Gothic Horror | NOISE

What is this, Sarah? Well, it’s one of the pieces I wrote for this semester’s prose class. It turned out to be Gothic Horror styled, so I thought some of you might enjoy reading it. It’s very short as the assignment was for a micro-piece. I know lots of you are classic Gothic Horror lovers and writers yourself, so I’d love to know your take on it. It’s also heavily inspired by my own experience of living with anxiety.

It’s also not supposed to be entirely serious!

As the grandfather clock in the lanky hallway rang eleven times and the house began to creak uncontrollably against the nightly pick-me-up of summer breeze, Eloise lay frozen in her bed. She stared at the roof, then at the door, unable to move. Even the roll of her eye in the socket frightened her. It was as if they could hear even her sight wander – whoever theywere.

There is no one there.

But her mind began to swim with the images of invaders. Is no one creeping down the hallway? Dropping from the attic entrance outside her door? Leaving strings of saliva in her leftovers? Breathing in anticipation, hand hovering over her bedroom doorhandle?

What was that noise?

She jumped even at the idea of a noise. The slight movement drew attention to the thick blanket she had pocketed herself into, building a budding pool of ice-cold sweat. It was the middle of summer with days that seemed to run together into an intelligible blur of constant dry heat. Somehow the sudden breeze forced its way under the blankets making her skin sing with a sickly salty chill. She slid from the covers and caught a faint sound between the whisper of crumpling sheets – a footstep?

just outside the door?

No, it’s just the cat prowling around.

But suddenly, the sound of a murmured yawn issued from the foot of the bed. A thin back leg stretched out from the pile of blankets, followed by a cat’s cry that seemed to pierce through the silence. An eager cat with a desperate expression peered down the length of the bed at Eloise; an expression that meant only one thing.

The sound of the clock ticking in the hall seemed to echo off the walls of Eloise’s room. Oil-painted, black and white, hundreds of unknown faces crowded the walls. All of them staring down at her confined to their frames and sparse space between crammed portraits on all sides. As the clock ticked on the sound began to cling to their pursed lips and feigned smiles. The noise built until they began to scream each second out at her and her head throbbed. Maybe she could slide her body out from the blankets that clung to her ankles and off the bed when the clock chimed twelve.

I don’t want him to hear me.

But, there is no one there.

She was grating her teeth. Could she stifle a scream if they crumbled into her mouth all at once? Would she gasp and choke? Would he bring her the glass of water from beside the bathroom sink? Or would the door grasp at the carpet strings to unveil a lone watching eye? To the beat of the ticking clock she slid from the bed. She listened to the sound of her toes sliding between each tuft of carpet and wondered if anyone listened. Taking too much care with each step her head throbbed harder and harder. Her heart beat faster. The clock seemed to tick faster. The sounds entwined and ran together, beating and ticking – ticking and beating and then fluttering together like a swarm of sounds buzzing in and out of every pore of her body.

She grasped for the door handle. Each fingertip fell into place and the door seemed to rip from the frame, like boiled flesh from the bone. For a moment there was silence. For a moment she watched the cat trot away into the hall, heard its bell clatter as it disappeared. This was a moment that delayed the sting that spread across Eloise. Starting from her lips that shifted apart, her hands that froze, her heart that moaned inwardly and her eyes that briefly captured the image of a gleaming face watching her as he took another spoonful of the left-over lasagne she had prepared earlier that day.

This time Eloise couldn’t just feel the walls falling in on her but could see them. One breath after another wasn’t working. The walls began to tumble but not to fall. They began to flail and roll like hillside mounds as if they had begun to argue amongst themselves whether they wanted to be walls or wanted to bulge and drip and smother her where she stood. She slammed the door shut and crumbled to the floor.

The sound of her own heart trying to free itself from her chest roused her. She’d been watching the door handle, forcing her eyes open and arguing with herself. The door handle gleamed amongst the dark of the room, reflecting off the whites of eyes all around. It mesmerised, almost soothed. Another Eloise stared back at her from the chrome surface of the handle. She was distorted: pale and thin but she smiled and her teeth gleamed so bright. If she were to speak, Eloise knew she would whisper sweet-consolidations.

Remember last time?

That was different.

It’s all in your head.

This is different.

But soon the sound of her heart began to echo from the walls. She could taste it as it rose up into her throat and attempted to swallow it back down into the depths of her stomach as it clung to her lips.

It’s all in your head.

He began to tap at the door. Eloise felt as though he was prying through the wooden threads to get to her. The taps grew louder and faster, becoming knocks and then the door submitted into pure thrashing where it rattled on its hinges and roared towards her. A lone mirror that sat amongst the portrait faces shattered.

Stop! Stop it, stop!

The faces began to sneer, and laugh. Arms stretched from their frames to prod and pull at Eloise’s hair. Her hands grasped at the carpet threads – grasped for anything. And still the knocking continued. Eloise ran to the door, pounding it with her fists, shaking the handle almost to the point of pulling it from the wood and then wrenched it open.

