instagram roundup, personal, instagram, taxidermy, oddities, nails, makeup, alternative, goth, new moon, full moon, tofu, red lips,

The last month was an interesting Instagram month. I’ve started collecting Oddities again – my first piece of Taxidermy arrived and I’ve realised how much I adore teeth. Oh and I celebrated the full moon with some beautiful orange flowers!

I feel as though my Instagram feed is just a long list of the cool things I buy. That’s because I don’t take my phone or my camera when I leave the house! I don’t think you guys would be interested in me digging through the supermarket freezers for lentil burgers or going to the same coffee place I visit literally every week (they know my order by heart!).

How has your month been? I’m super glad January is over!


Every year I sit down and I write my resolutions and I add another “New” to the title. It started with a little New Year, New Hair, New Years Outfit post (look at that photography), become the dreadfully spelt New New Years Goals (unfortunately the gorgeous cat in this post past a few months ago) and last year it became my New New New Years Goals. This year, well, this year is all about magic.

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Start my own cabinet of curiosities. This one is going to take some hard thinking. The reason I didn’t collect more spooky curiosities this year is because Coen absolutely hates them and gives me a pretty hard time when I get excited about collecting something new. But if Coen can collect bundles of Lego and store it all over our small space, I need some room myself. Is a Cabinet so much to ask for?

Keep a regular pamper routine. What I mean by this is to take a few minutes to paint my nails once a month, and to pluck my brows into the shape I prefer. When I get lazy and start letting myself get sloppy, I end up loosing my confidence.

Perform New Moon rituals. Don’t get the wrong idea, I am not a spiritual person. I just want to take some time once a month to breath and reset my mental clock, you know? Have a glass of red wine, eat some blueberries and respect the earth for how incredible it really is!

Finish redecorating my room. I spoke a bit about this in this Curiousity wishlist and hopefully I will continue to make little plans throughout the year. In that case I won’t start rambling about it now. 

Write more blog posts in which I explore topics myself, rather than just reiterating the same pieces of knowledge I already have! I recently wrote a How To on White Sage burning. The post was written because it was something I found really interesting and in the process I learned more about you guys! So many of you already burn sage and can certainly teach me a thing or two.

When I first started this blog is was a place I could make overly detailed plans of my dream wardrobe write about topics as I learned about them myself. This year I aim to learn more and recite less.

Overall, I want 2015 to be the year that I bring real magic back into my life. I want to focus on the things that bring me joy! It’s going to be tough, but if I don’t stop to take notice of the beautiful things around me, it’s going to be a lot harder than I could imagine.


Spiritual cleansing has been something that’s been on my mind for a while. In particular a sage cleanse. I stumbled upon it from one of Anastasjia Louise’s videos where she spoke about cleansing her crystals but I’d heard of it before as a method of restoring spiritual balance or purifying bad energy.

Even though I don’t believe in spirits, I do believe that it’s a great way to break away from those negative patterns we all tend to hold onto. Taking a few minutes once a month, or once a week – whatever you can spare – to light some sage and dance around with it throughout your space can act like a refresh button for all that trauma we go through everyday. It’s a chance to step away from the world and focus on what’s going on right in front of you – if you don’t, you might just burn your fingers.

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You’ll need a bundle of dried white sage, also known as a smudge stick. They can be found at most farmers markets, new age stores and all over Etsy. Actually I’m being biased because I personally like white sage. You could also try lavender, pine or cedar. On that biased note, it doesn’t have to be a smudge stick, you could use loose sage or lavender if you so choose.

You’ll be setting the sage alight, so you’ll need a lighter, matches, or just anything that produces a flame.

Oh, and don’t forget a bowl or plate to catch the ashes that fall. I don’t think your path to positive energy starts with catching your carpet on fire. Especially important if you’re using a loose herb. It’s suggested that you cleanse it first by smudging it or washing it with sea salts.

What you’ll need to do is to light the sage, let it burn for a few moments and then blow it out. Then walk around your home allowing it to creep into every corner and crease of window sill, in between cushions and let it permeate the walls. Try to cleanse until your herb finishes, rather than when you feel you are done. This is why it’s recommended you start by burning the herb less, because the more  you burn the longer they will take to finish touting smoke.

