OotD’s: How Should I Style my Leather pants?

Leather pants, well okay, pleather pants have been something that I’ve always wanted to try but never thought I could ‘do’, you know? I tried leggings, but I think I might resign them to workout wear for a while. But in the spur of the moment I kind of impulse bought these Plain PU Look Jeans. They’re definitely not leather feeling, or looking but that’s more of a positive in my books. I couldn’t wait to throw them into a tonne of outfits. Below are six ways I threw them in with my regular outfit counterparts that you’ve probably seen in my past outfit posts a hundred times.

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All I can say is that it’s so strange looking at so many pictures of me wearing pants. Pants have never been my friend. I have a hard time working them into outfits because I’ve always considered them pretty boring – I can’t even wear thigh-highs with them! In the history of my blog I think I’ve worn leggings once, tartan pants a few times and way back in the day I had a pair of jeans (uh, not anymore).

But despite the navy colour which I’m not sure whether I love or not, I think they are the least boring pants I have ever worn. They fit perfectly, have an interesting texture, work with everything I pair them with and don’t make my proportions look off like most pants.

What do you think about pants? How would you style these, if at all?

How I Style LEATHER PANTS in my Dreams (For summmer)

This “In my Dreams” post is about the Plain PU Look Jean‘s that I’m already pretty sure were never meant to be. But against my better judgement I decided I needed them and spent the resulting few days wishing they would just come already! In lieu of their arrival, I’ll dream about what I hope they will be – rather than what will be my demise: the fact that they’re actually navy blue. I hate navy blue.

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Boots | Shirt | Kimono

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Pants | Bustier | Shoes
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Top | Shoes | Kimono

These looks are very summery (in my books) since summer suddenly exploded in my part of Australia. Wearing leather pants in summer is a good excuse to throw on tiny crop tops and bustiers, since you’re already covered up. Not to mention a great reason to collect all of the fringe-y kimonos you (meaning I) can find. In my opinion (let me know if you agree) just the fact that something is leather makes it a neutral in so many colours. And so, throughout I was trying to play up prints and textures – tartan, velvet, fringe, sequins.

Even if these pants turn out to be the pristine piece of my life, they’re probably going to sit around in my closet until winter rolls around again. But a girl can dream, right?

Outfit Post: Tattoo and Red Tartan

Is anyone else having a wonderful day? Tartan, sheer polka dot socks, eyeballs and a little bit of lace; if that wouldn’t perk up your day I don’t know what could! The perfect day to spam-play my favourite song!

I remember when my mum first planted this tree.

Silly sheer polka dot socks with even sillier rhinestones on them.
Hands up if you know that crusty lipstick feeling after a long day?
Blouse: ROMWE | Cardigan: Thrifted | Pants: Karmaloop | Socks: Boohoo.com | Bag: Iron Fist | Shoes: Kmart

It has only been in the last few days that I’ve realised how hidden I have gotten my tattoo! I suppose that’s good as it was a test. I’ve been planning a leg project since before this little guy was born. He’s still healing, so hopefully he’ll start looking a little less like texta soon. The word is “Unstuck” from my favourite Cure song Doing the Unstuck (Ah, the mere mention of Robert Smith!).

When I put on this outfit it made me realise how much of a Man Repeller I can be. If you haven’t seen the Man Repeller blog I highly suggest it – it’s my new addiction! I’ve been looking for a reason to pull out these high-waisted tartan pants that Coen bought me for my birthday back in mid-March (he hates them with the heat of five-thousand suns). I was really surprised with how many (excuse the language) fucks I did not give about peoples reactions. It’s just one of those outfits that make you feel wonderful and power-filled. Pop on these polka-dot ankle socks (that I honestly never thought I’d wear) and my new house shoes (al la my mother’s cat marking his territory on my last) and it makes a good day.

What do you think? Do you have an outfit that makes you feel amazing? Tell me about it! Oh, and to the elderly lady that I accidentally took out with a basket full of groceries today (who, most certainly, isn’t reading this) I swear you were a full meter away and leapt onto me! Have a wonderful day!