Poll of the Week: Fan Pages

The question on my mind lately strikes with the sudden up-rise of fan-pages of anyone even slightly popular (or not). There are fan-pages (mostly on Facebook) for bloggers, models, youtubers, writers, poets and even the tumblr famous. But the question will remain the same:

Is it time for me to make a fan-page?

Part of me thinks that it’s pushing it. I don’t have very many people wanting to talk to me or get updates from other platforms and we all see those fan-pages with ten likes that are a bit embarrassing for the owner. But another part wants to meet the people that follow me and Facebook is a very open platform that most people have.

  • No.
  •  Yes.
  • Not yet.

Post below if you think this is something you would enjoy and make use of.  Alternatively you could tell me I’m being completely “up-myself” and to stop being silly. :3 You guys should know by now that I take your opinion well into account when making important decisions for my blog!

Best wishes,

Poll of the Week: Do you Thrift?

Yes! Poll of the Week is finally back. It was a rather popular segment of my blog that I had to stop while doing my exams. Hopefully it’ll help me get back into the swing of blogging. I haven’t posted in a week and I feel rather bad. School starts tomorrow so I need some serious re-scheduling. Anyway.

The Poll of the Week is about thrifting; A simple question.

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I don’t know what it is.

I hope you enjoy and I will continue to post a relating article on Sundays Australian EST and a poll on Mondays. As usual if you have any requests just send me a comment or even better an email. If you check the tabs above you’ll find it eventually.

Wish me luck in my last few months of school. Eeep!
-Sary Walrus

Poll of the Week: What is your favourite type of Gothy music?

Faster Pussy Cat – At the Batcave – Source

Simple and easy question – except if you can’t decide! Of, course I wont be able to post too many types so I’ll post brief categories.To make a point, these are Gothy bands not just tradition Goth bands!

  • Death rock (Strange Dolls Cult)
  • Punk (excluding post-punk bands like Bauhaus, more like Bad Religion.)
  • Goth Rock/Trad Goth/Post-Punk (Including bands like Joy Division.)
  • EBM/New Wave/Dark wave/Synthpop/Electronic (For example of Covenant and my favourite Darkwave song by Aural Vampire.)
  • Dark Cabaret/Carnival (The Dresden Dolls kind of music)
  • Industrial (For example KMFDM.)
  • Mental and all of it’s sub-genres. (Black metal, death metal, doom metal, glad metal, metalcore)
  • Goth friendly music (Such as Evanescence, as far as Lady Gaga.)

There you are!
Vote away, my lovelies.