OotD: Baring my Legs for the First Time in Seven Years

Fun fact: I haven’t wandered out into public and/or the presence of others without something covering my legs since my baby-bat years about seven years ago. That is not an exaggeration. Up until I realised the comfort of thigh-highs in summer, I would wear stockings from my toes all the way up to my waist every day of the year. My peers were dumbfounded and couldn’t understand how I managed it in fifty degree’s Celsius weather.

The only secret is that you get used to it.

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Jumper: EBay (similar) | Skirt: Thrifted | Socks: Boohoo.com (similar) | Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

As a kid I was always bullied about my ridiculously pale legs (but that was the least of my troubles and I don’t think I was too troubled by it). I tried tanning but that was a bust. I don’t tan, I burn. My mum’s family are Scottish/Irish/French-ish Immigrants so I inherited my palour. Fake tanning my legs stopped when I forgot to wash my hands afterwards and had to go to a family reunion with burgundy palms. It was a great conversation starter to say the least.

When I started into my Baby-bat years I realised that socks/stockings were my best accessory – especially since they were allowed in the dress-code. And I became the girl who would wear stockings on school canoe trips and pool days. I hate water anyway so it wasn’t too bothersome.

But the point is that this year I been trying to break-free of some of the appearance rules I’ve set for myself. Rules that I used as a safety net, but were actually pushing me further and further into a little box. I’ve started wearing pants and tights (in high-school my friends were shocked at the idea I’d consider pants – not even shorts), I went a month without make-up (many a fight had been started with Coen when he never gave me enough time to get dressed, let alone put my face on) and finally, I’m baring my legs for the first time in seven years.

Do you have any no-exception rules that you aren’t sure why you started in the first place, but never blink an eye-lid at? How would you break free of your own ‘rules’ if you could?

Tips For Dressing Alternatively at School

As a full time Goth that has been as such throughout school this is something I have LOTS of experience with, especially since in Australian schools (obviously not exclusively) it’s almost always uniform only. Considering my uniform, until this year of being a senior, was yellow and brown, may I repeat yellow and brown, you could consider me an expert.

Just as a warning, I went to a public school. Most private school’s would have more strict rules, which means some of this might not apply to you.

You have no idea how long it took me to find the name of this film
after forgetting it. FYI it’s A Haunting Hour – Source
  • If you’re as unlucky as me with your school colours being terrible to start with I would focus on black and silver everything. You wont want to clash with red or blue but if you do add colour, take a look at the colour wheel first so you don’t end up clashing. For instance if your uniform is part purple, adding black and purple stockings wouldn’t be terrible.
  • Learn your school rules and stick to them. Then bend them slowly and slowly. My teachers would always be on my case while I wore striped stockings, until they gave up but that’s not what we’re aiming for! Teachers almost always can’t say anything about ripped plain stockings as long as they aren’t overboard but to start try sticking to plain black stockings or socks. If you have a rule about wearing only white socks, it’s not the end of the world. They can be delightfully gothy if you work in enough ghostly style.
  • Bracelets, studs and accessories. Of course you’ll want to save those spiked collars for the weekend, most of the time. My school has rules that all spiked objects must be confiscated so beware! Ear studs are generally great as most schools don’t allow elaborate piercing jewellery. Try to stick to simple jewellery though and nothing too over the top. You wouldn’t want to have your dangly earring’s dripping with Hydrochloric Acid, would you?
  • It’s almost never appropriate to wear a corset to school. I would NEVER trust such an expensive piece of clothing with a bunch of teenagers that probably wont understand the amount of money it can cost nor care. Don’t risk it, unless you have money to just throw away. Besides this it’s generally not practical. As an art student I spend a lot of time drilling and sawing, which would be dangerous in a corset.
  • Take this time to experiment with your hair. What’s a better time than when you don’t have to worry about discrimination in the work place (or other such place). The rules tend to be reasonably slack and you have your own school full of critics. Not to mention it’s an easy and fun and easy way to add something dark or personal to your style.
  • Cosmetics can be a touchy subject. It’s good to remember that something styles as simple as retro winged eye-liner can be just as good as a dark, smokey eye with tons of eye-liner. This is also something you might want to experiment with at school. I’ve only had one moment when my school has told me to wash my make up off and that was when an ex-friend had done it into the messiest, sluttiest horribly done thing you could ever imagine. Trust me, I wanted to wash that shit off my face. Try and stick to something simple and/or classic. Don’t go overboard and as long as it’s well done no one would probably care – so that means lots of practice!
  • Personally, when I first started dressing eccentrically at school I was tormented for a while. But after a while a few things happened:
    • I became better at dressing eccentrically.
    • I learnt my boundaries.
    • I was used to the abuse.
    • People eventually became used to me. Or became bored.