Don’t forget to open a window, never inhale the smoke and definitely don’t put it near a pet.

The most important thing to this process are positive thoughts. The act of wisping around sage will do nothing more than waft if it isn’t attached to positive thoughts. It’s also suggested you should include all members of the household that will be using the space otherwise they might just contaminate it themselves.

 When doing a sage cleanse you shouldn’t be appropriating anyone’s culture. It always helps to have at least a brief understanding of the roots of a ceremony. These days sage burning is often done by Wiccans or spiritualists. While herb burning was common in medicinal healing throughout history, burning sage is most recognised as a part of Native American culture and it is still a big part of many Amazonian cultures healing procedures to-date.

What do you think? Sage cleansing is a great way to welcome in a new year and ridding ourselves of all the residue of the past year that just won’t quit hanging onto to our skin. Is this something you would like to try?

Image from Free People


These songs might seem a little out of character by the usual angry Punk and angsty Post-Punk that I usually post on here. But my love for those genres is only a segment of the music that I love! I actually grew up on full diet of soul music and jazz. Well, kind of – like most young’un’s I went through periods of everything from DMC to The Eagles to Ray Charles. I memorised them all and would play them each over and over through certain periods of time. But classic songs by bands like The Supremes have managed to stick to me. I jump straight to them when I want to sing and they always manage to make me smile.

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Lime in the Coconut by Harry Nilson
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Tammi Terrell & Marvin Gaye
Knock on Wood by  Amii Steward
Where Did Our Love Go? by The Supreme
Que Sera Sera by Doris Day
I Want to Be Evil by Eartha Kitt
Dream a Little Dream of Me by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong 
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John (This is Coen and I’s song! We always sing duets.)
Hit The Road Jack by Ray Charles

I’ve been on a quest of being positive. Laying off the coffee (okay, there’s still some coffee) and replacing it with fruit and vegetable juice. Attempting to stop glorifying YouTubers and instead learning about crystal healing.

It sounds totally cliche, but it’s helping me cleanse my life. It’s time to throw away the negative and live, you know? Do you have any soppy classics that always manage to make you smile?

If you’d like, you can listen to the mixtape at the top of this post by pressing play, or jumping straight to YouTube.


Can you see any similarities? Since I got a job (oh yeah, I got a job guys!) I’ve been more willing to spend money on unnecessary things to decorate my space. My colour scheme is white with red details, so I want to fill up all the blank space with more interesting bits and pieces that make me happy; like the occult!

I’ve been wanting to hang an Ouija board on my wall forever. I’ve debated getting a newer style but I’m stuck on the traditional Parker Brothers board. The cushions will be decorations on the chairs in my room. But that palmistry hand cushion in particular is amazing! I’ve been in love with palmistry for so long that I’ve actually been meaning to get palmistry symbols tattooed on my fingers. Lastly, do I even have to mention the gnarly molar dome? I don’t think you understand how much I need it in my life!

What do you think? Creepy or cool?
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Gothic Horror | NOISE

What is this, Sarah? Well, it’s one of the pieces I wrote for this semester’s prose class. It turned out to be Gothic Horror styled, so I thought some of you might enjoy reading it. It’s very short as the assignment was for a micro-piece. I know lots of you are classic Gothic Horror lovers and writers yourself, so I’d love to know your take on it. It’s also heavily inspired by my own experience of living with anxiety.

It’s also not supposed to be entirely serious!

As the grandfather clock in the lanky hallway rang eleven times and the house began to creak uncontrollably against the nightly pick-me-up of summer breeze, Eloise lay frozen in her bed. She stared at the roof, then at the door, unable to move. Even the roll of her eye in the socket frightened her. It was as if they could hear even her sight wander – whoever theywere.

There is no one there.

But her mind began to swim with the images of invaders. Is no one creeping down the hallway? Dropping from the attic entrance outside her door? Leaving strings of saliva in her leftovers? Breathing in anticipation, hand hovering over her bedroom doorhandle?

What was that noise?

