Oh my god, guys. It’s been over an entire week since I blogged! That’s crazy for me since blogging has always been my favourite thing to do in my free time. But suddenly I’ve been caught up in something new and brilliant. (Maybe I’ll mention it sometime, but I’m not comfortable doing that yet.) But even through it’s brilliance it’s been a time consuming, totally worrisome week. Anyway, how have you been? I’m sure you’re week has been just as huge as mine!

While we’re in the spirit of catching up, here’s another episode of Facebook roundup. A roundup where I post pictures from The Walrus Rooms’s Facebook page that you might not have seen because honestly, who has time for Facebook?

So, what have I been up to? Lots of faces of the day. I bought Lime Crime Velveteen in Salem, finally. Lipstick Republic were having a sale where I picked up OCC’s Tinted moituriser for a third of it’s usual price (AKA it’s usually a lot more than I can afford). Soon after this I was flung into cosmetics-obsession-mode and have since done a tone of faces-of-the-day and made several trips to Kmart purely to stare at the ELF section lustfully. You can see my new ELF green primer behind my in-process nails.

Speaking of nails, I finally did my own false nails! I’ve been wanting to do them since back in Part One of my Top Five Things that I WILL Buy This Year. They’re a lot pointier than they seem in the first image.

Coen also bought me a new phone as an early Christmas present which is already sufficiently X-Files themed. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll do an Instagram roundup after all?

Back to X-Files I go. I promise I’ll be back soon. But in the meantime, what have you been up to?

ELF: Voodoo & Posh

Silly me, mentioning this review a few weeks back thinking it’d be up any time soon. It took me four different lighting settings to get the colours to show anything like they actually are; even so, I ended up throwing my head near-outside my window! But alas, it is finally here! You can find the lipsticks on the ELF website, here.


Colour: Reddy, berry shade.
Texture: This lipstick is a lot more moist than the Voodoo, which does mean it becomes a little more sheer. It’s very easy to get streaks because of this.
Tone: In tone, this lipsticks a bit of a savior. It’s definitely a cold. blue tone, but because it’s more natural in shade it doesn’t accentuate the red areas of my face too much. It might even look natural on colder tonned skin.
Lasting: It would last at least six hours without anything to drastic happening to the mouth. You would definitely have to fix it after eating.
Build: Sheer and not very buildable


I’m not going to lie, the name was a big factor in my decision to buy this one! For good reason, I suppose, since it’s my favourite lipstick and I wear it most days I leave the house.

Colour: Peachy, pinky-red
Texture: Definitely on the matte side. Accentuates dry lips a lot.
Tone: Very warm toned.
Lasting: Because it’s more matte it last pretty long. A twelve hour day at uni would be no problem with a few touch ups.
Build: More build-able than Posh but building does accentuate dryness even more.

Voodoo (Left) – Posh (Right)

Price wise each lipstick is only three dollars, so it’s great to experiment with more natural colours for those of you that love black lips. Plus, I bought mine on the five dollar express shipping sale. But you certainly get what you pay for: they don’t last an insane time, don’t stain well, have a very limited colour range and the packaging is feels like it would break very easily. To add to that while ELF is cruelty free I’m almost completely sure they aren’t vegan. All together, I’m rather happy!

What lipstick brands are your favourite? Any you think I should to try out?

Listick Republic Review: Loved Up and Liquieur

All of the products in this review were bought with my own money and is in no way in conjunction with any brands or store service.

It all started when I wanted some Sleek lipsticks from the Sleek website. But I’ll be damned if I’m getting a credit card to buy from online stores! And so, I found Lipstick republic an Australian store (surprisingly the shipping cost is more than the Sleek website) that sells other countries brands to Australians. Of course when this happens the price is jacked up a bit, but I was really wanting these lipsticks!

First of all, can we talk about the packaging? It’s tiny and adorable. You’ve got to love that pink bow! (I’m on a major pink kick lately).

The two lipsticks I bought were liqueur and Loved Up. I wasn’t so sure Loved Up would suit my skin tone (I’m still a bit iffy) because it’s a bit too purple for my liking. But it is the bright pink that I wanted. It’s easily toned down with a piece of tissue, and gloss. Loved up would look brilliant on darker skin-tones and pink toned skin. But Liqueur, the lipstick I bought as an everyday kind of lipstick (I want to get into wearing lipstick more), is gorgeous. I loved it as much as when I bought it! It suits my skin tone very well (I’m yellow toned with lots of red patches).

I also bought an Elf liner but haven’t been able to test it out properly yet, since my Gel liner suddenly grew mold.

Overall, my experience wasn’t bad. Fast shipping, Paypal payment, nice packaging and nothing was broken upon receiving. Customer service was fine – though I didn’t have much reason to message them. I’ll definitely be buying from them again!

Suggest me a lipstick brand or colour! I need all the help, since I haven’t been too successful with lipsticks so far.

Outfit Post: Fifties Inspired Punk – Red, Ripped and Rolled.