A sudden silence caught in her throat, choking her intended shriek from her lungs and away, to lose itself amongst the silvery shadows. The shadows ran across the walls, hiding in nooks of window panes and the furthest corners of picture frames. But shadows were Eloise’s only company. The grandfather clock in the lanky hallway had paused, embracing the silence, before it rang twelve times. The summer breeze snuck through the slight cracks in window glass and swirled around her ankles drying the seeping sweet as it passed.

What do you think? Fail or nailed? Personally, I’m pretty damn proud of it. It’s not perfect. There are things that I want to change but I’m not sure how. But looking back at some of my older work I really think I’m getting better. That’s really all I wanted from the start. That’s actually one of the reason I started this blog – to improve my writing skills!
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European Vampire Folklore – AKA, I Beg you to Read my Poetry

If you’ve been reading my blog for a little while you know that I both love vampires and that I am a creative writing/English Lit student. That is why when I was forced faced with the challenge of doing a poetry unit this semester I decided that vampire myths are far more interesting than my usual whining about my own life kind of poetry.

Staredown by Ross Harmes

If you want to check out my six poems on vampire folklore click right here. I would honestly really appreciate it. Below is a preview; I’ve include the poem Countess Erzebet Bathory about a woman locked away for bathing in the blood of her slaves. You can read more of my rambles on her here, along with other vampire myths I wrote poems about.

Countess Erzsebet Bathory

Oh, what has befallen this slave of beauty!
Locked in a room, in this tower
as if a descendent of Rapunzel herself.
If only a prince would climb to me,
A strong, young little beauty,
I would welcome him into my bed.
If only to slit his throat and bathe
in his blood.
Oh, poor little men who lock up their queen,
I only asked for a little wrinkle cure
in the liquid form of your beloved Josephine.
She was so young you see,
far younger than me.
The Snow White to my evil queen.
And so, I cut out her heart to eat,
all in the name of a little innocent immortality.

I’ve been pondering doing more posts – fashion, film and music related – on the topic of vampires! Would you guys be interested in seeing something like that? I’ll probably do it anyway, but I’m sure you guys would have some awesome-as-hell suggestions. For instance, vampire wear makes the best work wear! Or some reviews on fangs! I’ve owned fangs in the past and am looking for some more. Let me know, and don’t forget to read my poetry!

Fashion Victim: my Absurdist Script

It took me a weeks worth of fail-inspiration and bloggers-block to remind me that I promised to post my absurdist play a long while ago. It’s a distopian planet where trends reign, but they aren’t trends as we know them. The fashion elite revel in blowing up their own houses and stealing bullets from the homeless. It’s a bit of a poke at fashion culture and how silly it can be at times. But you tell me what you think it is! Below is one of my favourite scenes, you can read the rest here on my Deviant Art page or even download it if you’d like.

Myself reading HONY

The same vacant street. BRAZEN and HEARTH share a copy of Bizarre Magazine between them.
HEARTH                    Look at this. I told you! Even Vogue knows that bombs are back in!
BRAZEN                    What, seriously? Even helmets?
HEARTH                    Only rusted helmets. The bloodier the better.
BRAZEN                    Fuck, I threw away all my helmets last season after jabots came back. You can’t wear a jabot with a helmet. I should have known after Bizarre shot the heads off all their models last month!
HEARTH                    You should have. Atom bombs?
BRAZEN                    Nah, pipe bombs. Atom bombs haven’t been in since radiation facials and hazard signs.
HEARTH                    You mean when stripes were in? (Smiling.)

BRAZEN                    Stripes! Who wears stripes?

BRAZEN and HEARTH laugh manically. The sound of bullet fire rages on in the background. They pay no attention.

Enter the GIRL.

The GIRL wanders into the middle of the stage in front of BRAZEN and HEARTH. Blood is dripping from her wounded arm. She stares off, concentrating, frozen.  BRAZEN grabs her by the arm and spins her towards him. A look of pain is thrown across her face.

BRAZEN                    Woah! Where did you get that? (Excitedly.)

The GIRL slowly looks up towards him, wavering from side to side – pale and confused.

HEARTH                    Wh—
BRAZEN                    That bullet – it’s so hardcore. I want one!
HEARTH                    I’ll get one first!

BRAZEN                    It’s over there!

BRAZEN and HEARTH run off towards the increasing gunfire. The GIRL wavers back and forth, looking in circles around her, spinning. Suddenly she stops.

GIRL                          I remember—

The GIRL holds her hands to her head and lets out a piercing scream. The gunfire stops. She falls to her knees and topples onto the ground.

NARRATOR (V.O)   What did she remember? Was it that Barneys is having a seventy percent off safe on all buckets of blood? Luckily for the young-unfashionable there was, else she might never have been found by a few nurses looking for some discount designer bandages.

Please come back and tell me what you think! And if you have any ideas for future blog posts be sure to pester me with them – I’d appreciate both very much. Alternatively, are you guys writing anything?

Leopard Print & a Goth-Inspried Absurdist Play I Wrote!

