Inspired Make-Up

I went to the cinema yesterday to see Chronical and had the inspiration to play with my make up a bit. I’ve seen quote a few of the make-up artists that I fawn over do the scotch tape trick and I’ve tried it because but could never get it at the right angle. It was always too pointed for my liking but this time I thought it was pretty good! It was still a lot longer than I would have liked but I’m getting better at it!

 My lower lashes however were pretty fail. I spent so long on the top, trying to perfect the angle that when it got to my lower lashes it was all, “WE HAVE TO GO NOWNOWNOWNOWWNOWNOW”. That’s always fun.

Best wishes,

Outfit: Suprise Party

 I went to a friends surprise birthday party on Saturday and this is what I wore. I thought it seemed rather pirate inspired so I went with it.


Blouse: Second hand. Originally the arms would not fit me so I let them out a bit and they fit perfectly fine. I wouldn’t rock climb in it but it’s fine to prance around in as one does.

Skirt: Self-made. It’s still not finished but maybe one day.

 Petticoat: Tulle tutu from EBay.

 Socks: Mall sock stall.

Shoes: Kmert. (Intended)

Necklace: Stall at Animania.

Best wishes,