Bored of Your Goth Fashion? Three Tips Straight from my Babybat Era

Sometimes we get bored of pulling on the same petticoats and the same ripped stockings day after day. But that doesn’t mean we want to throw away those things forever. Below are three super simple little changes that might just bring your old dusty Docs into the new year. Each one hand-picked from my days of ripped blue and black tights, and bleached blonde hair.

Another thing I want back from my younger days were the kickass fangs I had! – Scream by Martin Soulstealer

Hoard Fabrics

When I was younger I would make more clothes than I would buy, and so, I would have tonnes of scrap fabric around to tie around random places on my body. You have some spare netting from a veil, wear it as a summer scarf? Your denim shorts looking a bit dull, tie a patten you love around a belt loop for some colour (or not!).

Consume More Music than you Do Consumer Goods

Back in the day I would search for bands constantly; I would find more new bands I loved in a month than I bought clothes in a year. Enjoying music is free (and even if it isn’t free, it’s cheaper and lasts forever). Just one little change in atmosphere can make any set of clothes feel instantly new again.

Inspiration Is Important

It’s so much easier to stick with the same inspiration you’ve had for years (and that may work for any number of you) but for me the easy choice isn’t the happiest. I revel in new ideas, learning about lots of random things (‘I once spent a day learning the science behind toilets’ random). This year I hope to search out inspiration at least once a week, to avoid annoying fashion ruts like the one I’m almost out of! Human beings were born to grow and evolve!

Our young days of dressing alternatively were all about learning the basics of what we like to wear and how creatively we can wear it. If you were to look back to your younger years – I know not everyone was a ‘baby bat’ – what would your tips be?

My Favourite Vampires To Delve Their Fangs Into Fashion

    While I must say that throughout this blog when I talking about fashion I’m usually using feminine  examples. I’m an advocate for freedom of expression – particularly androgynous looks, so try not to get stuck on the perceived gender. The characters below may not be human, but I think there are some tips for those into the masculine side of things.


    Angel and Spike (from Buffy & Angel)

    Of all of the leading vampires in Buffy, Angel will always have a place in my heart. He may basically wear the same thing every episode but he does do it well! You’ll never find him in anything but jewel tone, black and white. He wears lots of coats with defined shoulders combined with button-downs of luxurious textures like silk and velvet.

    Okay, you may be wondering why I didn’t choose Drusilla, she’s enchantingly insane and wear such gorgeously ethereal dresses. And you’re right to do so, I have no idea why I didn’t!

    And can we just have a moment to appreciate Spike’s Punk days.

    Do I even have to explain why Lestat is a vampire fashion god? – Link.

    Lestat (from the Interview With a Vampire series)

    Lestat has been my favourite vampire since the days I would sit in my room, writing fan-fiction all day. I would suggest watching The Queen of the Damned (a renouned screw-up in terms of films in the series) instead delve either in Interview with a Vampire the film, or The Vampire Lestat (my favourite of the series).


    Goody and Stacey (from VAMPS)

    Commonly found in Goth clubs are the main characters from VAMPS. This film is basically a comedic mix-up of Sex and the City with fangs. The characters are fashion obsessed vampires that hang out in Goth clubs to look for another morsel to.. uh, date?

    Okay, so the film is terrible if you’re looking for the next Alfred Hitchcock, but if you put away your ‘reviewers’ mind and revel in the silliness of this film it’s not too bad. Either way, I just spent most of the film staring at Alicia Silverstone’s perfect hair.

    What can we take form this film fashion wise? Firstly their darker Goth outfits with collars, metal detailing, lace, dark-makeup. Outside of that are the combination of white and black, high necked collars, blazers and chiffon.

    You may think I have a problem with androgynous male vampires (aren’t all vampires) but I’d have to say, I’m perfectly okay with that.

    What vampires do you take inspiration from? Anything I should watch?

      Male Goth Youtuber: Morrgore

      In the blogging community and youtube Goth community there never seems to be many well done articles or video’s about, for or by male Goths. That’s where Morrgore comes in! I stumbled across his video’s today and thought: “My gosh! This is perfect!” I really think the male perspective is something that has been sorely missing but it doesn’t end there.

      Sure there are some male bloggers and vloggers but I’m sorry to point out that I have not found one that has nearly the amount of quality that I would subscribe too or anything that is mildly interesting personally (I know, I’m a cold hearted bitch). His video’s are in High Definition, he speaks well, brings a bit of humour onto the plate (of children!) and talks about interesting topics that are both relevant to male and female Goths. Not to mention, you have to love those fangs.

      So, check out his video’s and his channel here and don’t forget to subscribe!

      Best wishes,

      RED AND BLACK; I made it just in time.

      Thank god I received my SD converter today; just so you know, it’s absolutely beautiful. I really wanted to participate in Red and Black week and hope we will have more in the future. Oh course I jsut fiddled with some make up. It’s definitely red and black and I incorporated my new fangs into it because every one knows taht red and black goes fantastically with vampires, the traditional type anyway, no matter how mall goth it may seem. So here it goes, my Red and Black themed make up.

      I had to lighten this photo a lot for it to be visible. I only really looked
      at the pictures hours after taking them and couldn’t be bothered to take another.
       It used liquid eye liner on the bottom outer lash line. I then created a wing and filled it in with the liquid liner. I lined the inside corner slight. Next I added red shadow the the inner corners and across the lid to ‘meet’ the black. I used a black grey to blend (horribly). I added red shadow to the inner corner of my lower lash line and fixed up the inner corner liquid liner. I added dots to my brow bone, which are somewhat hidden and a dot beside the inner corner of my eyes. Then, of course, mascara.

      One of my fangs along with my red lipstick. Honestly that red lipstick accidentally got into the fang! They are very reasonably priced Bloody Mary fangs and no I would not recommend then for anyone that can afford better.

       Lastly, a dramatic picture of me. I cut my fringe so I have bangs now. Did you notice? I doubt it!

      I hope you enjoyed Black and Red week that was created by the lovely and always fashionably VictorianKitty at Sophistique Noir.
