Outfit Post: Hardcore Pearls and High Anxiety

Today was the first Wednesday that I didn’t have to go to therapy in a couple months. I was diagnosed with High Anxiety and Depression. It’s something I’ve been living with for years but this year it’s really been hitting me hard (I don’t really express this much with you). But working on an outfit post always brightens my mood just that little bit extra.

Blouse: Thrifted | Shorts: Nasty Gal | Vest: Boohoo | Necklace: Mums | Shoes: Free People

Coen took these pictures. Hence, the last picture when he asked me to “look like Godzilla.” I’m so ferocious, aren’t I? A five-foot-two Goth Godzilla is what real nightmares are all about!

This outfit I wanted to mix some hardcore-ish elements with the false-Pearl necklace. Putting interesting outfits together has always been something that brightens my mood. Whenever I have an exam I would rag-curl my hair the night before or spend extra-time on my make up in the morning. My motto in high school was always “If you look good, you’ll feel better.” It was all about confidence building.

That’s partly why lately I’ve been adding so much leopard print to my wardrobe – have you noticed? It’s something that always boots my confidence and automatically makes me feel bad-ass. Do you think that what you wear affects how you feel? What makes you feel powerful?

Outfit Post: Am I Punk Yet?

This outfit is a bit of an assortment! We have something new, some things that are old and something you’ve never seen me wear as it was intended. But with leopard, denim, velvet and my trusty bone & crystal necklace, I’m pretty sure you won’t get too bored.

That blue pole has been the bane of my existence.

Socks: Asos | Shoes: Target | Dress: Missguided | Belt: Boohoo.com | Vest: Boohoo.com | Necklace: Etsy | Cardigan: Thrifted

A denim vest like this has been something I’ve been searching for at least a year. That may sound silly, but I’m extremely picky. The only problem I have is that I thought it would be at least two sizes smaller; woe! Even though it’s still on my wishlist I don’t regret buying it. The leopard gives the vest a bit of personality, it’s broad enough to add some patches to and it’ll change up any dolly-dress I buy in the near-future (because I honestly can’t have enough).

This dress is a piece you’ve seen me wear as a skirt a few times here and here. After stortening the straps I’ve found it’s perfect to wear with pretty much anything! You’ll be seeing outfit posts including it for a long time.

What are you wearing today? As I write this I’m wearing pyjamas and shopping for lace maxi skirts (to no avail). If you stumble upon one you think I’ll like don’t forget to drop it into the comments!

Outerwear Roundup: January ’14’s Good, Bad and Completely Traumatising

 Don’t forget about my giveaway. If you look Gothy characters, with great style and Hoodoo plot you’ll love this. There’s less than three days until it ends. Don’t forget to fill out the rafflecopter widget at the bottom of the post (that can be easily found by clicking right here)!

This post on outerwear for Sophistique Noirs monthly theme isn’t my usual outfit post. (Check her out for the love of goth here! – Are agnostics even allowed to make religious puns?)  Instead it’s a kind of wishlist outlining some things that I want, that I’ve bought and that just were not meant to be throughout the month of January.

The Good

I bought two new coats from my usual leather jacket place, SheInside. They haven’t arrived yet but I’m really excited because I’ve been wanting a faux fur leopard print coat for what seems like forever. The other is a straighter styled black coat with fake leather trim. I wanted something that would be easier to pair than the coat pictured below that overwhelms any outfit. Both were on sale!

Photograph from this outfit post.

The Bad

As for something bad I was a bit stumped for this one. Instead I’ll list things I want but probably won’t get for some time. (Boo to not being able to buy everything in the world right this second!) The first is a utilitarian style anorak in a military style and on that note a military coat that isn’t too heavy or offensive – but that’s kind of what my dreams are made of rather than anything I’ll actually stumble upon. Other than that I would love a denim jacket – preferably in a darker wash or with kickass patches. Which brings us to the traumatising.

The Traumatising

Currently I’ve been obsessed with adding statement pieces to my wardrobe (I’ve felt really boring; do any of you know this feeling?), so of course I decided to browse the Hot Topic website. Unbeknownst to me, upon falling in love with a certain denim jacket I found they actually have the most ridiculously high international shipping (even for Canadians). But I was determined, I was so far into the mindset that if I didn’t have this jacket I would probably died purely from lacking it. It was then I found that those outside of the US can’t use Paypal. Searching the internet and finding nothing but Amazon had to convince me that it must not have meant ‘to be’. Que first world disappointment.

Do you guys get so invested in items that you would probably battle to the death for them? It can’t just be me! What are your outerwear wishes and woes of the new(ish) year?

Bere-ted Punk Outfit: Leapard Print, High Waisted Denim and Leather Jacket

It’s been a long time since I last posted an outfit post. I’ve been pushing through Uni using up all of my basic outfits. So, it was about time I attempted to use some creativity up in this Punk inspired outfit – based around my new leather jacket and other new pieces I bought for my birthday last week!

This is the leather jacket that I ended up with after my year-long search and this quest here. My partner bought me it for my birthday and it’s close to perfect! The fit is just as slim as I wanted, the length seems great as far as I can tell and the feel is amazingly soft but still realistic.

Beret: EBay, Scarf: Thrifted, Necklace: EBay, Shirt: Supanova
Jacket: SheInside, Shorts: Thrifted, Stockings: Anonymous, Shoes: Doc Martens

My hair is terrible today and hopefully, within the next week will be ‘fixed’. But you guys will see that when it comes! In the meanwhile I threw on this beret that I bought from a generic EBay store. I’m finally getting around to adding more accessories like hats, scarves and earrings and I’m officially waiting around for winter!

Are you guys waiting around for a season change? Have you ever fallen for a piece of clothing after years of wanting it?