Outfit Post: Layered, Rosary, Strangely Sheer.

There are a lot of fields around my current house. While going too McDonalds for lunch we stopped to take some photos. I hate fast food, but Coen swears by it and always convinces me to go with him because I’m a lovely girlfriend – cough, cough.

This is one of the least hilarious faces! Coen is forever making me laugh.


Dress: Thrifted.
Cardigan: Cotton On.
Stockings: Anonymous.
Shoes: Cotton On.
Rosary: EBay.
Beads: Anonymous.

I hate stockings as sheer as these with a burning hatred! But I’ve recently come into possession of eight pairs. They’ll be great to wear in winter with layered thigh highs but for summer all they’re good for is making me feel uncomfortable with my knees! For some reason my knees have always been very red – probably because I’m very pale. Not to mention I bruise very easily in bright purples and yellowy greens which shine right through.


Silly face is silly. I imagine I was in the progress of biting Coen’s face off for his photography.

My beads never align and my fringe has the most annoying wave to it!

Outfit Post: Little Lolita dress with a lot of Deathrock.

All photo’s are a lot larger, so just right click open in new tab to see them at full (horribly detailed) size.

Recently I ordered a Bodyline dress as a test run to see whether it would suit me and sizes and such. I have to say, I love it! Mostly because it’s my first actual lolita dress! I know that this outfit isn’t very ‘lolita‘. I was trying to do a cross between lolita and Death-rock, another of my current loves (music wise mostly).

Bow: It was originally the giant detachable bow for the bodice but was way too large so I made it into a head-bow. I still need to fix it a bit. I just need a simple headband instead of using ribbon to tie it.
Dress: Bodyline.
Boots: Demonia, as usual.
Blouse: Second-hand.
Cameo: Present from Kitty of Bloggery of a GothCat.
Stockings x3: Fishnets and others from kmert.
Fishnet glove: EBay.
Cardigan: Second-hand.

I actually teased my hair up a lot more than it seems.

My make up isn’t anything special, just school make up.

It was actually pouring with rain outside, it has for the last two days, yay! The umbrella is my mums and an adorable lilac but my camera doesn’t show purple tones very well at all.

What do you think? Success or mess?
Best wishes,

P.S. I know I haven’t been consistent with posting at all lately but it’s currently half yearly exams (so expect a lot of school posts) and I’m busy as hell! I still love you guys, don’t forget that! In conjunction with that it’s also summer here and at a steady 95% humidity.

The Accent Challenge.

This was stolen from Mary Rose at The Everyday Goth of which I stuttered about while trying to record. This was originally a Tumblr Meme and so I changed it slightly.

The questions I answered:

Your name and username.

Where you’re from.

Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Avenue, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Doorknob, Envelope, Drawing, Tomato, Often, Dog, February, Syrup, About, Process, Status, Organization, Orange, Talk, Mobile, Idea, Dynasty, Renaissance, Patronize, Breakfast, Drawer, Horror, Herbs.

What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?

What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?

What do you call gym shoes?

What do you call your grandparents?

What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?

What is the thing you change the TV channel with?

Choose a book and read a passage from it.

Do you think you have an accent?

Be a wizard or a vampire?

Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?

End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.

And I hope I don’t sound too much like any idiot. :3

P.S. This took three hours to upload. ;-;

Little Goth in Australia.


 I was feeling courageous today and decided to leave the house and venture out into the sun, prepared with a handful of sun screen and my trusty parasol. I went to visit some friends today and since spring is all around me I was in the mood for pictures. This is one of my favourite places. When I was little I would come here for hours on end. These day’s I only walk through it.

Dirt track.

 I took a lot of these silly shots. Hehe!

Second part of the track. 2/4
Mountains and farmland. :3 We are a cow farming and navy area.
 I actually went driving past the cow paddocks today and wished horribly that I had my camera.

Small Forest.

Graffiti on the third part of my little walk.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my favourite place.