bands I enjoy to-date are bands that I’ve grown to love. Rather than sporadic summer-romances.

Goth: the true story of post-punk

You might hear a lot of Goth blogger hark on about the importance of supporting your scene, or the bigger scene in general. You know, by respecting newer branches like Pastel-Goth, bringing acknowledgement to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, and mentioning the little businesses and bands that don’t get enough recognition, or any recognition outside of the subculture.Which is why I want to bring up a book that I was emailed about: Goth: the true story of post-punk.

Go visit this page, please.

Apparently, (you never know what might happen in the future), the books to bring acknowledgement to that little sect of music that can, a lot of the time, be forgotten. Post-punk that is, and all the other dreary bands that I love so: Southern Death Cult, Adam and the Ant’s, Sioxsie, Bauhaus, The Damned (Yesyesyes!), and of course, The Cure and Joy Division.

It also aims to look at the subculture, and how it has developed into the millennium. Which, I would say, take with a grain of salt to start. Because when I hear about these projects I immediately get excited. I feel like there isn’t enough good material being made on these topics (the topics I like) but they might not turn out saying things you agree with.

But all of that aside, check out their Unbound here (like a kickstarter for books) with their about video that truly harnesses the honesty of a British accent and pledge some money if you feel inclined; I know I will be.
What do you think about projects like these? Do you think you’ll enjoy the end result?

Goth or Not? – Band Spot-Light: She Wants Revenge

Just a warning that the video clip is borderline heart-breaking with issues relating to transgendered people.
They’ve toured with Depeche Mode and state their primarily source of inspiration as Joy Division; it’s not hard to figure I loved this band from the first moment I stumbled upon True Romance. Granted, if you don’t like bands with a repetitive sound you might want to listen to She Want’s Revenge sparingly, because they aren’t the kind of band that experiments way out of their comfort zone (a la Dead Can Dance). Far more electronic than your traditional Trad-Goth but it certainly combines Ian Curtis-esque vocals with Depeche Mode bleepy sounds – but not too electronic, don’t worry!

What’s your vote? Goth or not?

Favourite Four: Alternative Songs to Brighten any Morning

It’s starting to look a lot like winter. You know what that means? We all have to try just that little bit harder to stay positive. Because when you’re waking up to find your bed socks have fallen into that desolate spot under your bed you just can’t reach, your favourite boots are covered in cobwebs (this could be a positive), all this while it seems the sun hasn’t even risen yet you might just need a little extra of a pick-me-up to get the day started.

I just can’t get over how ugly the Spiderbait cover is.
Cool by Pylon (Post-Punk – New Wave) | Friday I’m in Love by The Cure (Post-Punk)
Calypso by Spiderbait (Alt Rock – Pop-Punk) – Today by the Smashing Pumpkins (Alt Rock)

Don’t fear, I’m not going to tell you to switch to pop music in the darker days of the year because alternative rock can be just as inspiring! You can find a great morning song from even the most anarchist of genres. Here are my current morning loves.

Speaking of anarchist morning songs, do you ahve one you’d like to suggest? What do you listen to? I’m in desperate need for some new happy Punk, happy post-punk, happy New Wave songs to spam listen to. This sounds impossible but you can only listen to The Cure and silly eighties songs so many times per year!

Goth-musical Sountracks I Can’t Stop Singing

Also, I’ve posted the winner of the giveaway on my Facebook page: The Purity of Evil! 

Goth musicals aren’t quite as far and few between as one might think. Sure, the few I’ve chosen to take inspiration from are the obvious but you could take from inspiration from anything from Moulin Rouge to Cabaret. The great thing about Goth musicals is that they give inspiration from the music, the plot and the fashion all at once!

Repo! The Genetic Opera | Sweeney Todd; the Demon Barber of Fleet Street | The Rocky Horror Picture Show

When I was a younger Goth I tried to emulate Shilo’s outfits down to the smallest detail. This film was the starting influence for my own  short-lived Industrial phase. Now that I think about it why did I ever stop loving gas masks? They’re so cool! On that note Graverobber is my future husband, sorry Coen. What are your favourite Goth musicals? I probably need them in my life. How do you take inspiration from them (decor, outfits, general being)?

VANITY’s Occult You Album Review

As their website claims “It’s not [just] wave, it’s not [just] metal, it’s not [just] indie” and in my opinion it’s definitely not Post-Punk. But alas, VANITY’s moderately new album Occult You is something I can really recommend to those who love any period of vampire film (it just has that vibe); all periods of rock, in particular nineties Gothic Metal; and to classic Gothic Horror novel obsessors!

VANITY’s Official Album Photograph

But What About the Music?

 It usually takes me a while to really get into a band and VANITY was no different. It certainly captured me with the mystical videos (glorious fog is always a plus) and the monologue-esque start to songs though it takes awhile to get into the familiar breakdowns and choruses of lots of this album’s songs. The music is brilliant, but I’m not too fond of the vocals. Personally, I love a more feminine vocal (like in my favourite of the album: Time’s New Romance) rather than the more masculine sound of most songs in throughout the album. Which is to say the vocals aren’t bad just out of my preference! The album as a whole does a great job of forming a large picture that’s rather self-contained while each song remains true to it’s particular theme.

A great example of glorious fog is this embedded version of Vanity’s Pagan Hearts, right here:

Suggested Listeners:
I would suggest this to anyone that enjoys more traditional rock structures of the twentieth century (okay, so maybe not everyone thinks in these kind of terms) and more Gothic lyrics (definitely Gothic more than Goth-rock) like Evanescence. Alternatively the introductory guitar melodies are definitely inspired by The Horrors (which they actually state on their Facebook here – I’m totally so informed!).

But definitely check out at least one of their songs from this album (even if just for the wonderful cinematics) because they span such a versatile set of genres that you never know if you’ll like them until you lend them a little bit of an ear. So, you better go take a listen and come straight back to yell at me about how wrong I am!