Gothy Books Mini-Review

While I may be a Creative Writing and English Lit student I’ve fallen into a horrid habit of not reading outside of my necessary reading list during the semester. Since I’m on my break I made a little To-Do List of books I already own that I will read. I have a guilt complex that I won’t allow myself to buy new books because I have so many I own that I haven’t read, but since I’m getting back into their pages it’s about time I did a series of Goth-like book mini-reviews!

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 The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales by Edgar Allen Poe

I suppose this is a classic when it comes to Goth beloved literature but what really caught my attention were tales like The Pit and the Pendulum and the couple of murder mysteries (which are my favourite stories to read. When starting The Pit and the Pendulum I thought it was going to be Poe’s typical Gothic horror in which the character is slowly driven into madness while the reader watches the characters changing perspective in terms of morals and the world. It does do all of this, but the ending changes everything. I won’t spoil it but if you’ve thought the same about this tale as me than you might be caught with the same sense of ohmyfuckinggodwhatwasthat at the ending and be forced to Goggle it to make sure your conclusion is correct! It was fabulous.

My murder mystery conclusion only hit me when I was Googling films like The Raven which I love but most people think is horrible. Anyway, I came across someone that was wrong on the internet and had proposed Poe’s mysteries to be after the original Sherlock Holmes. I had flung into a passionate rant about the obvious period differences when I realised that Sir Arthur Conan was probably heavily inspired by writers like Poe in his creation of Sherlock Holmes.

Anyway, read it. It is great if you don’t like reading big books at once because the short tales range from five to fourty pages each.

The Vampire Lestat

It feels like a million years ago that I first read Interview with a Vampire, and that I fell in love with Lestat’s cold personality and rage at the world. I feel like with each book outlining each of the character’s histories I fall in love with another character. Louis was never my favourite but Interview forced my love into Lestat, and The Vampire Lestat has forced my love into Armand. The Vampire Armand is definitely next for me.

The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo

When I first remembered that I put this book on my reading list these holidays I regretted it. But then two days later I’d finished the first book and realised how much better it represented the characters than in the (Swedish) films. I suppose it could be included in a Gothy book review since the main character is a Goth. Lisbeth Salander dresses in her token worn leather jacket, books and black. But she also listens to unpopular music whose CD’s consist of “musicians on the covers [who] looked like vampires from outerspace.” Sounds pretty familiar?

But I feel like the character in the books holds so many aspects of general alternative lifestyle that is totally under represented in the films. Lisbeth thinks consistently on mental health and the unjust treatment of those that are open about it. She’s obviously a feminist that at one point coerces someone into giving money to the women’s crisis center. And consistently thinks about sexuality from a fresh perspective (actually there’s far more about sex in the book than the film would suggest).

Now, if you don’t remember from my past film mini-reviews you can find here, my ‘mini-reviews’ aren’t really reviews. Instead they’re a short word-vomit/rant/love-list of things that really caught me about each. As such you might have entirely different ideas that I would love to read in the comments. Do you have any books that you think other Goth’s would love? I’ll put them on my to-read list!

Countess Erzebet Bathory and Other Awesome Vampire Myths

So, I’ve been a bit absent this week. You guys probably don’t notice but I have a particular schedule I tend to post to, and changing that up has left me feeling like I’ve been away a year instead of not-even-a-few days. What have I been doing, you never ask aloud? Writing. I’m doing a degree in writing and literature, so, that makes sense. But what makes even more sense is that I’ve been writing a lot of poetry (or attempting to, poetry is not my strongest point) mostly based on European Folk Lore and myths about vampires. If you don’t want to hear about vampire myths than I’m not quite sure we can be friends!

Snarl by Martin Soulstealer

How To Become a Vampire

So, there are some pretty crazy myths on how you became a vampire. My favourites include being born with red hair, having a cat jump over your corpse but some others were if you had a wound that wasn’t treated with boiling water and or rebelled against the church of the period (including witches).


