How To: Grow Out Black Hair (From Black to Red)

Growing out my dyed hair is something that’s always prodding at me when I consider changing my hair colour. Black is the most daunting, and I say honestly say I’ve succumbed to the horrid task growing it out naturally because typically the only other options are to chop all of my hair off or to use colour removers. If you’re looking for a quicker option I would say read into either of those (the Vitamin C trick is the best). This post is a little re-cap of how I ‘grew’ my hair from black to red without intending to!

Semi-super old photo of me with black hair from this outfit post.

It all Began with Black Hair

Back in the beginnings of this blog I had my natural brown hair. Sometimes with red, other times with blonde and for a little while green! My hair was so damaged by the bleaching (it literally broke) that I had already resolved to dye it all black when I was sick of the blonde. And thus it was black.

The day my hair was murdered permed (also before I new how to work it) – hence why the colour is horrible.

Then I Started Dying the Roots a Dark Purple

This was purely accidentally, but I had wound up with a dark purple permanent hair die. My friend gave it to me because a family member didn’t want it and she knew it would get some use with me. It sat around for a while until eventually I was stuck with obnoxious roots and no money for black dye. It was obviously purple, but created an awesome gradient into the black.

It was purple-black for a while.

From this outfit post here.

I Realised I Liked it Better Faded

The purple black was a great permanent in the beginning because it was a lovely purple-black that faded to an equally lovely deep red. Never did it ever fade to an orange or further than the red. It was when I realised that I would purposely fade it to the red after dying that I decided I might as well just dye my hair red instead.

You could simulate this by buying a red toned purple permanent, a darker red permanent or even by consistently using semi-permanent hair dye that will eventually wash out all together.

Image from this outfit post over here.

It’s been a little over a year now, and the black is only left in the tips of my hair and the newly added underside. But it kind of proves that ombre can be just as good at growing out hair colour as it can at experimenting with colour only on the tips. But you might have to take your time and hope for a lot of luck!

What do you do when you’re sick of your hair colour? Have you ever chopped it all off or do you have some tricks you should-totally share?

What I Do When I’m Not Writing Blog Posts – Favourites

This blog is very fashion orientated and when it’s not, it seems to fall back into that category anyway. But occasionally I do spend time away from it and away from my studies (okay, maybe not that much time). So, if you were interested, here’s a little list/linky list where I ramble about things that I like and you might like to.


Watch Films

There’s no doubt you might have noticed I spend a lot of time watching films. Back in the day I would post monthly recaps of all the films that I’ve consumed. These days I prefer searching out good old classic. Films are the only category that I have overall favourites: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (because I’m a sucker for romance) and the entire Scream series (mostly the first one because of the inner film criticism that I could talk about for days – that I have spoken about for days). Ghost-face is the love of my life.

This week I’ve also seen How To Train Your Dragon 2 and that new X-Men in theatres. And on my to-watch list are Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and to force Coen to experience to glory that is The Mexican.

Read Books

While I may be a Creative Writing and English Lit student I’ve fallen into a horrid habit of not reading outside of my necessary reading list during the semester. Since I’m technically on my break (still one daunting essay left to finish) I’ve started reading again. I’ve re-read Harry Potter one because it’s the literary equivalent of the love of my life and I’ve just started Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

Play Games

I spend all of my time playing Suduku, Spider Solitare and Space Inavders. My whole family, Coen inclusive, are all massive MMORPG players but the closest I’ve ever gotten are the classics. It’s strange when there’s so much pressure to play games in your home, you end up not finding them fun. Plus, they’re great for…

Listening to Podcasts

I never thought I would get into Podcasts. I’m still a newcomer to the realm.  If you have any suggestion I automatically need-to-know-please. My favourites are Welcome to Night Vale and The Drunkenpeasant’s Popdcast (though I can’t stand anything they say about Feminism, that’s just a warning).

Looking up Vegan Recipes

 The kind of recipes I love seem to be far and few between. Vegan? No more than four steps? Limited amount of chopping? Less than three ingredients?  Moderately healthy? If so, we have a winner. Recent trials have been this Paleo Curry Cauliflower (though I use Peanut oil rather than Coconut oil) and general attempts at battling sweet potato.