This was the last outfit of the semester, the last day of spring and the first day of my new wardrobe. I talk about my ‘new’ wardrobe far too much, but this is my newest leopard print find that I could cross off my wishlist! Though the print is perfect, the cut was far from. But it’s hard work to find that perfect piece and some sewing skills came in very handy.

outfit, post, goth, gothic, leopard, print,

leopard, print, skirt, boohoo, thrifted, belt, studs,, goth, gothic, alt, alternative, fashion, outfit, post,
Blouse: Romwe, Sweater: Thrifted, Skirt: Thrifted/Altered, Belt: Boohoo, Stockings: Anon, Shoes: Dr Marten.

To start off blunt, I hate A-line skirts! They do nothing to flatter my proportionally large hips and if they do fit my hips they’re far to large on the waist. I spent a few hours watching The School of Rock (Jack Black is the best and I know every word of this film by heart) while sewing this A-line into the perfect fit. Basically the same way I altered this plaid skirt, though that was from a kilt.

The day I wore this I was supposed to pick up an assignment which I was too late to get because Coen wanted to sleep late (yes I’m blaming you!). Most of my class wasn’t happy with their mark anyway. My piece was a fifteen minute Absurdist play called Fashion Victim. It’s about a world run by the dictatorship of a magazine that reigns by creating the most hazardous trends, like bombing your own house, stealing bullets from fresh victims and radiation facials. I was considering posting it here in parts or making it available. It’s was inspired by the trends in Goth fashion and how mainstream media uses them. But don’t worry, it’s mostly a comedy.


Let me know if you’d like a copy of my play available and as usual, what’s your take on leopard print? I know tonnes of people hate it!

My Holiday Artwork

Here in Australia it’s nearing the end of my holidays. I haven’t spent much time updating or taking outfit photos/etc. Instead I’ve been focusing on my practical assessments that are due in literally a month. The first draft of my Extension 2 English short story is coming along pretty nicely – I’ve past the word limit, being six thousand words while struggling with terrible writers block. Along with that I’ve been working on the metalwork of a leather jacket that’s complementing my sculpture and the audio to go along with it. The next few months are going to be quiet on here as I’m applying for early entry into university – my odds don’t look too bad but I’m very nervous about being called in for an interview.

Anyway, I’m just going to show you some pictures of the, well, I was going for a sort of metal fabric allusion. I ended up taking a huge risk as if there is even the slightest chance of being scratched by any of the metal my piece will be automatically disqualified. Which, in my opinion is utter bullshit.

Yes, yes that is a kitten tissue box that I’m stabbing into.

Best wishes,

Creative Writing Saturdays: Governmental Gore.

This was written for Saturdays Creative Writing but I had already posted something that day. Instead I decided to leave it here for when I don’t have time. I hope you enjoy! – If anyone still actually reads these. 

I was going to include a picture of something relevant here but then my computer decided to stumble across a website filled with malware hacks and freak me out so much so that I don’t think I have the heart left to even google.

Governmental Gore
Alien languages are all I speak.
Unreal realities are all I seek.
I’m fighting for the words,
Of extinction, cold and bleak.
Drowning but living; societies torturous nature.
Keep your lips shut because correction is blatant.
I am a human and dreams are my flaw.
Dictating my being, claiming emotional law.
Until then, I’ll sit here waiting,
Less my accent be voiced,
My emotions governmentally dissipated.
All self and dreams are gone.


Creative Writing Saturdays: The Pawn.

Brown, uneven hair, which hung limp – unknowingly unwashed for weeks. His eyes, as it was most certainly a he as pronounced by his bulging pocket, weren’t too cold but merely grey. This boy of college age, the age of his prime, held no ego to match his average looks. No wallet filled with his average money, no watch of average gold, this average man was financially fine but held the presence of a mouse. Clumsily he pawed the wall to stumble to his feet and wipe the blood from his, now gushing, lip. This man limped out of the alley and straight home to find his mother horribly worried.

“It’s nothing, mum!” Sighed the man, holding a clump of wet tissues to his lip, obviously uncaring of his injuries.

It is!” cried his mother placing a tray of uneven, pink cookies onto the table.

As his mother continued on in a tangent Tom thought back to the incident. He’d been on his way back from grabbing some groceries for his mum when something had hit him in the face. Thinking back on it he could have sworn it was a chest piece – a pawn with an engraved face. He remembers catching it in his hands and when something strange happened. The engraved face became filled with motion, the pawn winked at him. What the bloody hell.

Best wishes,

Creative Writing Saturdays: A Dream.

 I suppose it’s a little abstract. I like it a lot better than anything else I’ve written on Creative Writing Saturdays. Try and read it as if every line is a breath. Feedback is much appreciated.

I’m a wreck.
I dream of screaming and that’s all.
I’m a wreck.
I wanted something but that’s all gone.
I’m right here.
Listening to the sound of fluttering wings above my bed.
I’m always here.
Failing to dream of something

Best wishes,