Sustainable Style For Alternatives, Goths and The Environmentally Friendly

 This post is in conjunction with IFB Project #91.

I had never really focused in on the ideal ways to sustain fashion before. It turns out that in the end I’m rather good at it – most of the time – but that’s because I’m a poor, Alternative, University student that relies on thrifted/second-hand pieces and the occasional splurge piece to give my wardrobe more versatility. As an alternative person it generally comes with the territory: second-hand clothing, thrifting, DIY and independent retailers are introduced to most of us in out transitional years of our style.

It was only thinking about these ‘traditional values’ that it really made me realise how much harm mass marketing “Goth-shops” are doing – less about the derailing of a subculture and more to the destruction of the environment.

vintage belle
Photograph by! on Flickr


Thrifting is greatly practiced throughout the alternative community. Though it’s often started through appreciating the history of Goth it definitely gives you a new lease on clothes. You’re able to get great quality pieces (if you search for them) at a fraction of the price and it’s helping the environment since you aren’t supporting the consistent manufacturing of clothes (whether humane or not) that are usually filling landfills.

Recycle Your Clothing

Typical Goth brands like Hell Bunny, Demonia and Lip Service are expensive, splurge pieces but are they filled with just as much quality as price? I know there have been an increasing number of Fashion Recycle Facebook pages for Alternatives (try saying that five times, fast), like Alternative Buy-Sell-Trade Australia, that resell these pieces almost brand-new.

I personally like to give my old, pricey clothes to good friends that I know will wear them to death and then they will probably past them on once more.

 Independent, Small Goth Business

Buying wholesale is brilliant – I understand that. But where exactly is your product coming from? Who’s actually making it? That’s why buying from small, independant stores rather than from mass retailers is great. Particularly in an age when online market-places like Etsy are buzzing with creativity and unique pieces. There are millions of independent alternative jewellery stores all over the internet and all over the planet and to not take advantage of that is just silly.

Splurge Occasionally

You guys know I’m a fan of the occasional splurge piece (as outlined and defined here) that will last a long time and is versatile enough to go with most of you wardrobe. Since these will hopefully last a little (scratch that – a lot) longer I consider them sustainable. This goes hand in hand making conscientious fashion decisions instead of splurge-buying things you will never wear.

What do you do to keep your style sustainable? I know a lot of you are way more knowledgeable than I in terms of sustainable fabrics and beauty, so why not school all-of-us a little down in the comments – I’d love to hear!

Simple Ways To Wear Oversized Clothes

While thrifting I know I can get carried away with how gorgeous the item is and the small price tag that I end up bring home items that are either a bit big or huge. I’ve found there are several ways to combat this with or without sewing at all. Though these are mostly for oversize blouses/T-shirts/etc.


  • Use the garment as a layering device. Does it have a gorgeously studded collar that would look lovely over the top of a sweater or really nice cuffs?
  • Cut off the collar/cuffs and use them individually over the top of sweaters or t-shirts! This has been a huge trend lately but it seems to be slowing down. Plus you can customise them anyway you want.
  • If it’s a material that doesn’t like to move (such as silk that loves to ride up if it’s too big) wear it with a high waist-ed skirt or shorts to slim it down at the waist/hips. 
  • The bottom section of the outfit should be more slim fitted (unless going for something more Bohemian) otherwise it might make you look a lot larger than your size.
  • Cut it into a billowy crop top which are surprisingly popular lately. This really depends on the garment but can look really nice if done well.
  • Rolling up the cuffs can be a really simple way to make a coat fit slimmer (try it honestly!) but it would only work with garments that are one of two sizes than yourself. 
  • Turn jeans into cut-offs with a belt if they’re too long or generally too large.
  • Cut off the arms altogether! It could make a great layering device.

Outfit Post: Bodycon Stripes And My Consistently Ripped Stockings

 Out of all the days in the week I chose the hottest to get nicely dressed. But the weather here’s been changing sporadically – a few hours after these photos our power was knocked out by heavy winds and as I’m writing this it’s raining heavily outside. Anyway, I doubt you’ll want to here about my local weather. Besides this outfit was reeeeally comfortable. What more could you ask from a slouchy cardigan and a stretchy skirt? But it feels a bit strange as recently all I’ve been wearing has been black on black but I think the cardigan breaks it up a bit.

