Manic Panic: Mystic Heather – Lipstick Review

For Christmas Kitty bought me the loveliest lipstick, along with a wonderful Manic Panic pressed powder. Finally, I’ve gotten around to review it! She remembered that I was on that search for a nice pink lipstick (I think!) and she most definitely succeeded. Manic Panic’s quality is always good, they’re always vegan and tend to cater for the more alternative.

(Right click and open pictures into another tab for a larger view.)

As usual, great quality. The lipstick isn’t drying; actually it’s very moisturising. Nothing was broken the packaging was great and came with bundles of giant buble-wrap! The case is definitely Creature of the Night and so lovely!

Once applied.

This lipstick stains like hell! It lasted six hours on until it started to dry (without applying lip moisturiser before hand) and then it was only a slight touch up! The colour is VERY fluro. It was a lot brighter than the lipstick actually makes it out to be and it a lot more purple.

I also have to mention the picture below was taken after eating two meals!

Is this lipstick worth it?

I think so. Though I probably wont buy it again as it’s very fluorescent, I’m definitely going to finish this lipstick off!

Best wishes,

After six hours. You can see my lip drying.

Guess What I’m Missing!

Well, I accidentally opened up my lip ring and can’t get the ball back in without at least two pairs of pliers and extreme patience (which I do not have). I still have the ring in but I really need to invest in a new one as soon as possible. It feels so strange when I don’t have it in my lip, I’ve had it for four/five years now.

My boy friend said that it just looks completely wrong for me (not having a lip ring in that is). What are your thoughts? And what kind of lip ring should I get? I’ll be waiting for your comments!

Best wishes,

Outfit Post: New Piercing


 Well, I’m getting back into the habit of taking pictures of my outfits though I swear they all are basically the same thing. I wore this to get my nose pierced today; Yay!


Singlet: Supre’ (To be perfectly honest). It’s one of the most mainstream teen girls clothing stores in Australia.

Skirt: Self made.

Stockings: K-mart. They’re just school stockings.

Cardigan: Thrifted.

Short: School shoes, from mum.

Bag: Thrifted! It’s honestly the perfect size and so easy to use! It even has a little lock on the outside.

Gosh, my skin is awful. Obviously, my nose is distorted
by the camera angle. I love big noses. :3

They didn’t have any black studs and I thought a ring would clash with my lip ring so red it is! It’s not sitting properly until it heals a bit more and I can clean the blood away. I tried cleaning it away today and it just starting bleeding worse. I can’t wait until I can get a new one! This stud is amazingly small. I can honestly say it hurt like hell. Worse than my lip, if I remember correctly.

I think it’ll be nice to have a piercing that I can change. The only way I can change my lip is if I have reverse blade pliers and even so, I’m horrible with them. I have to get it taken out by my piercer. 

I didn’t get to go my favourite piercer, unfortunately. I really love it there, it’s so comforting for me there.

Anyway, that’s enough rambling for me.
Best wishes,

Day 21 – What body mod do you have or have you considered?

Horrible lip ring photo. But for some reason I really like it.

I absolutely love piercings. This may not be obvious as I only have three and two are my ears though. Obviously I have my lip pierced. I’ve had it pierced for three or four years now and absolutely love it. Though for work placements things I have to go to the piercer to get it taken out as it needs reverse blade pliers to remove and I cannot do it myself what so ever.

As soon as I turn eighteen, in seven months, I will be getting my nose pierced. My parents were fine with me getting my lip pierced, they half paid for it, but as soon as I mentioned a nose piercing they were against it. They continuously say, “When you’re eighteen you can get as many piercings as you want. We have no control over you.” They don’t realise that I will hold them to that. I’m not sure what sort of nose piercing though, but I have seven months to think about it.

Maybe a tattoo is I find something meaningful enough to want to keep forever.

Best Wishes,