Tuesday vLogs.

Tuesday has come again and it’s time for my second vLog on the Batcats vLog channel with a lot of friendly faces of other bloggers from around the blogsphere. If you haven’t checked them out, please do so!

Anyway, here‘s today’s video. :3

I couldn’t embed it because Youtube was being A COMPLETE PRICK. Grrrrr.

Best wishes,

Batcat Vlog Introduction

Hey guys, short post. I jsut wanted to link you guys to my introduction vLog on a channel I’m getting involved with called the BatCats. This was a project that strted on the Goth bloggin community, so you’ll see a few other people you’ll probably know. For one, Kitty has already done her introduction. I’ll be vLogging every Tuesday. So don’t forget to check it out and subscribe, though I’ll probably be posting it here, anyway.

Have a great Tuesday!