When I was younger I read a terrible teen book about escaping vampires in Europe (I don’t think they talked explicitly about the area). One think that stuck with me (apart from their image of the Strigor Mort) was that vampires were said to have arithmomania – which is a compulsion to count certain objects etc. If you were to drop a handful of poppy seeds (my vampire replant of choice), millet or sand in front of them or in the coffin they would need to count every grain before moving forward after you. Often this would take until sunset when they would have to return to their grave.

Strigoi Mort

The Strogoi Mort is a kind of vampire that looks closer to humans than most European vampire myths but is both human and demonic. It returns to it’s family and lives as it did before it’s death to feed on them while they sleep, eventually killing them.

Erzebet Bathory

Erzebet (often pronounced Elizabeth) Bathory is one of the most famous ‘real’ vampires, in the ranks of even Vlad Tepes. She was well known for torturing and bleeding her servants and bathing in their blood in order to keep herself youthful. Much like the currently popular Delphine LaLaurie (whom appeared in American Horror Story: Coven). While LaLaurie fled her crimes, Erzebet Bathory was locked in a windowless room of her estate for the rest of her life.

What are some of your favourite vampire myths? Tell me some of your cultures or families stories that you were told! I’m forever watching documentaries on vampire folklore and attempting to get as close as possible in resemblance – and that, I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of it.

Bored of Your Goth Fashion? Three Tips Straight from my Babybat Era

Sometimes we get bored of pulling on the same petticoats and the same ripped stockings day after day. But that doesn’t mean we want to throw away those things forever. Below are three super simple little changes that might just bring your old dusty Docs into the new year. Each one hand-picked from my days of ripped blue and black tights, and bleached blonde hair.

Another thing I want back from my younger days were the kickass fangs I had! – Scream by Martin Soulstealer

Hoard Fabrics

When I was younger I would make more clothes than I would buy, and so, I would have tonnes of scrap fabric around to tie around random places on my body. You have some spare netting from a veil, wear it as a summer scarf? Your denim shorts looking a bit dull, tie a patten you love around a belt loop for some colour (or not!).

Consume More Music than you Do Consumer Goods

Back in the day I would search for bands constantly; I would find more new bands I loved in a month than I bought clothes in a year. Enjoying music is free (and even if it isn’t free, it’s cheaper and lasts forever). Just one little change in atmosphere can make any set of clothes feel instantly new again.

Inspiration Is Important

It’s so much easier to stick with the same inspiration you’ve had for years (and that may work for any number of you) but for me the easy choice isn’t the happiest. I revel in new ideas, learning about lots of random things (‘I once spent a day learning the science behind toilets’ random). This year I hope to search out inspiration at least once a week, to avoid annoying fashion ruts like the one I’m almost out of! Human beings were born to grow and evolve!

Our young days of dressing alternatively were all about learning the basics of what we like to wear and how creatively we can wear it. If you were to look back to your younger years – I know not everyone was a ‘baby bat’ – what would your tips be?

My Favourite Vampires To Delve Their Fangs Into Fashion

    While I must say that throughout this blog when I talking about fashion I’m usually using feminine  examples. I’m an advocate for freedom of expression – particularly androgynous looks, so try not to get stuck on the perceived gender. The characters below may not be human, but I think there are some tips for those into the masculine side of things.


    Angel and Spike (from Buffy & Angel)

    Of all of the leading vampires in Buffy, Angel will always have a place in my heart. He may basically wear the same thing every episode but he does do it well! You’ll never find him in anything but jewel tone, black and white. He wears lots of coats with defined shoulders combined with button-downs of luxurious textures like silk and velvet.

    Okay, you may be wondering why I didn’t choose Drusilla, she’s enchantingly insane and wear such gorgeously ethereal dresses. And you’re right to do so, I have no idea why I didn’t!

    And can we just have a moment to appreciate Spike’s Punk days.

    Do I even have to explain why Lestat is a vampire fashion god? – Link.

    Lestat (from the Interview With a Vampire series)

    Lestat has been my favourite vampire since the days I would sit in my room, writing fan-fiction all day. I would suggest watching The Queen of the Damned (a renouned screw-up in terms of films in the series) instead delve either in Interview with a Vampire the film, or The Vampire Lestat (my favourite of the series).


