Male Goth Youtuber: Morrgore

In the blogging community and youtube Goth community there never seems to be many well done articles or video’s about, for or by male Goths. That’s where Morrgore comes in! I stumbled across his video’s today and thought: “My gosh! This is perfect!” I really think the male perspective is something that has been sorely missing but it doesn’t end there.

Sure there are some male bloggers and vloggers but I’m sorry to point out that I have not found one that has nearly the amount of quality that I would subscribe too or anything that is mildly interesting personally (I know, I’m a cold hearted bitch). His video’s are in High Definition, he speaks well, brings a bit of humour onto the plate (of children!) and talks about interesting topics that are both relevant to male and female Goths. Not to mention, you have to love those fangs.

So, check out his video’s and his channel here and don’t forget to subscribe!

Best wishes,

300 Hundred Followers!

Coen and I had cupcakes yesterday. Mines the pink one and his is the abused one.

Holy-shit guys! Sometime in the last ten hours I reached three hundred followers! It’s pretty awesome but I still think I have a long way to go and a lot of improvement in my blog. Just to let you know I really adore all my followers, you guys are awesome and so friendly. Some of the comments, though I may not reply, give me the biggest smiles. :3

Do you guys have any ideas for how to celebrate?

Best wishes,


So what is a babybat?

Babybat; noun.
1. The name given to any persons new to the Goth (sometimes other) subculture, prone to making simple mistakes, but understands some history.
2. A young member under the age of adult-hood in the Goth subculture.

There’s a lot of debate on what a baby-bat actually is, along with if the term is offensive. I’m more than sure that such a term can be used as an insult but to the majority I think it’s generally accepted as an endearing term.

Talia Felix said: “I always thought Babybats were like those 11/12 year olds who are trying to be Goth, mostly by painting their faces like The Crow; but apparently a lot of people seem to think you’re a Babybat right into your 20s”

That’s where a completely separate argument comes in. What’s the difference between mallgoths and babybats? Mallgoth is typically an American term meaning (generally) a younger person dressed in trip pants (or other fully brand named items), with The Crow make-up and are generally less than friendly. They tend not to want to be involved in the subculture or know anything about it. While babybat’s are more knowledgeable about the subculture about more friendly.

Other Opinions:

  • The Everyday Goth recently (actually just a few minutes ago this popped into my subscriptions box) an article on the differences and transformation from Babybat to Goth here.
  • Domesticate brought up something that I hadn’t noticed directly before reading her opinion. She talks about peoples jumping straight from Babybat to Elder, but skipping being jsut a regular Goth here.

 Best wishes,

Poll of the Week: Do You Find Babybats Annoying?

In all honesty I was at a loss for what to ask for this weeks Poll of the Week. Help guys! Comment below with things you’d like to know about your scene , the blogging scene or generally things you’d like me to write about. I’ll take anything into consideration. :3


Without further delay, this weeks Poll of the Week is Do you find babybats annoying?

  • All the time.
  • Sometimes.
  • Not really.
  • Only once.
  • I find the term annoying.

We’ve all, or at least the majority, have had babybat years and whether we look back on them as found memories or cringe at the thought we know there were probably a few things that we had just a little bit off. So, check the poll in the top, right hand side bar and don’t forget to comment below about your batling years or even about a nasty (or lovely) experience with one! I’d love to hear!

Best wishes,

Poll Of The Week: Do you refer to yourself as a Goth?

We’re all heard the story that real Goth’s don’t call themselves Goths. Then there are the people that don’t like to fall under a label. You’ll soon hear my opinion on these things but first I want to hear yours. So go to the poll on the right side of the screen at the top of the side bar and cast your vote. Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell me what you think on the matter.

  • Yes, I am a Goth and refer to myself as a Goth.
  • No, I am a Goth (within the context or something much the same) but choose not to refer to myself as a Goth.
  • I am not a Goth. (Leave your opinion on what you do think!)

Best wishes,
One more step to Friday, I’m in love! (Is this just too cheesy?)