Silly blurry face.

Blouse: Second-hand.
Skirt: Cotton On – gifted.
Cardigan: Second-hand Cotton On.
Stockings: Anonymous. Have I expressed how much I actually really love how these stockings have ripped themselves? They’re actually pretty good quality. I’ve noticed that thick stockings tend to rip amazingly if left to their own devices.
Necklace: EBay.
Shoes: Cotton On – gifted a while ago.

This looks a lot more dramatic than it was suppose to or actually was at all.

I promise you guys that I’m not a Cotton On whore. Every time I go into town to shop it’s before eleven when my favourite thrift store opens. But I do have some awesome thrift finds to show you guys! Let’s just say some Victorian inspired and studded things.

Looking for a vertically striped skirt has been on my mind for a long time and though it’s a stretchy body-con skirt and I was actually looking for a thick fabric, figure skimming skirt, it was on sale and well, it’s striped. The skirt was a gift from my brother, a very early Christmas present. I’m really loving my new camera tripod that was also an early Christmas gift. After moving out I hope to save for an SLR camera to go with it.

Thrifting Tips

This is a response to this weeks Poll of the Week: Do you thrift? There’s still time, so don’t forget to take part! Just look to the right side of the page, at the top of the sidebar. I look forward to hearing your opinions. :3

Thrifting is just one of the many names of second-hand shopping, charity shopping and the like. Generally it’s going to a store of primarily second-hand and/or vintage clothes and looking through to find something great!

Tips for thrifting:

  • Don’t forget to look at everything. I have a habit of directly moving towards anything black and ignoring everything else. Remember that you can dye fabric and white/red/etc accents look lovely!
  • Try things on. This is another bad habit of mine. I see something I like and end up buying it before I even check the size. It may be cheap but you wouldn’t want to end up loving something that doesn’t fit. Altering things is really useful!
  • Vintage clothing can be priced up and miss-labled, so be careful and look at all tags.
  • Don’t go expecting anything in particular, you never know what you’ll find.
  • Some stores may not wash clothes before they sell it and a smell could be attached. Remember to wash before you wear. Juliet’s Lace as a great article on tips for removing a stubborn odour here.
  • Check the item inside and out for any flaws. This has happened to me a number of times, such as a ridiculously low cut neckline and the arms being horribly tiny compared to the chest.
  • Only buy things you know you will wear. It tempting to buy everything you like because it’s really cheap but don’t. You’ll end up with a bunch of miss-mashed bits and pieces that you’ll never wear.
  • Dedicate yourself to finding something you love. Look through boxes and underneath racks. I have a habit that Coen really hates. When I see a crate of old records I have to look through every single one – no matter how many.
  • Saying that, take your time – at least on the things you know you want. Looking for a coat? Go straight to that section, take your time and then have a little look around the rest of the store.
  • Don’t go just by size. I’m a size ten and fell in love with a sheer blouse that was.. a size ten! When I finally tried it on after buying it it turned out to be at least four sizes too large for me and unable to be altered.

If you have any tips you want to add, why not post them below?

Have a lovely day,

Poll of the Week: Do you Thrift?

Yes! Poll of the Week is finally back. It was a rather popular segment of my blog that I had to stop while doing my exams. Hopefully it’ll help me get back into the swing of blogging. I haven’t posted in a week and I feel rather bad. School starts tomorrow so I need some serious re-scheduling. Anyway.

The Poll of the Week is about thrifting; A simple question.

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I don’t know what it is.

I hope you enjoy and I will continue to post a relating article on Sundays Australian EST and a poll on Mondays. As usual if you have any requests just send me a comment or even better an email. If you check the tabs above you’ll find it eventually.

Wish me luck in my last few months of school. Eeep!
-Sary Walrus

Shopping: Vampire Blood and Lace

Today, as I mentioned in the previous Outfit Post I went shopping. It isn’t often that I go shopping by myself, but I don’t mind it. Unfortunately, today I was waiting around for quite some time. Which is why I always bring a book around in my bag, even if it’s just as to not look awkward while sitting alone.

Sewing Stuff:

First I went to pick up some thread. I never have any black thread – which is crazy because when do I ever sew white fabric? So, I went to the local discount store, Jolly Ollie’s, known for it’s cheap Halloween stuff and to have a little bit of a look around. I know they sell lace, ribbon and elastic and the like but Ii wasn’t going to get my hopes up.

