OotD: Orange Hair, and Lips like Autumn Leaves

Almost simultaneously I’ve decided to lighten my hair up (it’s still in the process of being lightened in these pictures) and found a new appreciation for fall lip-colours. Even though down in the Southern Hemisphere we are very much in summer territory (Aka, time for Sarah to freak out about having nothing suitable to wear).

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Dress: Motel | Cardigan: Boohoo (ages ago) | Blouse: ROMWE.com | Shoes: Rivers | Fishnets: Mums

So, this week I kind of disappeared. Coen’s parents were in town, plus I’ve been working on my last few essays before the end of the semester which equals stress. Especially when you rewrite an essay four times and still have no idea what you’re even trying to say. It’s a good time to busy myself in online shopping which is where this super awesome lipstick comes in.

This lipstick was the excuse for this outfit; Cinnamon Spice by Wet N Wild. It’s far darker than the pictures imply and cruelty free the last time I checked – you never know these days when a company suddenly turns. (You can see it in all it’s glory in this super-unflattering Facebook picture) It immediately made me think Kinderwhore, and well, what do you think? Did I kinderwhore it up?

Goth Friends And Others

This is a post in the series of The Goth Challenge altered by Darkstalker Girl from a former Lolita Challenge. Find more information here. Week thirteen to be exact. Don’t ask me why I skipped so far ahead.

In life I’ve met quite a lot of Goths (and those that fit the bill but don’t call themselves Goths) and so I’ll give you the highlights. These are my close friends that I have had interactions with in actual life.

Kitty Lovett

Kitty being way too pretty for her own good – from her Facebook – Originally from

We met in two-thousand and eight at our mutual friends birthday party and she was one of my main influences for going in the alternative direction. We went through many babybat years together hanging out at the local Goth-shop and attempting eyeliner.

Find her online here.


Sary (that’s my nickname for her, as well as my nickname) and I met in two-thousand and two, when we were seven. We did quite a lot of growing into alternative styles but I feel like I’d woke up one day and she’d suddenly have ridiculously awesome hair and spent way too much time on eBay searching out alt-clothes. I think she’s a fabulous example of having naturally orange hair and working it with the whole dark-clothes-thing.


Artwork by Xara Alice here.

There are no recent photo’s of Kaylie in existence, so I’ve inserted this kickass comic of my friends and I as The Beatles on Abbey Road during a Zombie Apocalypse (I’m the one in the skirt, smiling and Kaylie is the one with red hair at the front).

Enough about zombies. Kaylie and I met in high school in two-thousand and seven. We went through an Industrial period together and she current listens to ethereal Goth-rock. She also has awesomely red hair, of which is shaved on every side – bar the top.

Outfit Post: Of someone that isn’t me!

This is of course for the Sophistique Noir’s challenge of Someone Special. Of course, while I love my boyfriend, he isn’t much of a fashion person, nor a picture person (he actually hates cameras). Instead I chose my four best friends and an outfit post from one of them! Mostly, because I could only track down one at the last minute. Also, since Sarah (the said friend) lives about ten hours away from me these are her own, photos. I’ve watermarked them just for safety purposes because I know I’ve had people steal my articles before.

These are my closest friends. The Sarah in mention is the one with
orange hair. Kaylie has her natural red hawk hidden away. The Xara in question is the artist I keep mentioning about making my banner. For the record this was taken mid winter when the sun was setting on our old favourite place that is being torn down for generic houses to be built across it.


Yes, she actually is that thin.

Looking at these pictures I feel as if my friend has grown up a lot while being away. I’m rather the mother of my group – it’s a constant joke but I have this need to look after my friends. Sarah has been my friend for eight years and I consider her my complete opposite.

Dress/jumper/shirt: Gifted.
Belt: JayJays (I don’t think they’re outside of Australia)
Leggings: EBay
Boots: EBay (Pretty sure they’re Demonia.)

Outfit: All Ebay. She lives in a pretty secluded town. Hehe!
I hope you enjoyed this post that was a little different than I would usually post.
Best wishes,

Fashion Inspiration: The Second

 Here are some pictures that I’ve borrow from the internet as inspiration. I think they’re rather diverse.


h,gklmjhkmhfgh I ADORE Cinema Strange! -froths- – Source

gfmdskgmfdgmfdgf – CLIVE. -froths- – Source


I don’t know her but I love this girl. – Source

 This is the colour I’m dying my hair. I have to dye right here. Electric lizzard Green!

Veronica from Heathers. An outfit from my dreams. – Source

Sometime in my life I want to cut my hair short and go orange. – Source



Lastest obcession – Jack Off Jill – Source

Marie Antoinette –  Source

So much want. – Source

She’s so gorgeous, even if it is an obvious wig. – Source



What would a fashion post be without skinhead girls?