This outfit has a bit of a red theme running through it with red lips, red floral pattern and red nails. Plus a bit of fifties and punk inspiration with some leather and roller curled hair! Surprise, surprise, I didn’t actually leave my house today – rather I sat around and played with my camera while reading about fashion and healthy eating. It was the perfect opportunity to play around with styling this new blouse in contrast to this recent outfit [here].

I really love this photo! :3

Currently, I’m in love with this blouse.

Can you tell I was playing around with poses? I felt a lot more free to play around with the camera since I the photos were taken in my room – on my bed to be specific. It had to be the bed since every other inch of my room is covered in posters, hung up clothes and my roof with fabric and chimes. I’m so surprised that it turned out so well, what do you think?

My hair was left in rollers all day yesterday and during the night. I can never understand how those without part of their head shaved can sleep in rollers since it’s so uncomfortable! I’ve been practicing my brushing out technique and can honestly say I still have a long way to go. After lots of frustration I decided to leave it in messy curls (the humidity helped with that). Hopefully the curls will last into tomorrow since I don’t use any products on my hair (or heat) that aren’t a conditioning mask or hair dye.


Blouse: ROMWE.com
Skirt: Boohoo.com.
Stockings: Anonymous.
Belt: EBay.
Necklace: Second-hand.
Earrings: EBay.

Manic Panic: Mystic Heather – Lipstick Review

For Christmas Kitty bought me the loveliest lipstick, along with a wonderful Manic Panic pressed powder. Finally, I’ve gotten around to review it! She remembered that I was on that search for a nice pink lipstick (I think!) and she most definitely succeeded. Manic Panic’s quality is always good, they’re always vegan and tend to cater for the more alternative.

(Right click and open pictures into another tab for a larger view.)

As usual, great quality. The lipstick isn’t drying; actually it’s very moisturising. Nothing was broken the packaging was great and came with bundles of giant buble-wrap! The case is definitely Creature of the Night and so lovely!

Once applied.

This lipstick stains like hell! It lasted six hours on until it started to dry (without applying lip moisturiser before hand) and then it was only a slight touch up! The colour is VERY fluro. It was a lot brighter than the lipstick actually makes it out to be and it a lot more purple.

I also have to mention the picture below was taken after eating two meals!

Is this lipstick worth it?

I think so. Though I probably wont buy it again as it’s very fluorescent, I’m definitely going to finish this lipstick off!

Best wishes,

After six hours. You can see my lip drying.

Yesterdays Face!

Mum bought me a new lipstick yesterday! It’s in the most perfect shade of plum, one that I’ve been searching for for a long time. It was on sale at the chemist she visits every week after visiting the cemetery. There are a few things that are somewhat worrisome about it though.

The lipstick is Loreal Paris, Studio secrets in Plum. I remember reading something about Loreal Paris using animal testing so I decided to look it up.The website states this:

“L’Oréal Paris has not used an animal laboratory to test our cosmetics products since 1989. European and national level regulations mean that manufacturers must conduct tests on animals to guarantee the safety and tolerance of the chemical ingredients they use. For 20 years, L’Oréal Paris has taken significant steps to research, develop and validate alternative methods to laboratory animal testing. Beyond the progress already accomplished, industry and university researchers must embrace a new challenge in years to come: to develop new, regulatory approved, alternative ways to evaluate chemical ingredients in the domains of toxicology where such methods no longer exist. L’Oréal Paris aspires to a total elimination of laboratory animal testing. Our group is an active member of the European Partnership for the Development of Alternative Methods, put in place by the European Commission in November 2005. We aim to do everything reasonably possible to promote this programme through our actions. The recent acquisition of the Skin Ethic tissue engineering organisation is testament to this ongoing concern and confirms the leading position of our group – L’Oréal – in the domain of alternative research methods.” – Source

Along with reading some other peoples opinions on the matter I’m not quite sure what to think. Some people say that Loreal sneakily speaks around the point. What do you think? Or have heard? I try my hardest not to use products tested on animals these days.

Anyway, my make up consists of black eye-shadow, generic liners, false eye lashes, Manic Panic powder and the Loreal Lipstick.

Generally speaking the lipstick when applying is slippery. It honestly goes everywhere and this was before I put my lip-ring in. Eventually it dries out a lot – after wearing for a few hours – but I can honestly say I ate dinner (pasta salad and a caramelised cheese pull) and it held remarkably.

Best wishes,

Guess What I’m Missing!

Well, I accidentally opened up my lip ring and can’t get the ball back in without at least two pairs of pliers and extreme patience (which I do not have). I still have the ring in but I really need to invest in a new one as soon as possible. It feels so strange when I don’t have it in my lip, I’ve had it for four/five years now.

My boy friend said that it just looks completely wrong for me (not having a lip ring in that is). What are your thoughts? And what kind of lip ring should I get? I’ll be waiting for your comments!

Best wishes,

Picture Update!