The thread in question!

I was so surprised to see they actually had some reasonable lace. It’s thick and was well worth the two dollars a meter! Unfortunately they only had this flower pattern but I was lucky enough to find this.


Unfortunately, my favourite thrift store opened at the same time I was meeting my mum to go shopping. Instead I went to the one that’s slightly out of the way. I bought this lovely blouse for only three dollars. The shoulders are a little weird but I could probably sit that. It’s not exactly a thrift store but a store that sells mostly brand-new but slightly off items.

I swear on the camera this photo was in focus.

I also bought this lovely scarf which I’m actually really worried about. I think the women forgot to charge me for it but I’m not sure. I feel really bad about the possibility though. The karma will kill me. Anyway, it’s more like a shawl and absolutely huge! I really love it.

Vampire Blood:

If you look closely you’ll notice this is the name of a brand of incense. I was really bored while waiting around so I decided to visit a store called Gallery 7 which I wasn’t originally going to visit. It’s kind of a hippy/alternative place with lots of books on Hinduism and Feng Shui (something that I was obsessed with growing up, as was my mother). It also holds a lot of gorgeous jewellery. I have a lovely bracelet that Coen bought me from there.

Anyway, I was sitting around on the floor of the Incense isle, my favourite store to buy incense closed down unfortunately, and found this lovely gem. I was talking to the store owner as I bought it and said, “I saw the packaging and just had to have it!” It seemed rather light though, something I was rather worried about. It does smell like candy though!

Vampire Blood Incense.

Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus.

Outfit Post: New Years and Black Hair

 This is what I wore to the New Years Eve part I attended, of course, with a cardigan over the top. Oh, and I temporarily dyed my hair black just to try it out. I might re-dye it if I like it enough.

Shirt: Goth Angel. I cut the neckline off myself a long time ago. It’s too large. Oh, well. It’s usually reserved for sitting around the house but it was extremely hot last night.

Skirt: My followers would know this skirt well. I really need to make a few new skirts that are different. This year should be my stocking up on skirts year!

Socks: Sock stall in the mall. The best place to find socks.

Necklace: This is a resent purchase off eBay. It’s an octopus necklace. I just, really like octopus.

Shoes: Payless shoes years ago.

Cardigan (Not pictured): Thrifted. I really need to do a post on all of the things I’ve thrifted lately (it’s been a lot). I usually pick up blouses. The skirts I always get seem to be too small.

You can partially see my black hair in these. I tried as hard as I could to get a nice picture but I just couldn’t. Unless you want one so bright my nose isn’t present.

Best wishes, for the third time today.

Thrifted Bag and a Slight Update.

 Firstly, I’d just like to let you all know, in case you haven’t noticed my very lazy posts that include mostly pictures and my lack of outfit posts, I’ve been very unmotivated and busy. Don’t worry! I have some good posts coming up including a book review and some deliciously lacy tutorials! I’ve been buried under a load of maths work and SDD (basically more maths work but in binary) work. In those few instances of not having work to do or avoiding work I’ve been reading some books for school and for leisure. At the moment I’m consumed in Snow Falling on Cedars, Hiroshima (both for English) and I’ve just finished The New Death and Others (Which I will be reviewing!) And again, while I haven’t been reading  I’ve been sewing and catching up on driving hours (and sleep). All while trying to spend quality time with my boyfriend and my cat just had kittens today!

I’m sure, with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bundle of sticky notes in the other I can manage! I practically thrive on being busy. Anyway, here’s my bag, finally!

I think it’s rather adorable. It’s a Tosca travel ‘satchel’ (I don’t like that word at all) and it’s the perfect size for when I need to carry a moderate amount of things to school and don’t want to bring my Demonia, Coffin bag which causes me to spend the day hugging it tightly in defence against others.

Enough of my coffee induced rambling.
Best wishes,

Outfit: Bad Day.

Dress: Fashion Fair.
Coat: Second-hand.
Petticoat: GLP
Socks: Gallery Serpentine.
Shoes: Kmart.
Cardigan: Second-hand.


 My mum gave me a few of her hair hold-y things. One has a butterfly on it and the other a bow.

Below are my new shoes that I picked up this weekend. One of the only things that weren’t second hand. They were on sale though!