Best wishes,

    Monthly Theme: Outfit

    Completely make up free. Oh, the horror.

     This is a post for Sophisticated Noir’s Monthly theme post. This months theme, if you haven’t already heard, is outerwear! It was quite chilly today amazingly since it’s mid summer here in Australia and I gladly took advantage of that!

    I was looking through my mothers wardrobe for kittens and spotted this lovely jacket. I didn’t take it at the time because that would have been so rude. Instead I brought it up later and she didn’t even know she had it!

    The stripes are so small and come in a strange little pattern that makes me think of binary – to be perfectly honest. But I adore the buttons! There are two rows.

    Scarf: Given to me, possibly, years ago. It also has a massive brown spot where I burnt it while drying it next to our heater.

     Jacket: My mum’s wardrobe.

     Skirt: Self made.

    Stockings: Purple and black/ Blue and black/ fishnet: Given to me, Kmert and Kmert.
     I’m also wearing a frilly, sheer   blouse that was thrifted.               
     Best wishes,                  

    Outfit: Suprise Party

     I went to a friends surprise birthday party on Saturday and this is what I wore. I thought it seemed rather pirate inspired so I went with it.


    Blouse: Second hand. Originally the arms would not fit me so I let them out a bit and they fit perfectly fine. I wouldn’t rock climb in it but it’s fine to prance around in as one does.

    Skirt: Self-made. It’s still not finished but maybe one day.

     Petticoat: Tulle tutu from EBay.

     Socks: Mall sock stall.

    Shoes: Kmert. (Intended)

    Necklace: Stall at Animania.

    Best wishes,

    A Little Victorian With a Touch of Death.

    Well, this is finally the outfit that I would have posted before my camera broke. I hope you enjoy.

    Ignore the face. I really adore the roses in my garden though.

    What I’m wearing:
    Skirt: Self made.
    Blouse: Kmart.
    Boots: Demonia’s from eBay.
    Stripe sock: Kitty’s.
    Fishnet: Also, Kitty’s.
    Shredded undershirt: Selfmade out of a cheap pair of stockings.
    Fishnet glove: eBay. Though it broke the first time I out it on and I had to sew it back together.
    Neck tie/bow: A random ribbon that usual hands on my lampshade and I have no idea where it came from.

    My make up of the day. Pretty simple, I mixed some purple with black eye shadow into an effect I wasn’t aiming for, though it is quite nice. Also, of course my usual dots. They’re getting neater in my opinion.

    My hair. I haven’t done this hair style is quite a while, since I cut my fringe. I love curls!

    Lastly, my Demonia’s with both of Ms. Kitty Lovett’s stockings. The fishnet stocking has a red bow at the top. It’s given me the need to buy lots of new socks.

    -Ms. Walrus.

    Outfit: Past Lolita Outfit.

    Today I was suppose to post the pictures of what I wore yesterday because I went to a friends party but then my camera decided to break, after trying everything I decided I’d have to buy an SD to USB converted. For any one who doesn’t know what that is, it’s basically something you put the memory card of the camera in and plug it into the computer so that you can transfer files across. I’ll be going to Sydney on Tuesday so we’ll just have to wait until then.

    Back to the point. I was glancing through old facebook profile pictures and came across this photograph my mother took of me last year(?) and I still love it to bits. This was taken when my parasol first arrived and I was super excited! It’s taken with my dads camera which is probably why it looks so much better than most of my photo’s.

    Surprisingly enough when this photo was taken I didn’t think it was Lolita-esque.

    What I’m wearing:
    Dress: Ten dollars from Fashion Fair.
    Stockings: Ten dollars from Kmart. (This was when they weren’t ripped, as much)
    Shoes: Mary-Janes, given to me by my grandmother.
    Collar: Seven dollars from eBay.
    Necklace: Gift voucher from Equip
    Parasol: Twenty five dollars from eBay.

    -Ms. Walrus.

    P.S. Just ignore my annoying face in this picture.

    She’s All Legs

    Nice title, don’t you think? Unfortunately this isn’t anything horribly important but just an outfit post. Through my day of taking pictures I was attempting a full length portrait of myself and while failing miserably I took a photograph that I quite enjoy. Of course I accidentally chopped my head off and there is a blur at the bottom but a nice photo, none the less.

    Oh yes, I forgot to add, this was taken in my bathroom (Well, it has the best lighting!). So just try and ignore the surrounding items, yes?

    Top: “Borrowed” from my mother three years ago
    Skirt: Dead threads.
    Blue and black stocking: Kmart (It was originally a pair of stockings that I cut up)
    Steer stocking: Kmart(?)
    Scarf (Though you probably can’t see it): A piece of rose lace fabric from spotlight.