She jumped even at the idea of a noise. The slight movement drew attention to the thick blanket she had pocketed herself into, building a budding pool of ice-cold sweat. It was the middle of summer with days that seemed to run together into an intelligible blur of constant dry heat. Somehow the sudden breeze forced its way under the blankets making her skin sing with a sickly salty chill. She slid from the covers and caught a faint sound between the whisper of crumpling sheets – a footstep?

just outside the door?

No, it’s just the cat prowling around.

But suddenly, the sound of a murmured yawn issued from the foot of the bed. A thin back leg stretched out from the pile of blankets, followed by a cat’s cry that seemed to pierce through the silence. An eager cat with a desperate expression peered down the length of the bed at Eloise; an expression that meant only one thing.

The sound of the clock ticking in the hall seemed to echo off the walls of Eloise’s room. Oil-painted, black and white, hundreds of unknown faces crowded the walls. All of them staring down at her confined to their frames and sparse space between crammed portraits on all sides. As the clock ticked on the sound began to cling to their pursed lips and feigned smiles. The noise built until they began to scream each second out at her and her head throbbed. Maybe she could slide her body out from the blankets that clung to her ankles and off the bed when the clock chimed twelve.

I don’t want him to hear me.

But, there is no one there.

She was grating her teeth. Could she stifle a scream if they crumbled into her mouth all at once? Would she gasp and choke? Would he bring her the glass of water from beside the bathroom sink? Or would the door grasp at the carpet strings to unveil a lone watching eye? To the beat of the ticking clock she slid from the bed. She listened to the sound of her toes sliding between each tuft of carpet and wondered if anyone listened. Taking too much care with each step her head throbbed harder and harder. Her heart beat faster. The clock seemed to tick faster. The sounds entwined and ran together, beating and ticking – ticking and beating and then fluttering together like a swarm of sounds buzzing in and out of every pore of her body.

She grasped for the door handle. Each fingertip fell into place and the door seemed to rip from the frame, like boiled flesh from the bone. For a moment there was silence. For a moment she watched the cat trot away into the hall, heard its bell clatter as it disappeared. This was a moment that delayed the sting that spread across Eloise. Starting from her lips that shifted apart, her hands that froze, her heart that moaned inwardly and her eyes that briefly captured the image of a gleaming face watching her as he took another spoonful of the left-over lasagne she had prepared earlier that day.

This time Eloise couldn’t just feel the walls falling in on her but could see them. One breath after another wasn’t working. The walls began to tumble but not to fall. They began to flail and roll like hillside mounds as if they had begun to argue amongst themselves whether they wanted to be walls or wanted to bulge and drip and smother her where she stood. She slammed the door shut and crumbled to the floor.

The sound of her own heart trying to free itself from her chest roused her. She’d been watching the door handle, forcing her eyes open and arguing with herself. The door handle gleamed amongst the dark of the room, reflecting off the whites of eyes all around. It mesmerised, almost soothed. Another Eloise stared back at her from the chrome surface of the handle. She was distorted: pale and thin but she smiled and her teeth gleamed so bright. If she were to speak, Eloise knew she would whisper sweet-consolidations.

Remember last time?

That was different.

It’s all in your head.

This is different.

But soon the sound of her heart began to echo from the walls. She could taste it as it rose up into her throat and attempted to swallow it back down into the depths of her stomach as it clung to her lips.

It’s all in your head.

He began to tap at the door. Eloise felt as though he was prying through the wooden threads to get to her. The taps grew louder and faster, becoming knocks and then the door submitted into pure thrashing where it rattled on its hinges and roared towards her. A lone mirror that sat amongst the portrait faces shattered.

Stop! Stop it, stop!

The faces began to sneer, and laugh. Arms stretched from their frames to prod and pull at Eloise’s hair. Her hands grasped at the carpet threads – grasped for anything. And still the knocking continued. Eloise ran to the door, pounding it with her fists, shaking the handle almost to the point of pulling it from the wood and then wrenched it open.

A sudden silence caught in her throat, choking her intended shriek from her lungs and away, to lose itself amongst the silvery shadows. The shadows ran across the walls, hiding in nooks of window panes and the furthest corners of picture frames. But shadows were Eloise’s only company. The grandfather clock in the lanky hallway had paused, embracing the silence, before it rang twelve times. The summer breeze snuck through the slight cracks in window glass and swirled around her ankles drying the seeping sweet as it passed.