    Goody and Stacey (from VAMPS)

    Commonly found in Goth clubs are the main characters from VAMPS. This film is basically a comedic mix-up of Sex and the City with fangs. The characters are fashion obsessed vampires that hang out in Goth clubs to look for another morsel to.. uh, date?

    Okay, so the film is terrible if you’re looking for the next Alfred Hitchcock, but if you put away your ‘reviewers’ mind and revel in the silliness of this film it’s not too bad. Either way, I just spent most of the film staring at Alicia Silverstone’s perfect hair.

    What can we take form this film fashion wise? Firstly their darker Goth outfits with collars, metal detailing, lace, dark-makeup. Outside of that are the combination of white and black, high necked collars, blazers and chiffon.

    You may think I have a problem with androgynous male vampires (aren’t all vampires) but I’d have to say, I’m perfectly okay with that.

    What vampires do you take inspiration from? Anything I should watch?

      Why You Should Date A Goth

      This snippet was inspired by girlonthenet’s On why you should date a boy that travels. Or not, the original Date a boy who travel’s article and Blake Curran’s You should date a guy who writes.

      On why you should date a boy who travels. Or not.
      On why you should date a boy who travels. Or not., 
      Photograph by Sarah Walrus

      Date a Goth. Date a Goth that treasures aesthetics; who will fight you for the perfect eyeliner, and collects limited edition Cult Vinyls. Date a Goth that scoffs at all the “mall-goth” clothes wearing, and those asking for the DJ to play Bela Legosi’s Dead for the third time. Date a Goth because they come from a different world than you do.

      You might find them in a coffee shop, a post-punk club, or a library – reading occult fiction or “how to’s” on mummification. Although, they’ll exclaim that they plan to ritualistically kill their cat and mummify her, you’ll know that she’s their best friend.

      Ask what music they listen to. Maybe ask about the band shirt they’re wearing under that ankh. They’ll love it if you ask. They might scoff and tell you it’s obscure, although on Google it has a million hits. But just listen. Appreciate the music for what it isn’t, and bask in their sarcastic thought and well hidden jokes. Appreciate it for yourself.

      Learn from this Goth. Try out their make up; open your eyes and look at yourself differently. They’ll teach you that people are fluid, or maybe just how many fluids people are filled with. Let them talk to you about how much they hate Pastel Goth and repeatedly exclaim that music was better in the eighties. Laugh together about it. They will make you feel alive again; undead.

      Find a Goth because you deserve a life of surrealism. Because you deserve to be adorned with the elegance of Victoriana. You deserve to look at life with laughter filled sarcasm. Because that’s what will bring you joy. Better yet, find this joy together. And if you can’t find a Goth, date a vampire instead. They’re pretty much the same.

      Male Goth Youtuber: Morrgore

      In the blogging community and youtube Goth community there never seems to be many well done articles or video’s about, for or by male Goths. That’s where Morrgore comes in! I stumbled across his video’s today and thought: “My gosh! This is perfect!” I really think the male perspective is something that has been sorely missing but it doesn’t end there.

      Sure there are some male bloggers and vloggers but I’m sorry to point out that I have not found one that has nearly the amount of quality that I would subscribe too or anything that is mildly interesting personally (I know, I’m a cold hearted bitch). His video’s are in High Definition, he speaks well, brings a bit of humour onto the plate (of children!) and talks about interesting topics that are both relevant to male and female Goths. Not to mention, you have to love those fangs.

      So, check out his video’s and his channel here and don’t forget to subscribe!

      Best wishes,

      Shopping: Vampire Blood and Lace

      Today, as I mentioned in the previous Outfit Post I went shopping. It isn’t often that I go shopping by myself, but I don’t mind it. Unfortunately, today I was waiting around for quite some time. Which is why I always bring a book around in my bag, even if it’s just as to not look awkward while sitting alone.