Reading Poetry

Much faster to read than novels, and considerably cheaper! Coen bought me Cody Weber’s new poetry collection (that comes with a PDF of his ridiculously lovely photography). He’s a YouTuber if you weren’t around the last time I mentioned him, and has some lovely poerty, political and life video’s up on his channel, Saturnine Films here. His work, poetry, music and photographs, are being sold ridiculously cheap. But if you don’t like Travel Poetry – I know of lot of people, myself included, don’t – you won’t like the Postcard From… collection that I bought. Though, I have some favourites:  Darwin and Friends. Most of his work is a dollar.

I was also emailed by that writer I reviewed here to review his book of poetry. I’ve only skimmed over a few. But after this semester of poetry I couldn’t believe his incredible ability at rhyme schemes. They seem perfect for children. Check it out here, it’s only a dollar.

I think I have sufficiently spoken about nonsensical things for long enough. It’s time for you to tell me your favourites. What do you do when you aren’t doing the things that you always, well, do? Did that make sense? You get the picture, I’m sure.

Facebook Blogpage, Yo

Here have a picture of my teeth necklace. You can find it here.

This is a test for a thing, you know, a thing. Oh you don’t know? Well, it’s a Facebook Blog page thing. You didn’t know about my Facebook blog page? Well, get to it guys! Come give me a like. I post occasional outfit shots that I’m either too lazy to post it to this blog, or everyday kind of stuff; I also post make up when I get around to wearing it and videos if I ever make another! Sound’s promising right?

You can find it here.

Happy World Goth Day!

The Craft is my newest obsession. – Link

This is just a short note to wish you all a Happy World Goth Day (if you hadn’t realised by the title). I’ll be celebrating by ordering my first Black Craft Cult shirts and wishing I didn’t have my assessment week so soon, but at the same time counting the days until this semester is over! Two weeks until more posts, and more quality. I’m sure you all get where I’m coming from, stressing about assessments is what I do best – this year however I stressed a little too late. How are you celebrating this year?

Links à la Mode & New Layout

 If you haven’t noticed already I’ve changed my layout! Tell me what you think! I added a little about me in the side bar as-well. My post giving sources for the big change was chosen for Links à la Mode, so if you haven’t skimmed it, it’s bolded below.

Image from the Horror Movie Brush set.

Life of Style

When you are an avid fashion blog reader, it’s easy to get lost in the trappings of “you look great!” and “nice dress!” you know, the internet version of air kisses. But what lies beneath? Well, there is quite a bit, it’s not all on the surface! this week, we talk about love, life, style and of course, how to get your fashion on.

Links à la Mode: May 8th

SPONSOR: East Dane Fabric, Sincerely Jules, Maria Black, & Tech Gadgets, Illesteva, Men’s APC, Milly Bags, Braun, Courrege, CK & Fjallraven

Want to be featured in Links à la Mode?

1. Read the clarified rules and submit your links on this page: Links à la Mode. 2. If your link was selected and you need this week’s code, visit this page: Links à la Mode Code.

European Vampire Folklore – AKA, I Beg you to Read my Poetry

If you’ve been reading my blog for a little while you know that I both love vampires and that I am a creative writing/English Lit student. That is why when I was forced faced with the challenge of doing a poetry unit this semester I decided that vampire myths are far more interesting than my usual whining about my own life kind of poetry.

Staredown by Ross Harmes

If you want to check out my six poems on vampire folklore click right here. I would honestly really appreciate it. Below is a preview; I’ve include the poem Countess Erzebet Bathory about a woman locked away for bathing in the blood of her slaves. You can read more of my rambles on her here, along with other vampire myths I wrote poems about.

Countess Erzsebet Bathory

Oh, what has befallen this slave of beauty!
Locked in a room, in this tower
as if a descendent of Rapunzel herself.
If only a prince would climb to me,
A strong, young little beauty,
I would welcome him into my bed.
If only to slit his throat and bathe
in his blood.
Oh, poor little men who lock up their queen,
I only asked for a little wrinkle cure
in the liquid form of your beloved Josephine.
She was so young you see,
far younger than me.
The Snow White to my evil queen.
And so, I cut out her heart to eat,
all in the name of a little innocent immortality.

