A Trad-Goth Revival, You Say?

This post is inspired by some comments that I received on another Trad Goth inspired post [here] that really made me think. There’s much talk about a Death-Rock Revival but what about Trad-Goth music? I Googled around and while I came across many articles that outline the classic Goth Rock stars, AKA. Joy Division, Siouxie and The Banshees, Bauhaus and The Cure. But what I didn’t come across was a list of modern Trad-Goth bands just for the delight of those that were in love with the classics but wanted to listen to something new. Some are as follows.

Front-man of Joy Disaster before his change of style. – Link

Violet Stigmata

Unfortunately while researching this band I found that the vocal singer, Nic, passed away April 27th of 2011. But that doesn’t change the amazing Goth Rock that they created in the past. They’re certainly a band you should check out. They combine typical creepy sounds with harsh guitars to create a great traditional sound that set them apart.

Joy Disaster

This band, which isn’t actually Trad-Goth but a French post-punk band, caught my attention the moment I read it’s name. It’s derived and influenced by Joy Division – in particular Ian Curtis and the music really does do it justice without being a carbon copy. They had me at the first song I could find, Lobotomy (below). Unfortunately, the style has changed a bit but still remains under the Post-Punk tree. My favourite of their albums is J.D., their first official album.


Star Industry

If you want something catchy, upbeat yet reminiscent, Star Industry is certainly the band. Personally, I adore the vocals but not so much the guitar riffs. I find them too classic rock for my tastes, even bordering on Nightwish-esque. But there are a few gem songs that catch my eye – such as the one below.

Official Website


You have no idea how long it took to track down any of this band’s music. And in all honesty when I started listening to them I was not a fan. But then the vocals started and I was definitely in love.

Official Facebook

Angels Of Liberty

This band doesn’t lack traditional theatrics. Even their website refers to them as:

“From the start the band wanted to present Goth as they envisage it; With tense drama, atmosphere and theatrical flare whilst never forgetting the importance of catchy hooks. Their style is about creating tight intense grooves within a backdrop of creepy grandeur.”

It might just be me but that is a very adorable introduction. Besides this I like that they are dancy trad-Goth that relies on a heavy beat.

Official Website

Strap on Halo

Female fronted, this band is definitely reminiscent of Siouxsie and The Banshees but at the same time not at all. Their bio itself explains their sound as “‘traditional gothic’ driven by howling guitars, resonating bass and a haunting female voice [Apparently originally stated in a review in Dominion Magazine].”

 Official Website

It’s no doubt that traditional Goth-rock is a very particular taste. But for those of you that adore or want to try out some traditional Goth rock I hope you enjoy. If you think this list is terribly written I would love to hear it below. Most artists above were suggested by readers, so feel free to suggest even more.

Poll of the Week: Trad-Goth.

Link – A young Dave Vanian, lead singer of The Damned and my newest celebrity crush.

Recently I was reading a series of articles on The History of Deathrock, which you can find here, here and here, plus some articles on Post-Punk which brought up a question. Did Trad-Goth music (in which I mean Post-Punk/Positive Punk and earlier Goth Rock) die in the late eighties to the rise of electronic bands? Personally I would say no, I listen to and love this style of music and am always trying to expand my knowledge of it but there are a lot of younger (which is strange because I’m only eighteen) alternative people that don’t even understand the term post-punk yet are trying to make video’s and the like on Goth Rock and other such genres.

This is becoming a bit of a rant so I’ll cut to the chase: Do you enjoy Trad-Goth/Post-Punk/Early Goth Bands?

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • What is that?

Iif you believe there should be another option in the post post below why and if you have an opinion on whether Trad-Goth is dead I would love to hear your opinion.