Can you see any similarities? Since I got a job (oh yeah, I got a job guys!) I’ve been more willing to spend money on unnecessary things to decorate my space. My colour scheme is white with red details, so I want to fill up all the blank space with more interesting bits and pieces that make me happy; like the occult!

I’ve been wanting to hang an Ouija board on my wall forever. I’ve debated getting a newer style but I’m stuck on the traditional Parker Brothers board. The cushions will be decorations on the chairs in my room. But that palmistry hand cushion in particular is amazing! I’ve been in love with palmistry for so long that I’ve actually been meaning to get palmistry symbols tattooed on my fingers. Lastly, do I even have to mention the gnarly molar dome? I don’t think you understand how much I need it in my life!

What do you think? Creepy or cool?
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