I’ve been pondering doing more posts – fashion, film and music related – on the topic of vampires! Would you guys be interested in seeing something like that? I’ll probably do it anyway, but I’m sure you guys would have some awesome-as-hell suggestions. For instance, vampire wear makes the best work wear! Or some reviews on fangs! I’ve owned fangs in the past and am looking for some more. Let me know, and don’t forget to read my poetry!

Free Online Sources that Designed my Blog For Me

I woke up this morning planning on redesigning my navigation bar to be a drop down menu. At the time I didn’t realise I would spend the entire day seeking out blogger code DIYs. Even so, I’m not quite sure it looks any different. Through my search I rekindled my love for some of my favourite tools and  in others I’ve finally stumbled upon true love. In the form of free online widgets, that is.

Shiny new drop down menu!

Drop Down Menu Generator

Not only does this generator make it super easy for anyone to create really professional menus but it also posts articles, that you can find on their blog, outing how to add these into your blog platform. Since I only have a basic understanding of HTML and all those other harder scripts, my coding always ends up messy and it takes hours if I want to change something. Their method is simple to amend at any time. Which is a lifesaver if you realise at the last minute that you forgot something important.

Image Maps

I was going to mention that this app can be buggy at times but it seems they have completely updated. I haven’t spent much quality time with it due to finding the Drop Down Menu Generator. Before this is what I would use to manually make my navigation bars.

Specifically this apps is used to map any image you choose. You select that part of the image (for instance your blogs logo) and add a link. When that section of the image is clicked, it either opens the linked page in another tab, window or changes page. It’s great for making your own social media buttons, for mapping complex banners. But it is a very simple program in essence.

Not my typical editing process – I am Bela Lugosi reincarnate.


Before I’d gotten the hang of Photoshop I would use Picmonkey. It’s an online photoeditor/collage maker that is super simple to use. But surprisingly you can do some pretty complex things if you use a little but of maneuvering. You can use the ‘draw’ button on a low harshness in the exact same way you can use a paint brush on low opacity in Photoshop. The site’s only downfall is that they don’t implement layers.

I still use this to date when I don’t feel like juggling a hundred layers to get a simple square of four images with rounded corners.

Lastly I want to include a few specific links to posts that explain how to add features and include free to use code. Code that you can copy and paste into your blog to add features super simply.

  • Techsperia has three great options for your next search bar. I’m almost completely sure you’ll like one of them! There’s the elegant, Techsperia Style and Trackers-Style. They also have tonnes of other tutorials for most platforms.
  • A big list of Five Hundred Photoshop Fonts (also applies to word proccessors like Microsoft Word). I’m a bit of a typography junkie.

Are you a wizard of blog design or a mere mortal such as myself? What do you think of my updated blog look, is it still me? I personally like to add a bit of my signature colours: pink, green and purple. Not to mention my signature fonts you can find listed in my disclaimer.

Walrus Room Favourites April 2014

Bones by Anderson Mancini

I’m far from a YouTuber. Once a year I might get a little bored and film some things, only one of which is ever remotely presentable. So, I’m going to steal the occasional tag from YouTube for blogger. And so, this is my monthly favourites – which is probably going to be far-from-monthly.

The Cure & Tattoos

My favourite song is Doing the Unstuck by The Cure. Both the song and the band has been one of the only constant favourite I’ve ever had before! Which is why I had ‘Unstuck’ tattooed on my arm last night, alluding to it. My first tattoo! I’ll be writing a little ‘tattoo experience’ after it’s done peeling and starts looking pretty! (If you have a song meaning to ruin the word I have permanently injected to my skin, I’d love to hear it!)

Yes To Skincare

I’ve been using this skincare range (mostly the Tomatoes branch which is for acne prone skin) for the last four months. The tomatoes acne cleanser contains salicylic acid, rids your face of any dead skin but needs a minute to soak in to really prevent acne. It’s best quality I have to say is how much it has removed my acne scars! It’s insane. The balancing moisturiser, also in the tomatoes range, does just as it says and has completely transformed my nose area in terms of oil! Both of these in combination have also removed tones of redness, but that’s only with daily use.