      Sewing Stuff:

      First I went to pick up some thread. I never have any black thread – which is crazy because when do I ever sew white fabric? So, I went to the local discount store, Jolly Ollie’s, known for it’s cheap Halloween stuff and to have a little bit of a look around. I know they sell lace, ribbon and elastic and the like but Ii wasn’t going to get my hopes up.

      The thread in question!

      I was so surprised to see they actually had some reasonable lace. It’s thick and was well worth the two dollars a meter! Unfortunately they only had this flower pattern but I was lucky enough to find this.


      Unfortunately, my favourite thrift store opened at the same time I was meeting my mum to go shopping. Instead I went to the one that’s slightly out of the way. I bought this lovely blouse for only three dollars. The shoulders are a little weird but I could probably sit that. It’s not exactly a thrift store but a store that sells mostly brand-new but slightly off items.

      I swear on the camera this photo was in focus.

      I also bought this lovely scarf which I’m actually really worried about. I think the women forgot to charge me for it but I’m not sure. I feel really bad about the possibility though. The karma will kill me. Anyway, it’s more like a shawl and absolutely huge! I really love it.

      Vampire Blood:

      If you look closely you’ll notice this is the name of a brand of incense. I was really bored while waiting around so I decided to visit a store called Gallery 7 which I wasn’t originally going to visit. It’s kind of a hippy/alternative place with lots of books on Hinduism and Feng Shui (something that I was obsessed with growing up, as was my mother). It also holds a lot of gorgeous jewellery. I have a lovely bracelet that Coen bought me from there.

      Anyway, I was sitting around on the floor of the Incense isle, my favourite store to buy incense closed down unfortunately, and found this lovely gem. I was talking to the store owner as I bought it and said, “I saw the packaging and just had to have it!” It seemed rather light though, something I was rather worried about. It does smell like candy though!

      Vampire Blood Incense.

      Best wishes,
      -Sary Walrus.

      Review: FanPlusFriend Elizabethan Coat (Picture Heavy)

      As some of you may have heard my lovely boyfriend bought me a FanPlusFriend coat for Christmas. I’ve been saying that I will eventually do a review for too long! So this morning while I had an idea about how to wear the coat I decided to take some detailing shots and finally write this up.

      Don’t forget to click the photo’s for a larger view, or for an even larger view open into another tab or window.


        •  The lace is amazing quality. Better quality lace than I have ever had before and I think I’ll be measuring other laces quality in comparison to this for a long time. The sleeves and collar sections are both lined in lace that’s perfect. They didn’t add too much at all, but just the right amount and selected it carefully.
        •  The brocade is wonderful, though at times makes the fabric look a lot more silver than it actually is. I think it’s perfect, very pretty and doesn’t have any fabric mistakes at all.
        •  The tag isn’t uncomfortable at all and isn’t is a ridiculously showy place like I know some brand names tend to do.


        • There are strings is parts of the fabric that stick out, generally at the buttons and where the fabric is sewn together, of course but it is a little annoying when you’re doing the buttons up. It always makes me think they’re horribly fragile.

        •  I really liked this coat because it had the option to put the skirt section up into a bustle affect but it turns out you haven’t wear a regular petticoat or crinoline underneath otherwise the back is ridiculously long. I think this is generally because the buttons to hold up the fabric to create this bustle affect are too close together. Alternatively you could use a bustle pad or pocket hoops pannier (which I think I might try because they look awesome!) or a combination of the two.
        •  In my other outfit post while still wondering how to wear this coat I complained about the arms, post here. You can obviously see that the arms are ridiculously too large and have almost no shape, this may be because I had my coat custom made and didn’t include enough measurements, so I’m not entirely blaming FanPlusFriend. I’ve began slightly altering it without actually sewing or cutting anything (a tips post that will be coming soon with explain this further) so it’s not too much of a problem any more, though it could be something to look out for.


