Day 04 – Your Favorite Werewolf Film

This was a hard choice. I’ve seen a few memorable werewolf films, like Underworld and Blood and Chocolate but the best, that I can remember, that isn’t Ginger Snaps (because I’ve already mentioned it would have to be Skinwalkers – a film very loosely based on Native American legends (by the same name). But then again aren’t most Werewolf films?

I first saw this film six years ago while at a friends. We were trolling the pay per view films adn stumbled across this – back then we were both babybats and decided “WEREWOLVES, WE HAVE TO WATCH THIS”. I have to admit it’s a pretty kickass film. If not only for the scene where everyone in the town is suddenly a werewolf and all, including the main characters eighty year old grandmother, pulls out their shotguns. The deal is that the werewolves exist because they are missing a gene. A boy is born who contains an antidote to the missing gene and of course, becomes a target of two rival werewolf gangs.

Best wishes,