I’ve also tried Yes To Cucumbers (sensitive skin) and Yes To Blueberries (age rewind) facial wipes. The Cucumbers weren’t too fun. It left my face a bit dry and if used straight before the acne cleanser it left me with what looked like chemical burns. The Blueberries is my favourite, although if you rub it too harshly on your face it will leave it with what looks like red chemical splotches – which doesn’t seem remotely healthy. On the plus side, the Blueberries are actually quite soothing and gentle on the skin. It doesn’t leave my eyes dry and feeling like they’ve been rubbed too much (I get that a lot). It also genuinely feels like it plumps up my skin a little.


It wouldn’t be your typical Walrus Room blog-post without a spot of television obsession. On the day I had my tattoo done I was very nervous. I ate too much food, and even brought chocolate, in fear that I would pass out from low blood sugar. Now, I realise my thoughts were so stupid! But alas, to ease my nerves I spent the day watching Oddities. If you’re someone that loves learning about morbid things as much as me or simply antiques you’ll love this show. Plus, one of the main personalities used to be in a Goth-band. I honestly don’t think it could get any better. Goth-references, Victoriana, taxidermy!

Are you a fan of any of these things? I’m always on the look out for more, so don’t forget to drop your favourites below. Alternatively, show me your Oddities collections if you have one! Mine is pathetic, but hopefully growing in the future.

Countess Erzebet Bathory and Other Awesome Vampire Myths

So, I’ve been a bit absent this week. You guys probably don’t notice but I have a particular schedule I tend to post to, and changing that up has left me feeling like I’ve been away a year instead of not-even-a-few days. What have I been doing, you never ask aloud? Writing. I’m doing a degree in writing and literature, so, that makes sense. But what makes even more sense is that I’ve been writing a lot of poetry (or attempting to, poetry is not my strongest point) mostly based on European Folk Lore and myths about vampires. If you don’t want to hear about vampire myths than I’m not quite sure we can be friends!

Snarl by Martin Soulstealer

How To Become a Vampire

So, there are some pretty crazy myths on how you became a vampire. My favourites include being born with red hair, having a cat jump over your corpse but some others were if you had a wound that wasn’t treated with boiling water and or rebelled against the church of the period (including witches).


When I was younger I read a terrible teen book about escaping vampires in Europe (I don’t think they talked explicitly about the area). One think that stuck with me (apart from their image of the Strigor Mort) was that vampires were said to have arithmomania – which is a compulsion to count certain objects etc. If you were to drop a handful of poppy seeds (my vampire replant of choice), millet or sand in front of them or in the coffin they would need to count every grain before moving forward after you. Often this would take until sunset when they would have to return to their grave.

Strigoi Mort

The Strogoi Mort is a kind of vampire that looks closer to humans than most European vampire myths but is both human and demonic. It returns to it’s family and lives as it did before it’s death to feed on them while they sleep, eventually killing them.

Erzebet Bathory

Erzebet (often pronounced Elizabeth) Bathory is one of the most famous ‘real’ vampires, in the ranks of even Vlad Tepes. She was well known for torturing and bleeding her servants and bathing in their blood in order to keep herself youthful. Much like the currently popular Delphine LaLaurie (whom appeared in American Horror Story: Coven). While LaLaurie fled her crimes, Erzebet Bathory was locked in a windowless room of her estate for the rest of her life.

What are some of your favourite vampire myths? Tell me some of your cultures or families stories that you were told! I’m forever watching documentaries on vampire folklore and attempting to get as close as possible in resemblance – and that, I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of it.

Happy Birthday, Mr Blog!

This is just a short note to say happy birthday to The Walrus Room! Yes, it’s been three years since I started this blog (I think I messed up the timing on my last birthday recognition post). Though lots has changed: my style, the blog layout and even the kind of things I post I still really enjoy writing what I post. Even more than that, I enjoy learning tonnes from your guys!

In recognition of my bloggy-birthday and my love for you guys, you should all post your favourite band or blog in the comments for me to check out! Because, one major things that has really changed over the years has been the community. So, many of my favourite blogs have fallen or moved. (Small tip, when you change your blog URL bots take over your old one and I’ll probably never find you again!)

But anyway, I hope you all have a lovely week that is filled with awesome alterna-walrus goodness. I’ll leave you with one of my favourite songs of the moment that always brightens my day!