        •  The coat isn’t lined but it does use a pretty well done fold over methods on the edges. It doesn’t really bother me. The coat is still amazingly warm.
        • This is not a coat to just throw on and off. There are nine buttons across the front that have corresponding loops of a thick string. It takes quite some time to properly button up this coat as the loops make sure the button just won’t slip out. It takes almost triple this time if you accidentally placed a button in a wrongly corresponding loop and have to undo them all and then redo.  Sure, it awesome though!

      Anyway, here is my take on this lovely coat. All in all, I really love this coat and am looking for more opportunities to wear it, though it is summer here so that isn’t possibly for a little while. So, be sure to be seeing this coat styled differently in the future! Preferably when I start corseting again in summer. For anyone who wants the link to the website coat is here.

      Best wishes,

      Vampire Day Soiree: Mini Reviews of Memorable Vampire Movies

      Hey guys, I decided for the Vampire Day Soiree I’d do a set of five mini reviews of vampire films, both recent and old. If these mini review interest you, or vampires general be sure to let me know and I’ll do lots more. Actually, I think mini reviews would be good on this blog – I’m one of those that don’t like reading through a whole three page review explaining about the tiniest plot details that I want to watch for myself.

      Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to check out the creator of this event, Holly’s blog here. I’ve also tried not to spoil too much!

      Blade: Trinity (2004)
      This movie was just the right amount of fighting and plot. Usually, as seen recently in the movie Safe House, the characters are without development and this leaves the plot dead (in this case using the max amount of volume to try and get the audience to react). The movie is basically about Blade who is now wanted by the FBI as a serial killer. But there are bigger problems – namely a plot to rid the world of the vampire race and Dracula plays a big part (how good is that?).


      The Hunger (1983)
      This movie was, strange. I loved it and it certainly held the vampire feeling. The plot was pretty amazing and very theatrical, it held a very Gothy edge to it. Not to mention David Bowie (a main character!) is in the first scene dancing to Bela Lugosi’s Dead! The trailer really didn’t appeal to me much but this opening sequence just HAD to be scene. Miriam, an Egyptian vampire feeds on her lovers. In return they gain en-longed youth. This youth however doesn’t last forever. We watch as she is trapped within her own murder.

      Underworld: Awakening (2012)
       This is a move recent film that I went and watched at the cinema at my boy friend request. To be honest, I’ve seen the other Underworld film but I didn’t particularly like them. This, however, what GREAT. We watched it in 3D and it’s the first time I’ve seen the 3D done well; I literally jumped and hid into Coen every time a bullet or glass came flying right for us!

      The films about Selene awakening up a long time under here families existence with quite a few surprises. The world had supposedly been rid of vampires and Lycan clans have been forced under ground – or so the world thinks. This is another action packed film but it does have some very good plot and some moderately well done plot twists.


      Cirque du Freak: The Vampires Assistant (2009)
       Now for a change of pace with this Action/Adventure film. This is definitely not a film not to be taken too seriously; it’s a bit childish and contains a fair amount of mentionable humour. The film all starts when Darren and his best friend go to a travelling Freak Show and meet a man that turns out to be a vampire. The plot is very teen-movie-esque (but don’t we all love a little bit of cheese?) but it doesn’t take away from the entertainment.

      One thing that I can’t stop remembering about the film is the blue filter that is used throughout the whole film. It really just bring this movie visually to a more vampire atmosphere and I really wish it wasn’t strictly an action-movie thing – though to be honest the movie does have it’s vampire fight scene, notably with double topping of cheese.

      Fright Night (2011)
      Silly, Silly, me actually thought this film was suppose to be a horror and, of course, parts of the trailer make it out to like that. Unbeknownst to me the movie was a Horror-Comedy and it really did like up to that title. The film is about a teenager who, to sum it up, find out his neighbour is a vampire. I have no idea, for the life of me, why I was expecting something along the lines of Rear Window with a vampire twist (which in my mind would make a great and very modern horror!)

      Well, the movie is another to not be taken seriously, it has it’s very funny parts but it doesn’t in my opinion live up to the title horror. It’s not a movie for those looking for a vampire movie filled with death and blood, like I was, but instead more of a teenage movie (as I did know!) with again, a lot of cheese on top.

      Best wishes,