 This is a little voodoo doll key chain that my mum bought me when she heard me getting excited about Halloween. I don’t have any keys so I keep him on my lamp above my mirror.

 This are some of the strawberries I’ve been living off all holidays and first week of school. My family are on a diet (not me, of course) so there is no shortage of them.

 I’ve always wanted a pink lipstick and finally I have one! Considering it’s price
I think it’s rather good.

 These are some vampire suck lolly-pops. I’ve been living off as well.

This is a bear that my Grandfather brought me back from The Tower of London that he traveled to recently.  I collect bears so it was really nice. :3

From left to right – L (From Death Note), Plusle (Pokemon), Near (Death Note).

These are some action figures Sary gave me when she moved away and couldn’t take all of her toys and such. I added them to my collection!

Cheesy picture is cheesy.
I’m going to be trying out black hair briefly, but first I’ll have to get some red for my blonde. It’s action taken to grow out my blonde. :3 The last time I had black hair it didn’t suit me, so I thought before doing anything permanently that I’ll try it out slightly.

Product review: Lime Crime; Retrofuturistic Lipstick

Coming home to find this little delight sitting across my key board made my day. I ripped open the packet in joy, after having to wait two weeks for it to arrive due to the Easter public holiday in Canada. To be honest I first stumbled across the Lime Crime website after seeing the very beautiful advertisement on facebook.

Dodgy pose is required. This is the lipstick wet
along with the night time lighting of my room.

Lime Crime is was created by Doe Deere to bring fantasy to reality. She created her opaque lip sticks and dazzling eye-shadow’s to make the world a brighter place, literally. Lime Crime features lipsticks in colours such as opaque yellow (New Yolk City), opaque green (Mint To Be), opaque pink (Centrifuchsia) and many more and along with many eye shadows or as Doe Deere calls them “Magic Dusts” (My personal favorite being Medusa).

Lime Crime cosmetics are also certified animal cruelty free by PETA, most of which are vegan also. Each colour of lipstick or eye shadow comes with it’s own fairytale. For example the bio for Cosmopop (softened orange):

She parked her hovercraft with the authority of a queen beside a large sign that read No Parking, removed her large sunglasses to take one quick look at the man taking money from the patrons, and strode through the open door behind him. And that was when the party began.
Sparkly Unicorns all around!

Just to continue with my beginning, I ripped open the package to find an adorable pink bullet shaped lipstick contained, adorned with a sparkling unicorn and stars. In my opinion, Lime Crime would have to get extra points for creativity in their design. The lipstick container is beautiful and completely girly.

Retrofuturistic is, of course, the colour I bought. Any guesses to what colour it is? Red, as always! I’ve already explained how the packaging and the website is but I’m sorry to say it’s not yet time for the results of my extensive testing on the lipstick, just yet.

I bought the lipstick from a certified Lime Crime distributing on eBay of course because I am, as you know, cheap and the few dollar or two I saved was much needed! Anyway, the distributing raised the bar for seller’s on eBay. After paying for the product the seller sent a much appreciated thank you email and told me that I had been a fast customer. She quickly then sent me another email explaining that in Canada it is a public holiday and the product wouldn’t be shipped for a few days and apologizing, though she had dropped it off already. I was actually quite happy about this, as the great service made up for the long wait.

Along with the lipstick I received a personally written note thanking me for buying. These were of course marketing skills and nothing more but the ‘little things’ are the difference from a horrible seller and a great seller.

Finally, to the actual lipstick! I couldn’t wait until I was fully dressed to try the lipstick on so I quickly washed my face, lined my lips and the time finally arose! The lip stick was creamy, but not wasteful. It kept a wet shiny appearance and refused to dry, and, as a bonus, it didn’t even stick to my lip ring; not smudging once.

To test the strength I kissed my mirror four times, that did absolutely nothing. The lipstick remained perfectly in condition, it was still the beautiful masterpiece I had applied. I then blotted the lip stick before attempting to remove it and it didn’t budge. There was no wet appearance anymore but the red definitely held true. I was amazed! The excitement grew from there, I attempted to wash the lipstick off using warm water and a towel/tissues and the stain left was a dark pink, I even tried washing my lips with soap and toothpaste but the stain remained.

Waking up in the morning I looked in the mirror to see the stain still perfectly in tact. I went to school for seven hours and came home and part of the stain still remained. Let me just make this clear here. I had only tried on this lipstick for fifteen minutes to create this stain. If that doesn’t amaze you, than I don’t know what will!

This is the stain not the lip stick, it’s also
after intensive (but gentle!) scrubbing.

I give this lipstick a 4.8/5 kisses. 0.2 is missing as the stain doesn’t suit me very well. I find dark pinks somewhat trashy. Otherwise, with the killer endurance, stain (if you consider that a good thing), vegan ingredients, adorable packaging, great customer service, general uniqueness, the fresh feeling and  colour it is the best lipstick I have heard of and used. May your future in lipstick be blessed with such joys as Lime Crime.

-Ms. Walrus.