Listick Republic Review: Loved Up and Liquieur

All of the products in this review were bought with my own money and is in no way in conjunction with any brands or store service.

It all started when I wanted some Sleek lipsticks from the Sleek website. But I’ll be damned if I’m getting a credit card to buy from online stores! And so, I found Lipstick republic an Australian store (surprisingly the shipping cost is more than the Sleek website) that sells other countries brands to Australians. Of course when this happens the price is jacked up a bit, but I was really wanting these lipsticks!

First of all, can we talk about the packaging? It’s tiny and adorable. You’ve got to love that pink bow! (I’m on a major pink kick lately).

The two lipsticks I bought were liqueur and Loved Up. I wasn’t so sure Loved Up would suit my skin tone (I’m still a bit iffy) because it’s a bit too purple for my liking. But it is the bright pink that I wanted. It’s easily toned down with a piece of tissue, and gloss. Loved up would look brilliant on darker skin-tones and pink toned skin. But Liqueur, the lipstick I bought as an everyday kind of lipstick (I want to get into wearing lipstick more), is gorgeous. I loved it as much as when I bought it! It suits my skin tone very well (I’m yellow toned with lots of red patches).

I also bought an Elf liner but haven’t been able to test it out properly yet, since my Gel liner suddenly grew mold.

Overall, my experience wasn’t bad. Fast shipping, Paypal payment, nice packaging and nothing was broken upon receiving. Customer service was fine – though I didn’t have much reason to message them. I’ll definitely be buying from them again!

Suggest me a lipstick brand or colour! I need all the help, since I haven’t been too successful with lipsticks so far.

6 thoughts on “Listick Republic Review: Loved Up and Liquieur

  1. They are both beautiful! I love the bright pink one, but I think the neutral one suits you better. Neutral tones often make one's lips look pale, but this one doesn't: it was a very good purchase 🙂

  2. I'm so bad at lipstick. I never wear it, and when I try to I've eaten it up or smeared it within an hour. Though I did like they pink-purple Loved Up, I would have to say I prefer your lips bare. They are lovely as they are!

  3. I was going to say something about eating lipstick too, but you beat me to it. Seriously though, I went out for the first time in a long time wearing lipstick today, and even without eating, it began to… peel?

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