Oh my god, guys. It’s been over an entire week since I blogged! That’s crazy for me since blogging has always been my favourite thing to do in my free time. But suddenly I’ve been caught up in something new and brilliant. (Maybe I’ll mention it sometime, but I’m not comfortable doing that yet.) But even through it’s brilliance it’s been a time consuming, totally worrisome week. Anyway, how have you been? I’m sure you’re week has been just as huge as mine!

While we’re in the spirit of catching up, here’s another episode of Facebook roundup. A roundup where I post pictures from The Walrus Rooms’s Facebook page that you might not have seen because honestly, who has time for Facebook?

So, what have I been up to? Lots of faces of the day. I bought Lime Crime Velveteen in Salem, finally. Lipstick Republic were having a sale where I picked up OCC’s Tinted moituriser for a third of it’s usual price (AKA it’s usually a lot more than I can afford). Soon after this I was flung into cosmetics-obsession-mode and have since done a tone of faces-of-the-day and made several trips to Kmart purely to stare at the ELF section lustfully. You can see my new ELF green primer behind my in-process nails.

Speaking of nails, I finally did my own false nails! I’ve been wanting to do them since back in Part One of my Top Five Things that I WILL Buy This Year. They’re a lot pointier than they seem in the first image.

Coen also bought me a new phone as an early Christmas present which is already sufficiently X-Files themed. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll do an Instagram roundup after all?

Back to X-Files I go. I promise I’ll be back soon. But in the meantime, what have you been up to?