Rain: Photographs.

It was raining a few day’s ago so I took out my camera and too some photo’s. I’m getting better at photography, I think.

View from my window.

We have a Pine tree in our front yard. It was struck by lightning, a few years ago!

It started hailing!
Web cobweb.
I honestly didn’t photo-shop with black and white, I think it was the angle or something.
Not black and white photo-shopped either.
We used to race using leaves down the gutters when I was younger.

Best wishes,

Day 26 – Show a photo for every year (or month if you’re new) that you’ve being into Goth.

Considering the only photo’s I have a baby-bat pictures, might as well just go for it.


I was fourteen when I first took the steps into being a baby-bat.


 Not one of my best years but I actually had someone to guide me and teach me about life.
Which generally meant I skipped a LOT of school.

This was the year I was starting to get a grip on the fashion. I dye my hair black and that wasn’t exactly the best thing. I got my lip pierced and was still growing my hair back after cutting it all off. I also started to get into emocore.


The year I’ve actually gotten to terms with fashion. I’m listen to the music 99% of the time and have given up caring what other people think. I’m much happier that way.

There you go!
Hope you enjoyed.

Black and White; A cartoon adventure.

My titles must be very misleading! This is just some of my artwork that I’ve been doing for a larger project piece. I’m obsessed with cartoon-esque black and white figures. It wont be long before I’m drawing cameos! Well, enjoy!

Also, these are in the order in which I’ve drawn them, which spans three or four months.

These were originally carrots, hence the carrots in nooses in the background. It’s one of my favorites.
A puppet girl.
Titled “Death-Metal Teddy” I LOVE HIM.
This one originally came with a label that read, “You Honestly Make me want to Write Horrible Poetry, About you Eulogy.”

Originally just a doodle, this is my DEATH-ROCKER-DUDE.

This is for anyone who plays Mine-Craft. This is my version of a cartoon CREEPER.
After drawing the DEATH-ROCKER I wanted to add one to my collection of stereotypes so I added a Romanti-Goth.
This was my crappy five minute cartoon sketch of my boy friend.

 What did you think?

Picturesque Goth’s: A Global Sight

Do you every have days where your walking down the street, wondering why people are staring at you? You check to see your make up isn’t smudged, your skirt isn’t tucked into your underwear and your hair isn’t messy. Then you realise that your wearing five inch Demonia boots, ripped striped stockings and black lipstick. That is the story of my life. Even those day’s when you tone it down to black jeans and a black long sleeve you see people watching you with odd expressions. Sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense, but no one’s perfect. No matter how much you try to fit in you will always have your secret of expression and I think they know that.

I remember sitting in McDonald’s with my boy friend on Christmas day (Yes I know it doesn’t sound nice but my boy friends lives in a very small rural town and never get’s to go!) and having a test of how much I know about cars (Very little). I turned to look around the room because I’m always paying attention to my surroundings and there he was sitting a few table away. His cell phone was leaning against the table, he was practically laying across the public table with the camera pointing right at me. I stared at the camera for a few minutes not very sure how to react. Hurriedly I decided that looking away and covering my face with my hair would have to do. It was somewhat frightening and I remember thinking something along the lines of “I hope that ends up on ‘Goth’s In Hot Weather”” because in Australia, Christmas is in summer, of course.

This leads me to a thought, a question. People whom dress differently have most probably come across this, whether they have realised it or not. How do you react when someone is (obviously) taking pictures of you, whilst trying to (badly) hide it? It’s happened more than once, I just don’t know who to react. I never thought someone would be so rude for no reason. If they asked it would have been a different story. It’s just that horrible thought you get that someone might be taking it home to laugh at you with their friends but mostly worse, which I don’t want to think about.

Well, anyway, just some musings.
-Have a lovely day, Ms. Walrus.