My Dirty Little Secret: TV and Film

I’ll be the first to say it, as I always am, I watch terrible television shows and films. Minus the classics, you can’t not like Vertigo or The Addams Family, I take tastes to a new terrible.


American Horror Story
This is debatable as a bad show. I loved the first season (I eat romance up like a Seventeen reading pre-teen) and the second starting and ended well, but overall I’ve heard terrible people say terrible things about it – am so I’ll slot it into my terrible TV list.

Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows
This film takes horrible sequels to a new low. The plot starts interestingly, but the ending isn’t anything mind-bending (like it’s attempting) but it’s something I love to watch on chilly mornings while drinking coffee.It holds personal significance as a film I watch when all of my exams are finally over and I can just relax in the morning with a cup of coffee.

The Carrie Diaries
A take on Carrie, from Sex in The City, as a teenager first exploring new york. I eat up the eighties soundtrack like no bodies business. Perms, neon-eyeshadow, platform boots – it’s a bit like the disney version of the alternative scene to me. But the rebellions, Morrissey loving, eyeliner wearing sister gets on my nerves as a terrible representation of what Goth actually was.

Eighties horror. What’s more to like? Scream has been my favourite horror for a long time – including all of the prequels and sequels.

Pretty Little Liars
An attempt at a horror mystery, where every one’s relationship falls apart ever few episodes and all of the characters (apart from the psychotic) are always in love with some rebellious dick. This goes hand in hand with my terrible ability to resist romance.

So, my taste in terrible television can be summed up as eighties, horror, romance and, well, that’s about it. These aren’t really a secret thing though, certainly not now, because it’s always nice to laugh at yourself – whether that is for being a complete cliche’ or for watching terrible teen programs about fashion in the eighties.

What are your favourite shows to watch? Do you have any programs that you secretly love?