What do you think? Fail or nailed? Personally, I’m pretty damn proud of it. It’s not perfect. There are things that I want to change but I’m not sure how. But looking back at some of my older work I really think I’m getting better. That’s really all I wanted from the start. That’s actually one of the reason I started this blog – to improve my writing skills!
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Happy World Vegan Day | Recipe Resources & Tips

Today we take a break in my usual rambles on fashion to celebrate World Vegan Day with recipes and tips! Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian and I am not a chef. If I say something that worries you health-wise, let me know because it’ll probably worry me also.

Ever since I was a kid, when I would help my mother bake silly-cake-things but never pay any attention to the important parts (AKA the cooking) I wanted to be able to walk into a kitchen and throw something together without a recipe. While I’m not quite there yet I’ve become pretty darn good at taking bits and pieces from other people’s recipes and creating my own little-Frankenstein meals. It’s all due to my becoming a vegetarian almost seven years ago and subsequently becoming a vegan one year ago. As a vegan, you can’t always walk into a supermarket and buy something off the shelf to throw into the oven.

If you guys are interested in some of my own recipes let me know. I don’t own a blender (which is why I usually have to pick and choose from other vegan recipes) and I cook for my rather picky non-vegan partner who always makes sure to let me know if he doesn’t like something.

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Sary-Walrus vegan creations!

That feel when I spell Thai* wrong. But I suppose this is a great place to note that I cook Thai as well as I can spell it. The above dish is named as such because it was developed from a Thai inspired recipe called Oil-free Mushroom, Potato & Sesame Thai Stir-Fry. My version of the dish is a mix of the above mentioned stir-fry and The Perfect Vegan Lentil Stew. I don’t often have the time to soak and simmer dried lentils, instead I use canned. They cook really fast but have the disadvantage of not being able to soak up the sauce. Which is where the rice noodles in the stir-fry t recipe come in!

My version of Oh She Glows’ Time Crunch Enchiladas is still in the works. Corn tortilla’s just do not want to be my friend. They prefer to crumple into a mess that I’ve aptly named enchi-lasagna. But I borrowed some parts of her recipe that have completely revolutionised the amount of meals I can cook.

I mentioned earlier that I do not have a blender (actually I can’t keep a blender in the house at all). So all those fancy vegan cheese sauces made of almonds and chickpeas are useless to me. Up until recently I refused cooking meals that require a cheese replacement (none of the supermarkets in a ten kilometer radius even know what vegan cheese is). Until I came upon the super easy enchilada recipe for cheese sauce and their guide to vegan friendly cheese sauces that do not require a blender. They’re super easy to adjust to anyone’s palate and if bucket loads of hummus sounds terrifying, you might be surprised with how different it tastes after it’s been cooked.

Lastly, some of my super-simple tips are:

  • Always have a set of your go-to spices to fall back on that work with most meals. Mine are basil, oregano, thyme, pepper and cayenne pepper.
  •  Don’t underestimate store bought bases like curry paste.
  • I always use vegetable stock instead of water. It’s a simple way to sneak in more vegetable nutrition. It’s hard to eat five servings of vegetables a day!
  • Combine a liquid (almond milk or vegetable stock) and flour to make the easiest ever sauce or sauce base. It’s the perfect base for adding spices into to create a sauce to your taste.
  • BBQ sauce makes everything taste better. Honestly, sometimes a flat meal or a super spicy meal just needs something sweet to balance it out. If BBQ sauce isn’t your thing you could use sweet chilli sauce, cinnamon, or add peaches – peaches go with everything savory or sweet.
  • Just add hummus.

Today is the first day away from the torture of assessments. (AKA my first day of holidays!) Which I’ll spending making vegan gingerbread men with Halloween cookie cutters. I wanted to make them before Halloween but before mentioned torture put my plans behind schedule. How are you celebrating World Vegan Day?
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Happy Halloween!

This is just a short note to wish you guys a Happy Halloween with some Gingerbread ghosts and pumpkins I attempted to make made. Their downfall was when I decided they would taste better if I added in some baking cocoa without adjusting anything else in the recipe. You can find the recipe here if you’d like, their biscuits turned out a lot prettier than mine. How are you guys Halloweening it up?

