Outfit Post: Studs, Kinderwhore, A GothCat And Unfortunately Ripped Stockings

Today was cold, which means an outfit post! Happily I’m home and I don’t have to suffer from “nothing to wear” since I’m now accustom to dressing with a fraction of my wardrobe. Instead I sit around for hours complaining about my boring hair! But anyway! This outfit wasn’t really inspired by anything. I took the blouse as the main piece and worked from there.

Yeaaaaah. I’m not actually a diva.


Blouse: Thrifted.
Skirt: Cotton On.
Stockings: Anonymous.
Shoes: Doc Marten.
Belt: Boohoo.com.
Socks: Anonymous.

For some reason my stockings decided to shred themselves. This morning while pulling them up, since they are rather tight, my long nails cut right into one of the legs. That one cut spread to more and more (they are so much worse now than in the picture). Next while dragging my laptop across my lap it tore into the other side which led to another torn up leg. Luckily I have seven more pairs exactly like them!

The fabric of this blouse is rather shiny but it definitely traps the heat inside. It was actually the details that I fell for – particularly the pin-tucked breast and buttons that make me think of Courtney Love. Plus, those sleeves!

Spooky’s own little nest made from plant clippings and branches.

Unfortunately the GothCat isn’t Chance (damn! Check him out here, he has an awesome blog!) but my favourite cat, Spooky. At first she was a bit weary of the camera but she came around after checking it out. Don’t be fooled she can be an evil little cat that likes to tear birds apart and get cranky if you pet her too much – we blame it on hormones after getting desexed.

Eventually she came to give me a cuddle!

I’m sorry about the stream of outfit posts. I’m not yet back into the motions of home yet. There will be some actually informative posts soon.

Outfit Post: The Cure, Crimped, Ripped, Spiked, Chains and Docs

I was up really early this day hence by general ‘urg’ look. I had to get up early to get to the post office after a long night. My hair was done in small plaits for the crimps, I’m not sure if I like it. And I think the V-neck really changes the look to a more pretty one. I love my jumper though.

Dusty Docs are Dusty.

Shirt: It’s Boy Don’t Cry shirt I picked up at Supanova.
V-neck: Thrifted. It has the most gorgeous detailing on the shoulder which is unfortunately under my hair.
Skirt: K-mart.
Necklace: EBay.
Collar: EBay.
Stockings: Anonymous.
Shoes: Doc Marten.

Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus

Outfit Post: Simply Summer

Gosh, I don’t like summer. I don’t particularly dislike it either but I’m a little upset that it’s taking up Spring’s time. Spring is my favourite season and it’s ruined by this heat. It seems that the bees that are usually swarming around my favourite tree stayed for a week and then left – which is rather upsetting for me because I love sitting under that tree while hundreds of bees flood around me, along on their way so I can listen to their pleasant buzz without annoying them. Well, it’s hot – so this outfit isn’t spectacular, or layered; It’s hard to even keep my cardigan on! I thought I owed you an outfit post though because I haven’t done one in so long.

Yeah, I kind of look terrible.


Singlet: Supre? I think. The white pattern isn’t actually a pattern but the result of my spilling bleach onto it. I quite like it.
Shorts: Thrifted but the tag says Cotton On.
Cardigan: Thrifted.
Stockings: Generic store. They’re rather old, not purposely ripped like the majority (if not all) of my ripped stockings.
Shoes: Cotton On. My mum has an obsession with this store currently and drags me in their every time we go past. It has some nice shoes but it’s your classic generic trend store – the same trends that are being sold everywhere. Asymmetrical, sheer material, spikes and Jeffrey Campbell rip-off – trend store.

I’m not sure if I love or hate that pointedness.

These shoes are actually growing on me. They’re half a size too small and I don’t think I’ll be wearing them outside of the house but they’re good for days like today when I’m busy doing chores and are taking my shoes off every few minutes.

Some good news is that I, technically, graduated a week ago. I’m finished all of the mandatory schooling of this country and then some. I still have some exam’s before I’m completely finished but those are for university. I celebrated by going to the pub with some friends for the first time. It was a shock that The Cure actually started playing on the sound system (it was pretty much a glorified jukebox that was hooked up to show music video’s as well).

Best wishes,
-Sary Walrus