Gothy Books Mini-Review

While I may be a Creative Writing and English Lit student I’ve fallen into a horrid habit of not reading outside of my necessary reading list during the semester. Since I’m on my break I made a little To-Do List of books I already own that I will read. I have a guilt complex that I won’t allow myself to buy new books because I have so many I own that I haven’t read, but since I’m getting back into their pages it’s about time I did a series of Goth-like book mini-reviews!

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 The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales by Edgar Allen Poe

I suppose this is a classic when it comes to Goth beloved literature but what really caught my attention were tales like The Pit and the Pendulum and the couple of murder mysteries (which are my favourite stories to read. When starting The Pit and the Pendulum I thought it was going to be Poe’s typical Gothic horror in which the character is slowly driven into madness while the reader watches the characters changing perspective in terms of morals and the world. It does do all of this, but the ending changes everything. I won’t spoil it but if you’ve thought the same about this tale as me than you might be caught with the same sense of ohmyfuckinggodwhatwasthat at the ending and be forced to Goggle it to make sure your conclusion is correct! It was fabulous.

My murder mystery conclusion only hit me when I was Googling films like The Raven which I love but most people think is horrible. Anyway, I came across someone that was wrong on the internet and had proposed Poe’s mysteries to be after the original Sherlock Holmes. I had flung into a passionate rant about the obvious period differences when I realised that Sir Arthur Conan was probably heavily inspired by writers like Poe in his creation of Sherlock Holmes.

Anyway, read it. It is great if you don’t like reading big books at once because the short tales range from five to fourty pages each.

The Vampire Lestat

It feels like a million years ago that I first read Interview with a Vampire, and that I fell in love with Lestat’s cold personality and rage at the world. I feel like with each book outlining each of the character’s histories I fall in love with another character. Louis was never my favourite but Interview forced my love into Lestat, and The Vampire Lestat has forced my love into Armand. The Vampire Armand is definitely next for me.

The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo

When I first remembered that I put this book on my reading list these holidays I regretted it. But then two days later I’d finished the first book and realised how much better it represented the characters than in the (Swedish) films. I suppose it could be included in a Gothy book review since the main character is a Goth. Lisbeth Salander dresses in her token worn leather jacket, books and black. But she also listens to unpopular music whose CD’s consist of “musicians on the covers [who] looked like vampires from outerspace.” Sounds pretty familiar?

But I feel like the character in the books holds so many aspects of general alternative lifestyle that is totally under represented in the films. Lisbeth thinks consistently on mental health and the unjust treatment of those that are open about it. She’s obviously a feminist that at one point coerces someone into giving money to the women’s crisis center. And consistently thinks about sexuality from a fresh perspective (actually there’s far more about sex in the book than the film would suggest).

Now, if you don’t remember from my past film mini-reviews you can find here, my ‘mini-reviews’ aren’t really reviews. Instead they’re a short word-vomit/rant/love-list of things that really caught me about each. As such you might have entirely different ideas that I would love to read in the comments. Do you have any books that you think other Goth’s would love? I’ll put them on my to-read list!

Facebook Moments: Unpublished Outfits + Drawings

My blog’s Facebook is where I post all of the outfits that I like, but that I don’t think came out good enough for a blog post (sometimes I regret posting outfit posts because I feel they’re not up to a certain standard, but I guess lots of people get that too). Facebook’s also the place I post drawings send me (which is super awesome and I can’t believe anyone would ever want to draw me), teasers for posts, or just pretty pictures that don’t quite fit anywhere.

Why am I rambling about my Facebook page? Because I always see people”s Instagram roundups but don’t have a Smartphone or Instagram (I’d rather spend my money on shoes and hunks of raw metal). I thought I’d do a Facebook picture roundup since I know a lot of you don’t follow my Facebook, or have Facebook (which I respect, completely).

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     Drawing by Friendly Fire – Oversize coat from Sheinside
Oversize Coat from Asos – Teaser to this Outfit Post   
                      Image by Paola on Facebook – Stuck to a fence during this outfit